Remember Me +7 (Update5)

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Remember Me +7 (Update5)

Post by STN »

- added Inf. Pick-Socket
took a break and play some more tonight, and added three more scripts.
- added Slow Motion script
- added Heal with Full Health script
- added Level Up script
- added Inf. Ammo
- added Ammo pointer
- added PMP pointer
- updated Undead script to use lesser code caves
- added Inf. Focus Gauge
- added S-Pressen Instant Cooldown
- added Focus Gauge pointer
- added keys pointer
- missed a jmp in the Undead script, it works as it should now.
- updated Undead script.

- Undead
health still drops in battle but you won't be killed.
health won't drop below 100 when taking damage outside of battle

- Heal with Full Health SAT Hatches
press and hold E, then approach an SAT Hatch.
this script just set your health to 50 so that you can use the SAT Hatch even when you have full health, so remember to actually heal yourself before you move on.
you should just ignore this script.

- Inf. Focus Gauge
when activated, you may change the Minimum Focus Gauge (default: 150) allowed via the table. set this to 0 to turn off Inf. Focus Gauge without hiding the Focus Gauge pointer.

- S-Pressen Instant Cooldown

- Inf. Ammo

- Inf. Pick-Socket
allows you to unlock doors without "grabbing" a key by locking another door first.
if you REALLY want to lock a door, press and hold right mouse button when aiming then attempt to "fire", you'll be able to grab the key and lock the door then.

- Level Up
when this script is activated, press F12 to advance one level.

- Slow Motion
when World Speed script is activated, press R to turn on slow motion, SHIFT+R to turn off.
press and hold SHIFT to disable slow motion temporarily.
SHIFT key is the game default key for aiming. I myself has change it to other keys, and have SHIFT key bind to walk. you should do this too if you want this script to work properly.
if you want to use other key to temporary disable slow motion, double click the <script> on the same line as World Speed script which is under the Value tab. locate this line:
push A0 //key Left SHIFT

and change the hex value according to this.

- Health
- Focus Gauge
- Ammo
- Keys
activate the script, then access the combo labs, alter the quantity via the table, exit and access the combo labs again.

- with AOB scan, should works on most versions.

Made by Cielos

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
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