Anyone tried to find the camera values for BOTW to enable a freecamera mod ? Tried to find X and Y but with the cemu it's hard.
I have not, but I'd be happy to try to help you. Can you describe your technique? Also, what's the goal of this mod (what would it do?)? That way, I'll know when I've achieved it.
I think they are after a free camera. That can be moved e.g. Position of the camera instead of position if the player. This can lead to good photos and screenshots
Anyone tried to find the camera values for BOTW to enable a freecamera mod ? Tried to find X and Y but with the cemu it's hard.
I have not, but I'd be happy to try to help you. Can you describe your technique? Also, what's the goal of this mod (what would it do?)? That way, I'll know when I've achieved it.
Yepp like mflvs said. We are after a freecamera and a fov toggle for Zelda BOTW. Would love to make some Art of that game and take some screenshots. Scan the game and see if you can find the camera value for the game. The keys should be Numpad 8 Up Forward, Numpad 2 Down, Numpad 4 Left, Numpad 6 right and then the Arrow keys to rotate the camera .
Just thought that someone wiser can do this since i tried yesterday without any luck.
Any progress? I want to hurt myself over this. Cannot figure it out. From what I read, it likely has something to do with registers. I tried following the CE tutorial (#9), but it doesn't explain HOW to do it - it just says to do
ive checked cant use the same process i normally use as they, for me enemy health and link health use two slightly diffrent op codes.
am still checking
e.g. on the game doom, the enemies and the player use the same opcode / function to decrease health and they tag the enemies and the player with an identifier. this isnt the case with botw and cemu as far as i can see
Hi there ! It seems some other factor than Cemu version / Game version / Game region is likely to affect theses offsets.
A few weeks ago I tried some of the offsets you provided and had some working, some not (I was using Cemu 1.7.4d with botw 1.1.2 EU under Windows 8.1).
Since then I changed my computer and I am now under Windows 10, and none of the offsets that were working before do now, with the exact same version of cemu / botw, but windows 10 instead of 8.1 !
As a example I was previously able to find the air jump offset with this :
45 89 B4 35 E0 01 00 00 41 8B 74 2D 0C 0F CE 41
Now I can't even find anything starting with 45 89 B4 35 E0 01
For health I add this one working : 41 0F CE 45 89 74 3D 00 41 8B 4C 2D 00 0F C9 89
Now I can't find it anymore.
I tried with (all under windows 10) :
- Cemu 1.7.4d botw 1.1.2 EU
- Cemu 1.7.4d botw 1.1.1 EU
- Cemu 1.7.4d botw 1.1.0 EU
- Cemu 1.7.4d botw 1.1.2 USA
- Cemu 1.7.5 botw 1.1.2 EU
- Cemu 1.8.0 botw 1.2.0 EU
I don't really know how you managed to find these particular offsets in the first place, or I would have done that and found the new values by myself.