Dark Sun: Shattered Lands 1.10

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Dark Sun: Shattered Lands 1.10

Post by gibberishh »

Cheat table for Dark Sun: Shattered Lands 1.10 on DosBOX 0.74-3. These have been tested on the game that has been pre-packaged by me ([Link]) to run on DosBOX (on Windows 7, but Windows version shouldn't matter). You should be able to use any other kind of install you have as long as it runs within DosBOX 0.74-3 and matches the version the table is made for.

To use, run the game in DosBOX (Darksun.exe if you download from the above link) then open the table. Or simply open the table -- it will launch the game by itself.
You can edit every stat of your character: attributes, xp, levels, race, classes, gender, spells/psionics learnt, number of spell slots, whether Turn Undead is available, ceramic pieces (money), possibly some other stuff that I am forgetting. You are not restricted to your chosen sphere: you can assign any (all) spell or psionic ability (and Turn Undead) to any character. Mage spells are available if any of your classes is Preserver. Cleric spells are available if any of your classes is a priest.
You can even change (or freeze) the number of genie wishes consumed to keep getting more wishes before the war is over.
When asked for the code upon leaving the sewers, the table will display the expected answer (only tested this for leaving the sewer to go back to the arena, not to the fields, but it should work for both exits).
You can also dis/enable in-game cheats (-K911) while the game is running.

The table allows the following hotkeys:
  • Alt+A: Set attacks to 60, movement steps to 100, and freeze these values.
  • Alt+F: Freeze # attacks and movement steps without changing their values.
  • Alt+Shift+A: Unfreeze movement steps and # attacks.
  • Alt+S: Set all spell slots at all levels to 15 and give all spells and L10 psionic abilities.
  • Ctrl+R: Restore full health and psionic points for all characters.
  • Alt+G: Freeze and allow increase of HP, Psionics, Max HP, Max Psionics, Spell Slots (effectively Godmode).
  • Alt+N will bump up the current leader's XP to 10 points below what they need to reach the next level.
    • Like the other cheats, I could have done this for all four characters but I feel it's better this way as you have the choice of bumping up one, some or all your party members.
    • This is different from the built-in cheat T in three ways: 1) it will not actually take you to the next level but you will achieve it on your next kill or quest milestone. 2) T doesn't actually increase your XP, this does. 3) T bumps up all your classes to the next level -- 3-3-3 will become 4-4-4, but this cheat only bumps up XP to what you need to achieve the next lowest level (the number shown in the View Character screen) and therefore will only increase the one class that's about to go up. So 3-3-3 will remain 3-3-3 until you kill something. Then it could become 3-4-3.
    • To quickly do this for all party members, cycle through 1 Alt+N 2 Alt+N 3 Alt+N 4 Alt+N on your keyboard while all overlay screens are off in the game.
  • Ctrl+E: all your party members will have: Bless, Prayer, Blur, Fireshield, Cloak of Bravery, Haste, Biofeedback, Free Action, Protection from Normal Missiles, Protection from Energy (Energy Containment metabolism ability), Iron Skin, Spirit Armor, Minor Globe of Invulnerability, Gaze Reflection, Mirror Images, Displacement and Mind Blank (only if you have it memorized) active on them.
    • Note that this will overwrite any effects you already have active -- beneficial and negative ones (even those coming from gear). The game allows a maximum of 72 effects across all characters + Mind Blank which is handled separately. The above combination already accounts for 16x4=64 effects + Mind Blank. After using this, you will not be able to add many more effects.
    • This does not check how many members you actually have in your party. Effects will be enabled for 4 members even if you are soloing, so despite the few number of party members you will still not be able to add many/any more spells.
    • Except for Mind Blank, other Psionic Abilities that have been enabled will check and try to re-enable themselves every round, costing some Psi points.
    • I think I have accounted for all the beneficial effects coming from gear so overwriting shouldn't matter.
  • Ctrl+Shift+E will erase all effects -- including negative ones and gear effects. After using this you can re-equip all your gear to get back to 'normal'.
  • Alt+C: Enable spellcasting even if you've taken a hit in the current round.
  • Alt+Left: Collapse all characters to reduce clutter.
Max HP will show the value generated at the last level up. It's straightforward for single-class characters but for dual- and multi-class characters it shows some aggregate number for all the classes. It is unclear how these are calculated but if you increase it, that is used as the base for calculating HP at the next level up.

Under each character, you can check the box next to Spell Slots, Spells and Psionics to expand them. Under Spell Slots, you can assign how many slots of each level you have. Under Spells, you can assign specific spells to that character by changing 0 to 1. Under Psionics, you can assign specific psionic abilities by changing 0 to 8. Note that 8 is Level 1. The ability level progresses in multiples of 8 (8-16-24) so if you want very high abilities, enter the appropriate amount.

Much better: double-click the empty value next to Spell Slots, Spells and Psionics. You can enter a number for Spell Slots and that will be how many slots you have at all levels. For Spells and Psionics, you can choose to enable all in one go. Alternately, you can also double-click the empty value next to a particular spell level/psionic type and enter 1 or 8 to enable all spells of only that level/type.

Important Note: Changing Race requires changes in 3 places: Race (Portrait), Race (Model) and Race (Text). Changes to the model will be visible only after saving/reloading the game. Changes to all other values in the table will be immediately visible in the game (close and reopen the relevant screen).
Another Note: If you download the game from the above link, update the table in that with this one. Several changes have been made since that was uploaded.
Final Note: Please excuse the weird structure of some records appearing under Experience. It's just much easier to update and maintain the table.

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
Signed cheat table, will attempt to launch "Darksun.exe" from the same folder and attach itself to Dosbox.
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Re: Dark Sun: Shattered Lands 1.10

Post by BrooklynKnight »

So I just bought the Steam Version of the game as it was on sale, and it too appears to use DosBox. Loading this Table crashed the game, and then when I reload the game, it refuses to load, the Dosbox opens and closes.....so....not quite sure what to do.

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Re: Dark Sun: Shattered Lands 1.10

Post by gibberishh »

BrooklynKnight wrote:
Mon Apr 03, 2023 1:09 am
Loading this Table crashed the game, and then when I reload the game, it refuses to load, the Dosbox opens and closes
Download and try the new table. It's been updated for the GOG version but I haven't got my hands on the Steam version to test. Can't tell for sure if it will work.
Last edited by gibberishh on Fri Jun 02, 2023 11:18 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Dark Sun: Shattered Lands 1.10

Post by BrooklynKnight »

gibberishh wrote:
Mon Apr 03, 2023 12:28 pm
BrooklynKnight wrote:
Mon Apr 03, 2023 1:09 am
Loading this Table crashed the game, and then when I reload the game, it refuses to load, the Dosbox opens and closes
Simply loading the table will not manipulate the game or memory in any way. If you changed some values in an active game (including by using hotkeys), then saved the game, you may have affected something adversely. But you have provided no details so there is no way to help you.
  • There should be no issues with starting a new game with new characters.
  • Similarly, there should be no issues with loading a slightly older save which does not have artificially changed values.
  • Before you change values, make sure the correct values are being displayed in the table. Otherwise you are playing a version that this table is not meant for.
  • There should be only one DosBox window, not two. If you see two windows, load dosbox with the -noconsole parameter.
From the way you have described it though, it sounds more like an issue with the installation or file corruption. Recommend you freshly install it to be sure.
I'll try a fresh install and try again. I have no old save games, this was all new. When I opened the CT file it opened in compact mode. The only thing I did was set it back to full mode and point ce to the correct exe file. When i tabbed back Dos box was frozen and the in game mouse was no longer moving.

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Re: Dark Sun: Shattered Lands 1.10

Post by DownTheDrain »

Can confirm that it doesn't work with the Steam version, instantly froze my game even though I didn't change anything.

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Re: Dark Sun: Shattered Lands 1.10

Post by gibberishh »

Okay. Just for my info, what version does the Steam game show? (check on the About screen)

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Re: Dark Sun: Shattered Lands 1.10

Post by DownTheDrain »

gibberishh wrote:
Sat Apr 08, 2023 8:36 am
Okay. Just for my info, what version does the Steam game show? (check on the About screen)
Honestly no idea. It doesn't show any version number for me on the exe file and in Steam it's structured in a weird way where both Dark Sun games are shown as DLCs of the Dark Sun pack.

I guess it doesn't really matter. I simply used your linked version instead as the Steam game doesn't add a whole lot except for some minor QoL stuff and possibly better sound.

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Re: Dark Sun: Shattered Lands 1.10

Post by gibberishh »

They couldn't have removed the version number from the game. If you still have the Steam game, press Tab to bring up the options screen, then click the About button. The number will be displayed at the bottom of the About box.
If they modified the code (which is apparent from your description), the cheat table won't work. There isn't anything in the table to freeze the game though so it's difficult to understand. As you say, in the end it doesn't really matter. It's just annoying.

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Re: Dark Sun: Shattered Lands 1.10

Post by SteamVictor1890 »

I can't get this one to work. I'm using the GoG version and it's labeled patch 1.1 , that enabled cloud saves. Like BrooklynKnight above the table open in compact mode but doesn't recognize the game.

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Re: Dark Sun: Shattered Lands 1.10

Post by gibberishh »

SteamVictor1890 wrote:
Wed May 03, 2023 10:12 am
I can't get this one to work. I'm using the GoG version and it's labeled patch 1.1 , that enabled cloud saves. Like BrooklynKnight above the table open in compact mode but doesn't recognize the game.
Updated the table to work with GOG also. It seems they are using a different version of Dosbox. It's 0.74, not 0.74-3. I have not played the whole GOG game using this table, only checked that values appear correctly. If there are bugs, I won't know.

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Re: Dark Sun: Shattered Lands 1.10

Post by gibberishh »

Apologies: the last table had a bug with the way Ctrl+R was coded. It was restoring psi points for everyone using the Max Psi value only from Player 1. It was a stupid copy-paste error. :( The bug has been fixed in the latest table and some other code has been significantly improved. New table available in the first post.

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