Gonna start a new impossible save and see if I can see what bytes it changes when you die. Perhaps reverting them can get a save back from hard.
EDIT: Seems like its the SaveSlots file. I wonder if just having an impossible one in there, and swapping the save with an older one would work. Going to test that now.
READ THE WHOLE TEXT POST BEFORE ATTEMPTING. BACK UP YOUR SAVES. yup that worked. Download this file, extract the SaveSlots file, place it in
Code: Select all
C:\Users\[your username]\Documents\Dead Space (2023)\settings\steam
and rename your SG0X-XX.sav to
SG02-68.sav. Load into the menu, go to load game, your first slot should be impossible difficulty.
Don't load this. Back out to the main menu and press continue. Immediately save. Exit the game and start again. Press continue from the main menu. Let me know if that works for you.
EDIT 3: for good measure, probably delete any other saves through the save menu in game. (I HAVE NO IDEA IF THIS WILL WORK IN THE FINAL SCENE)