Dying Light

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Re: Dying Light the following Enhanced Edition Steam v1.16.0 Community Cheat Table

Post by TimFun13 »

ray2160 wrote:
Sat Mar 31, 2018 11:25 pm
that's basically camouflage make sure you have unlimited camouflage selected

P.S. if you shoot a gun you will no longer be camouflaged
If you NOP these then it won't end when firing or running and what not.

Code: Select all

AOB: F3xxxxxxxx0F57xx48xxxxxxxx48xxxx48xxxxxxxxxxxxF3xxxxxxxxF3xxxxxxxxF3xxxxxx0F2Fxx72xx0F28xxF3xxxxxxxx48xxxxxxxxxx
AOB Offset: +2D
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05AF8:  74 17                       -  je 7FEEA108521                     
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05AFA:  48 8B 10                    -  mov rdx,[rax]                      
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05AFD:  48 8B C8                    -  mov rcx,rax                        
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B00:  FF 92 88090000              -  call qword ptr [rdx+00000988]      
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B06:  84 C0                       -  test al,al                         
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B08:  48 8B 05 31B80401           -  mov rax,[7FEEB153D50]              [88A31BE0]
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B0F:  74 07                       -  je 7FEEA108528                     
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B11:  48 8B 87 280E0000           -  mov rax,[rdi+00000E28]             
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B18:  48 8B 80 D0000000           -  mov rax,[rax+000000D0]             
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B1F:  F3 0F10 53 14               -  movss xmm2,[rbx+14]                <<<--- AOB Starts Here
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B24:  0F57 C9                     -  xorps xmm1,xmm1                    
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B27:  48 8B 7C 24 30              -  mov rdi,[rsp+30]                   
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B2C:  48 8B 08                    -  mov rcx,[rax]                      
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B2F:  48 8B 81 80030000           -  mov rax,[rcx+00000380]             
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B36:  F3 0F10 40 08               -  movss xmm0,[rax+08]                
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B3B:  F3 0F59 43 10               -  mulss xmm0,[rbx+10]                
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B40:  F3 0F5C D0                  -  subss xmm2,xmm0                    
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B44:  0F2F D1                     -  comiss xmm2,xmm1                   
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B47:  72 03                       -  jb 7FEEA10855C                     
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B49:  0F28 CA                     -  movaps xmm1,xmm2                   
////  INJECTING START  ----------------------------------------------------------
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B4C:  F3 0F11 4B 14               -  movss [rbx+14],xmm1                
////  INJECTING END  ----------------------------------------------------------
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B51:  48 83 C4 20                 -  add rsp,20                         
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B55:  5B                          -  pop rbx                            
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B56:  C3                          -  ret                                
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B57:  CC                          -  int 3                              
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B58:  CC                          -  int 3                              
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B59:  CC                          -  int 3                              
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B5A:  CC                          -  int 3                              
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B5B:  CC                          -  int 3                              
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B5C:  CC                          -  int 3                              
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B5D:  CC                          -  int 3                              
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B5E:  CC                          -  int 3                              
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B5F:  CC                          -  int 3                              
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B60:  48 89 5C 24 10              -  mov [rsp+10],rbx                   
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B65:  56                          -  push rsi                           
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B66:  48 83 EC 20                 -  sub rsp,20                         
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B6A:  48 8B 05 AFC00401           -  mov rax,[7FEEB154630]              [080DB280]
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B71:  48 8B F1                    -  mov rsi,rcx                        
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B74:  48 8B DA                    -  mov rbx,rdx                        
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B77:  48 8B 88 480B0000           -  mov rcx,[rax+00000B48]             
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05B7E:  48 85 C9                    -  test rcx,rcx      

Code: Select all

AOB: 48xxxxxxxxxxxx48xxxxxxxxxxxx0F57xx48xxxxxxxx48xxxx48xxxxxxxxxxxxF3xxxxxxxx0F2Fxx77xx0F28xxF3xxxxxxxxF3xxxxxxxxF3xxxxxx0F2Fxx72xx0F28xxF3xxxxxxxx48xxxxxxxxxx
AOB Offset: +48
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05A6C:  FF 92 88090000              -  call qword ptr [rdx+00000988]      
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05A72:  84 C0                       -  test al,al                         
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05A74:  48 8B 05 C5B80401           -  mov rax,[7FEEA4B3D50]              [88F3BA50]
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05A7B:  74 07                       -  je 7FEE9468494                     
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05A7D:  48 8B 87 280E0000           -  mov rax,[rdi+00000E28]             <<<--- AOB Starts Here
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05A84:  48 8B 80 D0000000           -  mov rax,[rax+000000D0]             
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05A8B:  0F57 C0                     -  xorps xmm0,xmm0                    
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05A8E:  48 8B 7C 24 30              -  mov rdi,[rsp+30]                   
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05A93:  48 8B 08                    -  mov rcx,[rax]                      
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05A96:  48 8B 81 88030000           -  mov rax,[rcx+00000388]             
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05A9D:  F3 0F10 48 08               -  movss xmm1,[rax+08]                
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05AA2:  0F2F C8                     -  comiss xmm1,xmm0                   
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05AA5:  77 03                       -  ja 7FEE94684BA                     
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05AA7:  0F28 C8                     -  movaps xmm1,xmm0                   
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05AAA:  F3 0F59 4B 10               -  mulss xmm1,[rbx+10]                
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05AAF:  F3 0F10 53 14               -  movss xmm2,[rbx+14]                
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05AB4:  F3 0F5C D1                  -  subss xmm2,xmm1                    
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05AB8:  0F2F D0                     -  comiss xmm2,xmm0                   
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05ABB:  72 03                       -  jb 7FEE94684D0                     
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05ABD:  0F28 C2                     -  movaps xmm0,xmm2                   
////  INJECTING START  ----------------------------------------------------------
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05AC0:  F3 0F11 43 14               -  movss [rbx+14],xmm0                
////  INJECTING END  ----------------------------------------------------------
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05AC5:  48 83 C4 20                 -  add rsp,20                         
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05AC9:  5B                          -  pop rbx                            
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05ACA:  C3                          -  ret                                
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05ACB:  CC                          -  int 3                              
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05ACC:  CC                          -  int 3                              
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05ACD:  CC                          -  int 3                              
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05ACE:  CC                          -  int 3                              
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05ACF:  CC                          -  int 3                              
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05AD0:  40 53                       -  push rbx                           
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05AD2:  48 83 EC 20                 -  sub rsp,20                         
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05AD6:  48 8B 01                    -  mov rax,[rcx]                      
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05AD9:  48 8B D9                    -  mov rbx,rcx                        
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05ADC:  FF 50 28                    -  call qword ptr [rax+28]            
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05ADF:  84 C0                       -  test al,al                         
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05AE1:  74 6E                       -  je 7FEE9468561                     
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05AE3:  48 8B 03                    -  mov rax,[rbx]                      
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05AE6:  48 8B CB                    -  mov rcx,rbx                        
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05AE9:  48 89 7C 24 30              -  mov [rsp+30],rdi                   
gamedll_x64_rwdi.ShutdownGameScriptDLL+C05AEE:  FF 50 20                    -  call qword ptr [rax+20]

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Dying Light

Post by ray2160 »

thank you army of One

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Re: Dying Light the following Enhanced Edition Steam v1.16.0 Community Cheat Table

Post by niebaum »

ray2160 wrote:
Sat Mar 31, 2018 11:25 pm
niebaum wrote:
Sat Mar 31, 2018 8:02 pm
The Unlimited Potion Duration doesn't work properly, in this specific case I'm refering to the Cloak Potion
that's basically camouflage make sure you have unlimited camouflage selected
Interesting, never thought about using that option for the Cloak Potion, I thought it was just for the actual camouflage that you get from dead zombies by holding V in the body, thanks for the heads up.

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Re: Dying Light

Post by xXRandyXx »

On the backpack editor Is there a way to modify the weapon to add special abilities light fire/lightning/freezing?

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Dying Light

Post by jedi9985 »

Backpack editor no longer seems to work. The item swapping component at least. It fails to generate a list of items for me.

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Dying Light

Post by Kawena1 »

[QUOTE="jedi9985, post: 46068, member: 17343"]Backpack editor no longer seems to work. The item swapping component at least. It fails to generate a list of items for me.[/QUOTE]


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Dying Light

Post by Nick »

[QUOTE="ray2160, post: 7388, member: 325"][B]Dying Light the following Enhanced Edition Steam v1.16.0 Community Cheat Table[/B]

here's the table for the current steam version of Dying Light the following

Dying Light the following Enhanced Edition Steam v1.16.0 Community Cheat Table

[B]Updated:[/B] 3/30/2018

[B]added:[/B] Weapon In Safe Zone and few more Hunter options



VAC (Valve Anti-Cheat System) was enabled for Dying Light on the 29th of January 2016

make sure to go to options to disable it before using table


this table is designed for single player and LAN line party

[B]Thanks/Credits to[/B]

all credit goes to [B]vng21092[/B] for his table

this table is based off of his plus stuff that I have worked on enjoy :D

all credit goes to [B]akumakuja28[/B] for Time of Day (thank you)

all credit goes to [B]mgr.inz.Player[/B] for Weapon Cloning (thank you)

Simple "Weapon Cloning" (guns and melee).

1. activate the script

2. drop weapon

3. you should have weapon clone on the ground and original in backpack.

4. if you have upgraded and modified weapons, cloned weapon will also be upgraded&modified

[B]how to reset money back to reasonable amount?[/B]

just open up the script and change

[code]mov [rbx+40],9999999[/code]

to whatever like so

[code]mov [rbx+40],2932[/code]

then once when you have changed it check the box open inventory to change cash to that amount you set

Camouflage [B]just read what it says[/B]

it says this: Unlimited Camouflage (activate script camouflage self) Off/On = P

that means find a dead zombie and choose camouflage instead of search and then it will last as long as you have the script active



backpack error message

try this

thats normal because sometimes the weapon pointer doesnt get activated right away when u start the game leave the script on then climb and object then press update if you get error 23 then u need to turn off then back on then press update again


[B]stuff that I added to the table:[/B]

Instant Cooldown Flare/Airstrike ect.

Grappling Hook Instant Cooldown

Unlimited Camouflage

Challenge Time Freeze / Bozak Horde / The Following / Gaining Cradence

Hunter Shoot A Spit Instant Cooldown

Car Flamethrower Instant Cooldown

Unlimited Gas

Infinite Nitro

The Button Instant Cooldown

Instant LVL Agility/Power/Legend/Driver/Level Of Trust/Survivor Rank

Challenge CheckPoint Instantly Collect

Infinite Health


Weapon In Safe Zone

Hunter UV light Resistant

Hunter Slam

Hunter Heal Yourself


[B]Table Options:[/B]


Simple Time of Day Adjuster

Infinite Health

Instant Kill

Instant Cooldown Flares

Infinite Stamina

Infinite Crafting Items

Unlimited Potion Duration

Free Blueprint Requirements

Indestructible Weapons

Infinite Ammo

Infinite Throwables / Weapon Upgrades

Infinite UV Flashlight

Easy Lock Picking

Grappling Hook Instant Cooldown

The Button Instant Cooldown

Unlimited Gas

Infinite Nitro

Car Flamethrower Instant Cooldown

Instant "Hold" Actions

Weapon In Safe Zone

Unlimited Camouflage

ZombiesDie (Kills zombies when they get in range)

Weapon Cloning

Super Jump

Walk Speed

Teleport Preset / Player Location

Challenges / Time Freeze Options

Challenge CheckPoint Instantly Collect

Backpack Editor

Instant LVL Agility/Power/Legend/Driver/Level Of Trust

Survivor Rank

Hunter Shoot A Spit Instant Cooldown

Hunter UV light Resistant

Hunter Slam

Hunter Heal Yourself



Hey, so I was using this updated CT and the backpack editor was working fine yesterday (June 15 2018) but didn't work for me today (June 16 2018). It kept giving me an error message, is there anything I can do?


[QUOTE="Nick, post: 49539, member: 18649"]Hey, so I was using this updated CT and the backpack editor was working fine yesterday (June 15 2018) but didn't work for me today (June 16 2018). It kept giving me an error message, is there anything I can do?[/QUOTE]

Specifically the item swapper
Last edited by Nick on Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Dying Light

Post by Vikingar90 »

I cant seem to get the backpack editor to work. Any advice?

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Dying Light

Post by kalitbartman »

is there a way for me to edit ZombiesDie (Kills zombies when they get in range) so the zombies have to be closer to me to die

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Re: Dying Light

Post by kokoZz »

hi, is it possible to reduce Legend level back to reasonable volume after accidentally instant rising?
ability points didn't used yet

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Re: Dying Light

Post by Ganondorf »

For some reason I can't get Instant LVL Agility/Power/Legend/Driver/Level Of Trust to activate while Instant LVL Survivor Rank does activate and works perfectly fine...

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Re: Dying Light

Post by kribir »

Hello, my game is freezing when i activate any cheat. Trainers, CE, etc.

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Re: Dying Light

Post by killerkrok555 »

created a script for infinite tries for the bozak horde mode for those who want to farm the dockets easily, just use this glitch: for the dockets.
with my script enabled and buda bim buda boom you got a way to farm dockets forever.

The Script:

Code: Select all

{ Game   : DyingLightGame.exe
  Date   : 2019-11-22
  Author : killerkrok555

  i suggest using it for infinite bozak coins


aobscanmodule(InfTries,gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll,FF 8B 8C 00 00 00)

  db 90 90 90 90 90 90


  db FF 8B 8C 00 00 00


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+37DFF9

"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+37DFD0: 40 53                          -  push rbx
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+37DFD2: 48 83 EC 20                    -  sub rsp,20
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+37DFD6: 80 B9 48 01 00 00 00           -  cmp byte ptr [rcx+00000148],00
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+37DFDD: 48 8B D9                       -  mov rbx,rcx
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+37DFE0: 0F 85 8A 00 00 00              -  jne gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll+37E070
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+37DFE6: 83 79 6C FF                    -  cmp dword ptr [rcx+6C],-01
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+37DFEA: 0F 84 80 00 00 00              -  je gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll+37E070
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+37DFF0: E8 FB 02 00 00                 -  call gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll+37E2F0
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+37DFF5: 84 C0                          -  test al,al
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+37DFF7: 74 77                          -  je gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll+37E070
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+37DFF9: FF 8B 8C 00 00 00              -  dec [rbx+0000008C]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+37DFFF: C6 83 48 01 00 00 01           -  mov byte ptr [rbx+00000148],01
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+37E006: 79 0D                          -  jns gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll+37E015
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+37E008: 48 8B CB                       -  mov rcx,rbx
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+37E00B: 48 83 C4 20                    -  add rsp,20
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+37E00F: 5B                             -  pop rbx
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+37E010: E9 3B 2E 00 00                 -  jmp gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll+380E50
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+37E015: 83 7B 78 02                    -  cmp dword ptr [rbx+78],02
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+37E019: 75 15                          -  jne gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll+37E030
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+37E01B: 48 8B 0D 66 E9 8E 01           -  mov rcx,[gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll+1C6C988]
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+37E022: 45 33 C0                       -  xor r8d,r8d

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Re: Dying Light

Post by killerkrok555 »

created and inf xp for hunter mode:

Code: Select all

{ Game   : DyingLightGame.exe
  Date   : 2019-11-23
  Author : killerkrok555

  for the guys who want a quick level up


aobscanmodule(hunterxp,gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll,01 79 08 48 8B 0D 19 D1 03 01) // should be unique



  //add [rcx+08],edi
  add [rcx+08],(int)9999999
  mov rcx,[gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll+1C6C9D0]
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 5


  db 01 79 08 48 8B 0D 19 D1 03 01


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+C2F8AD

"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+C2F886: 48 8B 48 58              -  mov rcx,[rax+58]
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+C2F88A: 48 85 C9                 -  test rcx,rcx
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+C2F88D: 74 09                    -  je gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll+C2F898
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+C2F88F: 48 8B 01                 -  mov rax,[rcx]
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+C2F892: FF 90 38 08 00 00        -  call qword ptr [rax+00000838]
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+C2F898: 48 8B 4B 40              -  mov rcx,[rbx+40]
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+C2F89C: 0F B7 41 14              -  movzx eax,word ptr [rcx+14]
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+C2F8A0: 66 39 41 16              -  cmp [rcx+16],ax
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+C2F8A4: 0F 86 85 01 00 00        -  jbe gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll+C2FA2F
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+C2F8AA: 8B 51 08                 -  mov edx,[rcx+08]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+C2F8AD: 01 79 08                 -  add [rcx+08],edi
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+C2F8B0: 48 8B 0D 19 D1 03 01     -  mov rcx,[gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll+1C6C9D0]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+C2F8B7: 48 85 C9                 -  test rcx,rcx
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+C2F8BA: 74 1B                    -  je gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll+C2F8D7
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+C2F8BC: 48 8B 89 80 02 00 00     -  mov rcx,[rcx+00000280]
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+C2F8C3: 48 85 C9                 -  test rcx,rcx
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+C2F8C6: 74 0F                    -  je gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll+C2F8D7
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+C2F8C8: 48 8B 01                 -  mov rax,[rcx]
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+C2F8CB: 45 33 C9                 -  xor r9d,r9d
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+C2F8CE: 44 8B C7                 -  mov r8d,edi
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+C2F8D1: FF 90 70 06 00 00        -  call qword ptr [rax+00000670]
"gamedll_x64_rwdi.dll"+C2F8D7: 48 8B 43 40              -  mov rax,[rbx+40]

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Re: Dying Light

Post by LoneStrider »

So which table is the latest working table?

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