- Unlimited Money
- Unlimited HP & Shield
- Instant Cooldown
- Get Stats Base Address
- Base Address Edit
- Body Index Edit
- Active Buffs List Count Edit
- Elite Buff Count Edit
- Pending Tonic Affliction Count Edit
- Body Flags Edit
- Master Object Id Edit
- Linked To Master Edit
- Disabling Hurt Boxes Edit
- Out Of Combat Stopwatch Edit
- Out Of Danger Stopwatch Edit
- Previous Position Edit
- Main Root Speed Edit
- Base Max Health Edit
- Base Regen Edit
- Base Max Shield Edit
- Base Move Speed Edit
- Base Acceleration Edit
- Base Jump Power Edit
- Base Damage Edit
- Base Attack Speed Edit
- Base Crit Edit
- Base Armor Edit
- Base Jump Count Edit
- Sprinting Speed Multiplier Edit
- Level Max Health Edit
- Level Regen Edit
- Level Max Shield Edit
- Level Move Speed Edit
- Level Jump Power Edit
- Level Damage Edit
- Level Attack Speed Edit
- Level Crit Edit
- Level Armor Edit
- Stats Dirty Edit
- Aim Timer Edit
- War Cry Timer Edit
- War Cry Ready Edit
- Kill Count Edit
- Tesla Buff Roll Timer Edit
- Tesla Fire Timer Edit
- Tesla Crit Edit
- Helfire Lifetime Edit
- Was Lucky Edit
- Guard Resummon Cooldown Edit
- Poisonball Timer Edit
- Hide Crosshair Edit
- Multi Kill Timer Edit
- Is Champion Edit
- Skin Index Edit
Risk of Rain 2 PLUS 54 Trainer