Set Stamina To Max
Set Health To Max
Set Energy To Max
Set Armor To Massive
Set ArmorVis To Massive
Set Cold Armor To Massive
Set Stealth To Massive
Set Fullness To Max
Set Thirst To Max
[InventoryItem] (Activate: Mouseover Item)
Unlimited Items (Activate: Pickup One Item)
Set Sel Item To Massive
Set Sel Item Capacity To Massive
[PhysicalStrengthData] (Activate: Enter Stats Page)
EDIT: You need to turn off the Cheat Itself "[InventoryItem] (Activate: Enter Inventory)", and yes I realize I have the Unlimited Items Cheat there so It's kind of a pain but you can move it out of there and then disable the InventoryItem one and just use the Unlimited Items.