First of...pretty sure I'm doing this image attachment thing wrong. The img tag didn't seem to work when I hit the Preview button. So, sorry for the bunch of links, I'm new here :/
So, I spent a day testing all the unknowns one by one, found some interesting things.
The Hair Type code, somehow added points to Attacking Position when I used certain numbers. Other than that, it works fine.
For example: Martin Odegaard's hair number is 257, but if I use 257 with another player (or other even numbers) the Att. Pos. number changed, so I used 256 (is the same hair) and it worked without messing with other stats.
I found a value that had something to do with height, it was 60 for the player, but when I changed to 5 the player looked like a litte kid.
There was one that when changed added or subtracted to the player value. My player was worth 3,1mi, the code value was 6. I changed the code value to 3 and his price dropped to 1mi.
Not sure what the last code is, but, when I messed with it, the player beard disappeared.
[Link] [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link]
Forgot to mention, I found that some of the Unknown codes were for the Keeper Gloves, Shirt Sleeves, Prefered Foot and some weird thing that looked like it gave my player eyeliner or something. Is in one of those pictures in the links. That was a code that only allowed you to put 0,1 2 or 3 but I did not see any graphic change in the player.
Also, while I was testing the hair type codes, I found a bunch of hidden hairs as well as some of the default ones. Gonna put a link with
the pictures and codes of some of them here, in case someone doesn't want to test all the 300 Id numbers.
Hello friend, where do I find the code line to change my hair?
can't combine 2 Commentary ID with First and Last name ID?
example Lucas ID 15672 and Fernández ID 8514?
2 ID name have Commentary in list create player