High on Life - "Shoot anyone, anywhere" cheat table

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High on Life - "Shoot anyone, anywhere" cheat table

Post by Hypn »

Game: High on Life (Steam)
Version: not sure :/ Jan 2023
Store page:



* Shoot Anyone
Allows you to fire your weapons, even when aimed at a friendly NPC.

* Shoot Anywhere
Allows you to fire your weapons, even when inside your house or the shop etc.
Note: this messes with the portal level selection, so disable it temporarily for that.

* Ignore Fuel
Lets you slide/jetpack indefinitely, without using fuel.

* Ignore Height Limit
Lets you jetpack as high as you want, without going into "hover" mode (will still show a "hover" warning on your HUD and make a noise unless you enable to two extra cheats under this one)


How I found these: lots of scrolling through "Enumerate DLL's and Symbols" :P

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
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Re: High on Life - "Shoot anyone, anywhere" cheat table

Post by petewithacheat »

Great! I tried it on the Gamepass version, but could not get it to work. Do you know how the .CT could be adapted to it?

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