Prey 2017

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Re: Prey 2017

Post by Otis_Inf »

ETA3minutes wrote:
Tue May 23, 2017 8:59 am
Update 1.03 is officially released. No push, but, would there be an update on table?
ugh... I see I have to update the camera tools then too. (the not-AOB scanned offsets likely, the rest should move over properly now)

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Prey 2017

Post by Otis_Inf »

SunBeam wrote:
Tue May 23, 2017 12:35 pm
You can use AOBs too for the non-AOB :D Just implement a function that calculates the x64 address (can provide that), then just scan for an AOB where that static is used ;)
Heh yeah I know. I have implemented that function somewhere in a Assassin's creed syndicate cheat table (the timestop one), I haven't bothered to update my AOB scanner to pull values from blocks that way, but I guess I have to do that to avoid updating the stuff every time (the rest works without problems). :)

supersampling in v1.0.3:

Code: Select all

;0000000140FC3FF0 | 41 F7 F8                 | idiv r8d                        
;0000000140FC3FF3 | 44 8B C0                 | mov r8d,eax                     
;0000000140FC3FF6 | 8B C1                    | mov eax,ecx                     
;0000000140FC3FF8 | 8B 0D 7A E7 4E 01        | mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[1424B2778]	<< Supersampling read
;0000000140FC3FFE | 99                       | cdq                             
;0000000140FC3FFF | F7 FF                    | idiv edi                        
;0000000140FC4001 | 44 3B C0                 | cmp r8d,eax                     
;0000000140FC4004 | 41 0F 4C C0              | cmovl eax,r8d                   
;0000000140FC4008 | 83 F9 01                 | cmp ecx,1                       
;0000000140FC400B | 7D 07                    | jge prey_dump.140FC4014         
;0000000140FC400D | B8 01 00 00 00           | mov eax,1                       
;0000000140FC4012 | EB 05                    | jmp prey_dump.140FC4019         
;0000000140FC4014 | 3B C8                    | cmp ecx,eax                     
;0000000140FC4016 | 0F 4C C1                 | cmovl eax,ecx                   
;0000000140FC4019 | 39 83 F4 F3 00 00        | cmp dword ptr ds:[rbx+F3F4],eax 
;0000000140FC401F | 74 13                    | je prey_dump.140FC4034          
;0000000140FC4021 | 89 83 F4 F3 00 00        | mov dword ptr ds:[rbx+F3F4],eax 
;0000000140FC4027 | B0 01                    | mov al,1                        
;0000000140FC4029 | 48 8B 5C 24 30           | mov rbx,qword ptr ss:[rsp+30]   
;0000000140FC402E | 48 83 C4 20              | add rsp,20                      
;0000000140FC4032 | 5F                       | pop rdi                         
;0000000140FC4033 | C3                       | ret                             
;0000000140FC4034 | 32 C0                    | xor al,al                       
;0000000140FC4036 | 48 8B 5C 24 30           | mov rbx,qword ptr ss:[rsp+30]   
;0000000140FC403B | 48 83 C4 20              | add rsp,20                      
;0000000140FC403F | 5F                       | pop rdi                         
;0000000140FC4040 | C3                       | ret   
sys_flash read: (hud toggle)

Code: Select all

;0000000146F06D30 | 48 89 74 24 10           | mov qword ptr ss:[rsp+10],rsi 
;0000000146F06D35 | 57                       | push rdi                      
;0000000146F06D36 | 48 83 EC 20              | sub rsp,20                    
;0000000146F06D3A | 83 3D 2B 46 48 FB 00     | cmp dword ptr ds:[14238B36C],0	<< sys_flash read
;0000000146F06D41 | 0F B6 F2                 | movzx esi,dl                  
;0000000146F06D44 | 48 89 CF                 | mov rdi,rcx                   
;0000000146F06D47 | 74 2E                    | je prey_dump.146F06D77        
;0000000146F06D49 | 48 8B 81 C8 00 00 00     | mov rax,qword ptr ds:[rcx+C8] 
;0000000146F06D50 | 48 89 5C 24 30           | mov qword ptr ss:[rsp+30],rbx 
;0000000146F06D55 | 48 8B 58 38              | mov rbx,qword ptr ds:[rax+38] 
;0000000146F06D59 | 48 8B 01                 | mov rax,qword ptr ds:[rcx]    
;0000000146F06D5C | FF 10                    | call qword ptr ds:[rax]       
;0000000146F06D5E | 48 8B 03                 | mov rax,qword ptr ds:[rbx]    
;0000000146F06D61 | 48 8D 57 08              | lea rdx,qword ptr ds:[rdi+8]  
;0000000146F06D65 | 44 0F B6 C6              | movzx r8d,sil                 
;0000000146F06D69 | 48 89 D9                 | mov rcx,rbx                   
;0000000146F06D6C | FF 90 68 03 00 00        | call qword ptr ds:[rax+368]   
;0000000146F06D72 | 48 8B 5C 24 30           | mov rbx,qword ptr ss:[rsp+30] 
;0000000146F06D77 | 48 8B 74 24 38           | mov rsi,qword ptr ss:[rsp+38] 
;0000000146F06D7C | 48 83 C4 20              | add rsp,20                    
;0000000146F06D80 | 5F                       | pop rdi                       
;0000000146F06D81 | C3                       | ret    

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Re: Prey 2017

Post by LCHLH »

SunBeam wrote:
Fri May 05, 2017 7:03 pm
° Inventory Items °

Open inventory, break here:


Then click on an item. When CE breaks, "rcx+54" holds your amount :P
Apologies if this is already answered or in a table somewhere, but is there a way to automate this process?

"rcx+54" is (for me) always at Prey.exe+003EDC0, and running "Find out what addresses this instruction accesses" while clicking around will list the items well enough; but is there a script to pass this address to a list entry?

I know this sort of thing is used in other tables and such, but my knowledge of aobscan, assembly, and really all sort of CE scripting is null, so even reverse-engineering something from a different table is hard/impossible...

Anyways, thank you for the hard work, it's very much appreciated.

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Re: Prey 2017

Post by railbeast »

Thanks for this! Can we expect an update for 1.3?

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Re: Prey 2017

Post by railbeast »

You are amazing, thank you for the quick response! :)

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Re: Prey 2017

Post by ray2160 »

here I'm sharing with you today

Item Multiplier
Mission Timer / Rescue Dr Lgwe ect.

works with v1.0.0.0
(4.89 KiB) Downloaded 187 times

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Re: Prey 2017

Post by glaide »

SunBeam wrote:
Sun May 28, 2017 2:01 am
^ Thanks for the table. The only downside of that mission alone is the guys in Air Support (or whatever it was) get a nice visit from a Nightmare and one of them will die (if not all). No matter how you do it, if you go back to that map, someone's dead :) Not sure if that bug was fixed.
Vibrating with excite for the new table for 1.03 so I can have a second play through n mess with the game. Thank you for your past and current work!

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Re: Prey 2017

Post by jonasbeckman »

Update 1.04 entered beta yesterday and was released on the public branch a few hours ago, seems to be some quest related fixes and a variety of bugs fixes as well.

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Re: Prey 2017

Post by jonasbeckman »

Nice to hear, real life has to take priority of course and at least the game isn't like some of those early access projects that release patches on a daily basis. :D

The game isn't that buggy either but the developers aren't using the Steam beta client opt-in for maintaining earlier builds so once the game is updated it's not always easy to downgrade again.

Though not many are using it for this in the first place but instead there's alternate methods for downloading earlier depot versions. - [Link]
(Haven't tested this myself yet though.)

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Re: Prey 2017

Post by neuronek »

Hi, I tried running the lua under 1.04, I even removed all syntax checking from the table but it just won't start on the steam version.
Is there something that needs to be turned on specifically in CE 6.6 ?

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Re: Prey 2017

Post by neuronek »

Thanks a bunch, it worked like a charm! :)

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Re: Prey 2017

Post by mgr.inz.Player »

@SunBeam, great table. Nice use of PrintText function.

Trick you can use in AA scripts when you want Lua part executed but whole AA not activated.

Code: Select all



if not syntaxcheck then
  KeyExecLua( getAddress( "normaltimedilation" ) )
  PrintMessageLua( "Game Speed back to normal." )


PS: current hotkeys aren't good when someone want to use item amount editor. Better change it to CTRL+numeric X, or SHIFT+numeric X

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Re: Prey 2017

Post by Sauce »

Did anyone have any luck getting the fabricator replacement script/table working on later versions of Prey? Specifically 1.03, but stories of 1.04 are nice as well I'm sure for others.

I realize it was probably written with 1.00 in mind, but you never know what addresses will stick around.

I trimmed down the possible addresses in the table because I didn't need half of the items (didn't want a jumbled mess in game with items from beta), was this my mistake? I mostly just wanted the weapons, but no matter what I do, it doesn't add items to the fabricator, and the existing items I have in the fabricator all make neuromods, instead of what I try to make, which I don't even have in my list.

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Re: Prey 2017

Post by Domar »

Although I think it may be impossible, I would absolutely love a code that spawns Friendly Military Operators nearby, just suddenly make 50 robots shooting lasers at your enemies, y'know?

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Re: Prey 2017

Post by Kaymar333 »

SunBeam wrote:
Fri May 05, 2017 3:44 pm
° Neuromods °

All can be queried here:


The highlighted CALL returns the base address for Neuromods here:



So I added address to the list, changed value to what I wanted and bam:


Script later (or never) :P Depends on my mood :)

189 Neuromods (in total)

So I`m confused, what do i do?

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