STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order™ +6

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STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order™ +6

Post by Cielos »

gonna pass the RE4 remake. bought this game instead before its sequel next month.
noticed there are no auto-block cheats or mod out there, so... here we are.

NOTICE that there are no aobscans for any of the scripts, most likely this would work ONLY on the steam version.
and there'll be no updates, as obviously there will be no one asking for one.
so, if you want to replay the game on steam before the sequel comes out, enjoy~
(98.61 KiB) Downloaded 3597 times
- health can still be decreased but you won't die.

max stamina
- as title says.

max force
- as title says.

ignore force
- as title says
- you'd find 3 child scripts being activated together. it's normal.

can block/evade, attack type fetch & block/evade state switch (aka auto-block)
- when can block/evade is activated, the 2 child scripts will be activated together. it's normal.
- when you're not blocking, all attacks will be auto-blocked, even if you're attacking or the attacks are supposed to be unblock-able.
- when you're blocking manually, you'd perfect block (parry) all attacks, including the unblock-able ones.
- some attacks could still hit you occasionally when you try to dodge attacks. especially if you want to do a "perfect evade" but dodged too soon and failed.

walk key + mouse multiplier
- press and hold CapsLock key to walk.
- press CapsLock + E to activate analogue sim, Shift + E to de-activate analogue sim.
- analogue sim: slows down the turn speed to smoothen the sudden turning when moving. looks more natural when moving around, but cab be quite bothersome when in combat. hence the hotkeys to activate/de-activate the script on the fly.

that's it.

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order™ +6

Post by monarchv2 »

Thank you very much for this one Cielos, I am always looking for a table with the dodge features. Started learning to make it by myself but still a noob, so thanks for this. Hope to get more of those autoblock/dodge features in future games.

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Re: STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order™ +6

Post by jvsmbr1 »

Muito bom amigo, sempre procurei cts com auto block assim, espero que consiga fazer o mesmo para futuros jogos ;)

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Re: STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order™ +6

Post by panda1308 »

is there a godmode option that I can use without having to type in the console?

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Re: STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order™ +6

Post by Sirlancelot251 »

can you make this for jedi survivor ? the autoblock/parry please and thank you

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Re: STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order™ +6

Post by Kurei »

how do you guys even launch this game from Steam? After moving from Origin launcher to EA App, i can no longer launch this game from Steam. I can launch it if i manually run the SwGame-Win64-Shipping.exe file but the cheat table doesn't work because it is tied-up to starwarsjedifallenorder.exe process.

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Re: STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order™ +6

Post by Glowmoss »

Kurei wrote:
Sat Apr 29, 2023 11:58 am
how do you guys even launch this game from Steam? After moving from Origin launcher to EA App, i can no longer launch this game from Steam. I can launch it if i manually run the SwGame-Win64-Shipping.exe file but the cheat table doesn't work because it is tied-up to starwarsjedifallenorder.exe process.
If the process your connected to is that then replace all mentions of starwarsjedifallenorder.exe with SwGame-Win64-Shipping.exe alternatively change all mentions to $process
I don't have the game myself but it sounds like it would be better to just change the launch options in steam. Right click on the game, click properties then in launch options go and shift right click on SwGame-Win64-Shipping.exe and copy as path. Then paste that in the launch options and add %command% and it will just launch the exe directly without the store bs that you must be having issues with

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Re: STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order™ +6

Post by Kurei »

Glowmoss wrote:
Sat Apr 29, 2023 4:36 pm
If the process your connected to is that then replace all mentions of starwarsjedifallenorder.exe with SwGame-Win64-Shipping.exe alternatively change all mentions to $process
I don't have the game myself but it sounds like it would be better to just change the launch options in steam. Right click on the game, click properties then in launch options go and shift right click on SwGame-Win64-Shipping.exe and copy as path. Then paste that in the launch options and add %command% and it will just launch the exe directly without the store bs that you must be having issues with
I am able to launch the game now from Steam. I had to uninstall the game and delete manually all EA related registry entries.

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Re: STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order™ +6

Post by Kurei »

Cielos wrote:
Thu Mar 16, 2023 12:07 pm
can block/evade, attack type fetch & block/evade state switch (aka auto-block)
- when can block/evade is activated, the 2 child scripts will be activated together. it's normal.
- when you're not blocking, all attacks will be auto-blocked, even if you're attacking or the attacks are supposed to be unblock-able.
- when you're blocking manually, you'd perfect block (parry) all attacks, including the unblock-able ones.
- some attacks could still hit you occasionally when you try to dodge attacks. especially if you want to do a "perfect evade" but dodged too soon and failed.
Sir, do you have any plans in making the same table for Jedi Survivor especially the auto-block / parry?


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Re: STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order™ +6

Post by Sirlancelot251 »

playing fallen order again over survivor because of this table. love the auto block!

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Re: STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order™ +6

Post by ABOS1 »

Thanks for this. The Auto-block is awesome!!

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