Terraria +11 +tutorial how to make time flow faster

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Terraria +11 +tutorial how to make time flow faster

Post by STN »

So hi this is my table for Terraria it probably wont work on steam version. (but you can still ask me and i make it work also for steam version).

Also this table only work in single player or coop or when you have dedicated server running on your computer otherwise it wont work.

Features: -infinite health -checks for your max health and you wont lose it
-add rocket boots -add rocket boots so you can fly(just hold space bar)
-infinite rocket boots fuel -fly with boots forever(may work only with cheated boots)
-infinite mana -(you must have 200 or more mana when activate - otherwise may crash)
-alway crits with melee -customize chance to get a critical strike(default 100%)
-alway crits with range -customize chance to get a critical
strike(default 100%)
-alway crits with magic -customize chance to get a critical strike(default 100%)
-water walking -walk on water(dont active it while you under water - may crash)
-no Fall damage -no fall damage ....... surprisingly
-power run -make you run hell fast (may not work without any boots on)
-Rapid debuff decrements -when you drink a health potion the distance between drinking another one decrease 10x faster (you can custom the multiplayer)

IF some features wont work let me know that in comment or in message.

Tutorial how to make time flow faster:

I would put it into my trainer but for some reason it wont work on other computers

1) select scan type double and unknown initial value - then new scan

2) return to the game and wait little bit and then make next scan increased value - repeat this process until you get approximately 2000 values/addresses

3) the number what are we looking for should be something between 0 - 6000 and it wont be the decimal number so it will be "good looking" number

4)next find out what writes to this address(ritght clicking on it) - return to the game and make sure that value increase.

5) you should have something like this fstp qword ptr [00136688] click on it once and then click on show diassembler

6) move exactly two lines up there should be instruction with comment: [00000001] and in opcode will be fild dword ptr [some number].

7) then dont close diassembler and go back to Cheat engine and click Add address manually - add the address which was mentioned in 6 step [some number] but without parentheses

8 ) when you do it right there should be 1 in the value of address next again click on the new address and find out what write to this address and unpause the game

9) there should be only one instruction so click once on it and then show diassembler

10) click on Tools -----> auto assemble in new window click on template ---> cheat table framework code and then again Template ----> code injections hit ok

11)make sure you comment anything what is under ORIGINALCODE:
it should be something like this mov [some Number],00000001
then go under NEVMEM: and write mov [some Number <-- the one from this step],00064

12) then click File -----> assign to the current cheat table

And you are done just activate the script if you want to to make time flow 100x faster.
You can also custime how much you want to to flow time faster. Just double-click on the word script and under Newmem: change 0000064 to some other number. JUST REMEMBER TO WRITE IN HEXADECIMALS.

If you have any trouble doing this just post comment or write me a massage.

Made by weseli99

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
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