Want to update script/aob. No opcode/alt code

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Want to update script/aob. No opcode/alt code

Post by FloofyCheats »

First I want to apologize if it is unethical to ask for assistance in updating someone else's table. No idea if it's allowed or not.

I am in the process of learning how to create my own scripts though and thought it best either ask for help in updating it or how to create my own, which I can't seem to do with this particular script as there is no alt code/searching array yields no results and trying to find the pointer/integer myself results in endless 100mil+ results either in 4 bytes/double or float.

I would like to update 1 script on this table viewtopic.php?p=263941#p263941 from State of Decay 2 called Quick Survey where you can stand on the scouting towers and instantly scan all the residences around you which works around a bar that fills up the more houses you scan.
aobscanmodule(q1,$process,90 90 0F 28 CC)
aobscanmodule(q2,$process,90 90 F3 0F 10 46 30) //35 ?? ?? ?? ?? 41 B0 01)
db 90 90
db 90 90
Someone on the same page made a temporary fix for this table if you scroll down but they no longer work.
It says "The byte of array called q2 could not be found"
I sometimes manage to find 2-3 addresses on my own but they either attach to the wrong end of the bar making the game crash or just give freezes.

So could someone please help me find the value or teach me how to make a script where a bar can instantly fill up when the script is active or teach me how to find the opcode when the script has very little information or maybe update the table for this creator and upload it if you have this game. I wanna do the same if I manage to update all the broken ones.
Thanks and sorry for long post.
Last edited by FloofyCheats on Mon Nov 21, 2022 6:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Want to update script/aob. No opcode/alt code

Post by LeFiXER »

There's nothing wrong with updating the table providing you don't share it without the author's explicit permission to do so. With that said, it sounds like you don't know the value of the bar so therefore you should search unknown initial value. Increase the value in-game a little and search increased value. Do nothing in-game and then search unchanged value. Rinse and repeat until you have narrowed it down.

It should be noted that this is in the wrong section. This is to do with Lua and your query is to do with Auto Assembler scripts.

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Re: Want to update script/aob. No opcode/alt code

Post by FloofyCheats »

LeFiXER wrote:
Sun Nov 20, 2022 7:40 pm
There's nothing wrong with updating the table providing you don't share it without the author's explicit permission to do so. With that said, it sounds like you don't know the value of the bar so therefore you should search unknown initial value. Increase the value in-game a little and search increased value. Do nothing in-game and then search unchanged value. Rinse and repeat until you have narrowed it down.

It should be noted that this is in the wrong section. This is to do with Lua and your query is to do with Auto Assembler scripts.
Super sorry for that. I initially believed one of the reasons why there was no opcode was because the table is connected to a lua script and drop down bar. Thanks for the quick reply btw. Will update soon so I can have this post removed.

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Re: Want to update script/aob. No opcode/alt code

Post by Casisback »

Only if you have the author permission. This is how some tables have been stolen, make a compilation, update a script and then start selling it/calling it your own and bully others who update it.

You probably don’t have the same intentions but please get author permission so we don’t have to deal with drama.

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Re: Want to update script/aob. No opcode/alt code

Post by jgoemat »

Looking at the table the code is actually like this (the 90 90 should be 77 16). If your script really shows '90 90' then it's probably incorrect. Otherwise, the code probably changed. Maybe xmm6 or r8b are different registers. Maybe there are more instructions and the 16 offset for the ja changed...

Code: Select all

77 16                 - ja 245293E0018
F3 0F10 35 00000000   - movss xmm6,[245293E000A]
41 B0 01              - mov r8b,01
Try replacing the 35 in 'F3 0F 10 35' with ?? in case a different register is changed. Same with the B0 in '41 B0 01' to see if another register is used for that. If the r8b is changed to one of the main x86 registers it will shorten to 2 bytes and just be 'B0 01' through 'B3 01'. If those fail, try using ?? for the 16 in '77 16'. Do some aob memory scans fot hat and if you find multiple results you'll have to check each one out individually. You just need to NOP the conditional jump to try each out though, you don't have to write a whole script.

If you find the code again I recommend copying 10 instructions or so before and after and pasting them into a comment in your script. That makes it easier to find the same code in the future if it changes. Good luck.

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