Assassin's Creed Valhalla Skill Points need Help

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Assassin's Creed Valhalla Skill Points need Help

Post by DawnDN »

Howdy folks,

So I did something stupid and gave myself like 800+ skill points (just had XP multiplier on and did one mission).
Now I'm max level (which was my intention). Now I have like 3 missions which are 300+ levels above my (max) level. And I think it's because I have 300 skill points left which I can't spent because I am already max level. Now I can't play those missions since they are 2 difficult with a difference of 300 levels. I tried to delete those unused skill points with a table, but it doesn't update it. I tried to delete those points, get a level up to update it, I tried to save the game right after I deleted them, etc.. Nothing worked. Any suggestions?

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