PS: I'm still testing the tables and I incorporated from the other threads
I'm not sure but your Use Buddy Attack isnt "responsive"
ok I got it fixed
Code: Select all
{ Game Executable : JKS_Win64.exe
Author : Tuuup!
Executable Version: 2020.3.36.63851
Script Date : 2022-12-08
aobscanmodule(buddyattack,GameAssembly.dll,F3 0F 10 7A 10)
registersymbol(buddyattack buddyattackbkp)
movss [rdx+10],xmm0 //xmm0 is a float of 1000 its useful if you are using a weapon that takes 200 per attack and 400 for a super attack that or insert (float)600.0 value
movss xmm7,[rdx+10]
jmp return
jmp newmem
// db F3 0F 10 7A 10
// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+1399393
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+139930E: CC - int 3
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+139930F: CC - int 3
App.ParameterPlayerBasic.IsBuddyAttackAvailable: 48 89 5C 24 10 - mov [rsp+10],rbx
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+1399315: 48 89 74 24 18 - mov [rsp+18],rsi
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+139931A: 57 - push rdi
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+139931B: 48 83 EC 40 - sub rsp,40
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+139931F: 80 3D 43 0C 5C 01 00 - cmp byte ptr [GameAssembly.dll+2D93F69],00
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+1399326: 41 8B F0 - mov esi,r8d
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+1399329: 48 63 DA - movsxd rbx,edx
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+139932C: 48 8B F9 - mov rdi,rcx
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+139932F: 75 1F - jne GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+1399350
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+1399331: 48 8D 0D E8 15 46 01 - lea rcx,[]
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+1399338: E8 13 E3 A5 FE - call GameAssembly.dll.text+230650
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+139933D: 48 8D 0D 2C 55 46 01 - lea rcx,[]
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+1399344: E8 07 E3 A5 FE - call GameAssembly.dll.text+230650
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+1399349: C6 05 19 0C 5C 01 01 - mov byte ptr [GameAssembly.dll+2D93F69],01
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+1399350: 48 89 6C 24 50 - mov [rsp+50],rbp
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+1399355: 85 F6 - test esi,esi
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+1399357: 0F 85 8D 00 00 00 - jne GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13993EA
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+139935D: 48 8B 4F 20 - mov rcx,[rdi+20]
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+1399361: 48 85 C9 - test rcx,rcx
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+1399364: 0F 84 8E 01 00 00 - je GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13994F8
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+139936A: 3B 59 18 - cmp ebx,[rcx+18]
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+139936D: 0F 83 55 01 00 00 - jae GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13994C8
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+1399373: 48 8B 54 D9 20 - mov rdx,[rcx+rbx*8+20]
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+1399378: 48 85 D2 - test rdx,rdx
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+139937B: 0F 84 77 01 00 00 - je GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13994F8
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+1399381: 0F 29 74 24 30 - movaps [rsp+30],xmm6
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+1399386: F3 0F 10 35 42 FD 9E 00 - movss xmm6,[GameAssembly.dll.rdata+10D0]
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+139938E: 0F 29 7C 24 20 - movaps [rsp+20],xmm7
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+1399393: F3 0F 10 7A 10 - movss xmm7,[rdx+10]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+1399398: 85 DB - test ebx,ebx
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+139939A: 74 18 - je GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13993B4
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+139939C: 83 EB 01 - sub ebx,01
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+139939F: 74 0C - je GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13993AD
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13993A1: 83 FB 01 - cmp ebx,01
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13993A4: 75 2A - jne GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13993D0
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13993A6: BA 82 F2 A5 D2 - mov edx,D2A5F282
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13993AB: EB 0C - jmp GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13993B9
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13993AD: BA 98 72 D8 74 - mov edx,74D87298
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13993B2: EB 05 - jmp GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13993B9
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13993B4: BA 5E E9 46 66 - mov edx,6646E95E
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13993B9: 45 33 C0 - xor r8d,r8d
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13993BC: 48 8B CF - mov rcx,rdi
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13993BF: E8 5C 01 00 00 - call App.ParameterPlayerBasic.IsSkillAvailable
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13993C4: 84 C0 - test al,al
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13993C6: 74 08 - je GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13993D0
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13993C8: F3 0F 10 35 A8 65 A0 00 - movss xmm6,[GameAssembly.dll.rdata+17978]
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13993D0: 0F 2F FE - comiss xmm7,xmm6
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13993D3: 0F 28 7C 24 20 - movaps xmm7,[rsp+20]
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13993D8: 0F 28 74 24 30 - movaps xmm6,[rsp+30]
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13993DD: 0F 82 CE 00 00 00 - jb GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13994B1
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13993E3: B0 01 - mov al,01
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13993E5: E9 C9 00 00 00 - jmp GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13994B3
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13993EA: 83 FE 01 - cmp esi,01
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13993ED: 0F 85 BE 00 00 00 - jne GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13994B1
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13993F3: 48 8B 47 20 - mov rax,[rdi+20]
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13993F7: 48 85 C0 - test rax,rax
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13993FA: 0F 84 F8 00 00 00 - je GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13994F8
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+1399400: 3B 58 18 - cmp ebx,[rax+18]
GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+1399403: 0F 83 CF 00 00 00 - jae GameAssembly.dll.il2cpp+13994D8