[Request] Patch Quest

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[Request] Patch Quest

Post by Wisp »

Any chance for a cheat table for the game "Patch Quest"?
The full game just released a few days ago on Steam.
I did manage to find some values myself, but the game always ended up crashing when I started messing around with it. :shock:
Maybe someone else here has more luck (and skill).
Something like Full Health and Infinite Ammo would be nice.
Thanks to anyone who tries! :D

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Re: [Request] Patch Quest

Post by randy_t »

The following assembly code write to the address of interest. Search and Nop those might have the wanted effect but I have no experience in putting those in a table.
GameAssembly.dll+53DA58 - F3 0F11 43 18 - movss [rbx+18],xmm0
GameAssembly.dll+540024 - F3 0F11 83 E8000000 - movss [rbx+000000E8],xmm0
GameAssembly.dll+4FCE54 - F3 0F11 44 81 20 - movss [rcx+rax*4+20],xmm0
[blender ammo]
GameAssembly.dll+4FE573 - F3 0F11 56 48 - movss [rsi+48],xmm2

"Patch Pins" on the other hand, I have no idea how to lock it down. The DISPLAYED charging progress is in float (0.33/0.67/1.00), and the DISPLAYED Pin is the next 4-byte in float (0/1). But editing those value only affecting displayed figure, not enabling Pin usage. I really hope some experienced players might shed some light into this.

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Re: [Request] Patch Quest

Post by Notyaruku »

I have never posted in a forum before, and am fairly new to using cheat engine, but I managed to find some addresses that work on my game, no idea how it will behave on others... :?

I'm actually using this game to teach myself how to properly make a table and not have to make every single cheat I want every time I open the game.

Feedback is apreciated. :oops:

They came from a list of over 30000 entries, so most likely not the best to use, but who knows...?
If these actually work, I'm working on HP and mount duration values
All are ammo quantity pointers, the values go from 0 to 1, so if you want max and infinite just freeze the values to 1 and it should work. The value will be 0 in camp, though, and also when you don't have a fruit equipped (but setting it to 1 works nonetheless, you won't be able to shoot something you don't have, but at least it didn't crash on me)... Also, steam version.


So, today (march 7th), the game updated and my table broke. If anyone wants to try and find values with it, I'm leaving it here, but... well, back to 0.

Edit 2:

People keep downloading the last one even though I said it's broken, so here's an update version that MAYBE will work. Could use a lot of polishing, and help with this is apreciated. As I said, still new to this and not entirely sure that what I'm doing is right.
Patch Quest 0.1.CT
Updated version, still unstable, could use some help please.
(2.01 KiB) Downloaded 142 times
Patch Quest.CT
Old version, most likely broken.
(1.51 KiB) Downloaded 97 times

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