Tactics Ogre: Reborn [+119] Compatible with 1.05

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Re: Tactics Ogre: Reborn [+119] Compatible with 1.05

Post by cryosaur »

Caplin wrote:
Mon Aug 21, 2023 12:48 am
I'm a totally blind gamer who has just gotten into Tactics Ogre, and am wondering if Cheat Engine might be able to help with improving its accessibility. I'm not really interested in cheating, per se, but want to use CE to help make certain parts of the game easier to understand.

I struggle with reading character stats, because my OCR system fails to scan numbers reliably. I thought I might be able to use CE's character status support to help me read them without having to screen scrape.

I obtained the latest version of the cheat table, which doesn't appear to have been updated for 1.0.7. I'm trying to figure out how to get started looking at the game values, but a lot of the data entries appear to read as ?, which suggests that something is not getting initialized as expected.

I'd appreciate some help figuring out where to begin. Just for a start, I opened up the data group, and there seems to be a script which is supposed to run when the Warren report is opened and closed. It does not appear to do so, as all the data entries for money, clan name, etc. appear empty.

I would appreciate any info on how to start poking at this.

Thanks much in advance :)
The data-specific portion of this Cheat Table (CT) should not require being updated for game version 1.0.7 because it uses scripts to find where to look for data; though I have customized my copy of this CT, I never changed any of the data scripts, and those have worked fine since the CT was updated for 1.0.4, I think.

How do they work? These data script cheats rely on a relevant data object being "found" inside the game while they are enabled: something of interest to the script is highlighted, or selected, or viewed, or accessed in some fashion while the cheat is active.

For instance, the Unit data cheat does not let you browse all current units. Enable the Unit cheat, then highlight a unit in the game. The script somehow detects that a different unit is highlighted, and updates its pointer to make the subordinate cheat fields display intelligible data about the new highlighted unit. As long as you don't highlight a different unit or disable the top Unit cheat, the subordinate fields will continue to point to that unit.

The other data-specific cheats are similar. You mentioned the Warren Report cheat. Activate the cheat, then open the Warren Report from the world map. As long as the top Warren Report cheat is still active, it will remember where the data displayed in the game's Warren Report is, allowing you to enable the subordinate cheat script to view or edit the data.

It is true that the game is not very Accessible: much of the status field labels are background graphics or icons, instead of actual text. There is text for each field in the help overlay, but that is also not very Accessible. If you want any more help, you may ask me. I am not very good with the scripting part of these cheat tables, but I know all about how the mechanics of the cheats work, and know a lot about this game's data structures.

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Tactics Ogre: Reborn [+119] Compatible with 1.05

Post by manila99 »

For those who are still interested in this game, I'm posting the link to a mod that I made. Hope you guys enjoy it :) Here's the link:


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Re: Tactics Ogre: Reborn [+119] Compatible with 1.05

Post by smoothnobody »

is there a way to add unique characters to the party?

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Re: Tactics Ogre: Reborn [+119] Compatible with 1.05

Post by aqualithe »

Hello, is there a way to change a character into ANY class ? On the PSP version there was a cheat like that.. I really love it.
But I can't find it here..

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Re: Tactics Ogre: Reborn [+119] Compatible with 1.05

Post by zatorix »

Here is the code used for Upgrade Relics, I made this code for Tactics Ogre Reborn Ver.1.02_V11.CT, I have not tested it on a higher version, @Raynard if you think it's okay, you can update this to the latest version.

To use this cheat, you must go to Shop -> Upgrade Relics, select the relic you want to upgrade, then select second relic (but do not click Confirm), then go to the Cheat Engine and you will see it updated to Base.

For Upgrade Relics/Weapons, the max value will be 15, and for Upgrade Relics/Armors, the max value will be 10.

Save & Load the game, you will see Relics value has been updated.

<CheatEntry><ID>988</ID><Description>"Upgrade Relics/Select Second Relic"</Description><Options moHideChildren="1" /><Color>008000</Color><VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType><AssemblerScript>[ENABLE]
aobscanmodule(Upgrade_Relics,Tactics Ogre Reborn.exe,410FB7????410FB7????6641??????6641????????66????)
registersymbol(Upgrade_Relics mem_UR UR_Pointer)



mov [UR_Pointer],r10
jmp return

jmp al_UR


</AssemblerScript><CheatEntries><CheatEntry><ID>989</ID><Description>"Base"</Description><ShowAsSigned>0</ShowAsSigned><Color>008000</Color><GroupHeader>1</GroupHeader><Address>UR_Pointer</Address><Offsets><Offset>0</Offset></Offsets><CheatEntries><CheatEntry><ID>990</ID><Description>"Weapons"</Description><Options moHideChildren="1" /><Color>008000</Color><GroupHeader>1</GroupHeader><CheatEntries><CheatEntry><ID>991</ID><Description>"Weapon"</Description><ShowAsSigned>0</ShowAsSigned><Color>008000</Color><VariableType>Byte</VariableType><Address>+2</Address></CheatEntry><CheatEntry><ID>992</ID><Description>"Race"</Description><ShowAsSigned>0</ShowAsSigned><Color>008000</Color><VariableType>Byte</VariableType><Address>+4</Address></CheatEntry><CheatEntry><ID>993</ID><Description>"Elemental"</Description><ShowAsSigned>0</ShowAsSigned><Color>008000</Color><VariableType>Byte</VariableType><Address>+6</Address></CheatEntry></CheatEntries></CheatEntry><CheatEntry><ID>1000</ID><Description>"Armors"</Description><Options moHideChildren="1" /><Color>008000</Color><GroupHeader>1</GroupHeader><CheatEntries><CheatEntry><ID>1001</ID><Description>"Crushing"</Description><ShowAsSigned>0</ShowAsSigned><Color>008000</Color><VariableType>Byte</VariableType><Address>+0E</Address></CheatEntry><CheatEntry><ID>1002</ID><Description>"Slashing"</Description><ShowAsSigned>0</ShowAsSigned><Color>008000</Color><VariableType>Byte</VariableType><Address>+10</Address></CheatEntry><CheatEntry><ID>1003</ID><Description>"Piercing"</Description><ShowAsSigned>0</ShowAsSigned><Color>008000</Color><VariableType>Byte</VariableType><Address>+12</Address></CheatEntry><CheatEntry><ID>1004</ID><Description>"Air"</Description><ShowAsSigned>0</ShowAsSigned><Color>008000</Color><VariableType>Byte</VariableType><Address>+3E</Address></CheatEntry><CheatEntry><ID>1005</ID><Description>"Earth"</Description><ShowAsSigned>0</ShowAsSigned><Color>008000</Color><VariableType>Byte</VariableType><Address>+40</Address></CheatEntry><CheatEntry><ID>1006</ID><Description>"Thunder"</Description><ShowAsSigned>0</ShowAsSigned><Color>008000</Color><VariableType>Byte</VariableType><Address>+42</Address></CheatEntry><CheatEntry><ID>1007</ID><Description>"Water"</Description><ShowAsSigned>0</ShowAsSigned><Color>008000</Color><VariableType>Byte</VariableType><Address>+44</Address></CheatEntry><CheatEntry><ID>1008</ID><Description>"Fire"</Description><ShowAsSigned>0</ShowAsSigned><Color>008000</Color><VariableType>Byte</VariableType><Address>+46</Address></CheatEntry><CheatEntry><ID>1009</ID><Description>"Ice"</Description><ShowAsSigned>0</ShowAsSigned><Color>008000</Color><VariableType>Byte</VariableType><Address>+48</Address></CheatEntry><CheatEntry><ID>1010</ID><Description>"Light"</Description><ShowAsSigned>0</ShowAsSigned><Color>008000</Color><VariableType>Byte</VariableType><Address>+4A</Address></CheatEntry><CheatEntry><ID>1011</ID><Description>"Dark"</Description><ShowAsSigned>0</ShowAsSigned><Color>008000</Color><VariableType>Byte</VariableType><Address>+4C</Address></CheatEntry><CheatEntry><ID>1012</ID><Description>"Human"</Description><ShowAsSigned>0</ShowAsSigned><Color>008000</Color><VariableType>Byte</VariableType><Address>+1A</Address></CheatEntry><CheatEntry><ID>1013</ID><Description>"Beast"</Description><ShowAsSigned>0</ShowAsSigned><Color>008000</Color><VariableType>Byte</VariableType><Address>+1C</Address></CheatEntry><CheatEntry><ID>1014</ID><Description>"Reptile"</Description><ShowAsSigned>0</ShowAsSigned><Color>008000</Color><VariableType>Byte</VariableType><Address>+1E</Address></CheatEntry><CheatEntry><ID>1015</ID><Description>"Dragon"</Description><ShowAsSigned>0</ShowAsSigned><Color>008000</Color><VariableType>Byte</VariableType><Address>+20</Address></CheatEntry><CheatEntry><ID>1016</ID><Description>"Divine"</Description><ShowAsSigned>0</ShowAsSigned><Color>008000</Color><VariableType>Byte</VariableType><Address>+22</Address></CheatEntry><CheatEntry><ID>1017</ID><Description>"Umbra"</Description><ShowAsSigned>0</ShowAsSigned><Color>008000</Color><VariableType>Byte</VariableType><Address>+24</Address></CheatEntry><CheatEntry><ID>1018</ID><Description>"Faerie"</Description><ShowAsSigned>0</ShowAsSigned><Color>008000</Color><VariableType>Byte</VariableType><Address>+26</Address></CheatEntry><CheatEntry><ID>1019</ID><Description>"Phantom"</Description><ShowAsSigned>0</ShowAsSigned><Color>008000</Color><VariableType>Byte</VariableType><Address>+28</Address></CheatEntry><CheatEntry><ID>1020</ID><Description>"Golem"</Description><ShowAsSigned>0</ShowAsSigned><Color>008000</Color><VariableType>Byte</VariableType><Address>+2A</Address></CheatEntry></CheatEntries></CheatEntry></CheatEntries></CheatEntry></CheatEntries></CheatEntry>
Tactics Ogre Reborn Ver.1.02_V99.CT
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Last edited by zatorix on Tue Sep 05, 2023 12:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Tactics Ogre: Reborn [+119] Compatible with 1.05

Post by zatorix »

This is an improved code of the one above, which simply highlights to change the value of each Relic.

However, there is a problem: the game runs normally when I enable cheat, but when I disable cheat the game crashes.

Can anyone tell me why this happens?

aobscanmodule(Upgrade_Relics,Tactics Ogre Reborn.exe,83FA??75??410FB7??48????????????E8????????)
registersymbol(Upgrade_Relics mem_UR UR_Pointer)



mov [UR_Pointer],r14
jmp return

jmp al_UR



These are the bytes I got when scanning, the address I want to get is located at R14:
Tactics Ogre Reborn.exe+3F51A6:
13FA151A1 - 83 FA 03 - cmp edx,03
13FA151A4 - 75 15 - jne "Tactics Ogre Reborn.exe"+3F51BB
13FA151A6 - 41 0FB7 16 - movzx edx,word ptr [r14] <<
13FA151AA - 48 8D 0D 1F3C9800 - lea rcx,["Tactics Ogre Reborn.exe"+D78DD0]
13FA151B1 - E8 AAC0EDFF - call "Tactics Ogre Reborn.exe"+2D1260

Tactics Ogre Reborn Ver.1.02_V99_2.CT
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Re: Tactics Ogre: Reborn [+119] Compatible with 1.05

Post by blackmanjones3 »

Does anyone know how to makes the stats stay whenever you change them cause as soon as i exit the game the stats revert back to normal?

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Re: Tactics Ogre: Reborn [+119] Compatible with 1.05

Post by cryosaur »

blackmanjones3 wrote:
Fri Dec 08, 2023 12:35 am
Does anyone know how to makes the stats stay whenever you change them cause as soon as i exit the game the stats revert back to normal?
As I mentioned before, the author(s) of this CT did not do a great job at naming data fields and structures. "Current Stats/Highlight" should be named something like "Unit", and the "Basic Status" that you are likely editing should be named something like "Calculated Semi-Final Stats". Those stats are recalculated from the other stat blocks. If you make your changes in the "Extend Status" (should be "Stats from Items" or similar) or "Permanent Status" (should be "Stats from Template", I think) blocks of fields, those changes won't be overwritten by the game when loading, changing classes, etc. The final two stat blocks have something to do with the unit's class and I don't remember right now if the game recalculates them. Keep in mind, that the data in these other stat blocks are x10 so fractional numbers can be stored as integers--an increase of 10 in any of these fields will increase the final stat by 1.

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Re: Tactics Ogre: Reborn [+119] Compatible with 1.05

Post by shuntess »

I accidentally saved wrong data in game. Now the game crash every time I load the saved file. Is there a way to fix my broken saved file?

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Re: Tactics Ogre: Reborn [+119] Compatible with 1.05

Post by ptna9000 »

Updated my table to 1.07 (which is Raynard's slightly reformatted plus faster inventory pointers)
Confirmed to have almost everything still working.
Tactics Ogre Reborn.CT
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Re: Tactics Ogre: Reborn [+119] Compatible with 1.05

Post by zeroqian »

ptna9000 wrote:
Tue Jan 16, 2024 1:26 pm
Updated my table to 1.07 (which is Raynard's slightly reformatted plus faster inventory pointers)
Confirmed to have almost everything still working.
Thank you very much. I really need this to change the name of the Knights Order.
In Simplified Chinese, changing the Knight's Order name will crash.

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Re: Tactics Ogre: Reborn [+119] Compatible with 1.05

Post by Tuli »

Don't know why exactly but by using this chest table it fucks up your whole game and save file.
After using the additional stats for shop hiring my games gives every npc after leveling up extreme high stats. Enemy also have higher stats then supposed to.

Can't reverse it.
The original ogre tactics also was like that. Seems like you have to be careful

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Re: Tactics Ogre: Reborn [+119] Compatible with 1.05

Post by tiger »

Thank you to everyone for the hard work and dedication to modding this wonderful game. Loving the game with the QOL improvements. I want to add a challenge on a fresh run and was wondering if someone can help/guide me on how to edit the code so that enemies have MAX MP at start of battle (or even infinite MP). Still new to modding so any help is appreciated. Cheers

Edit: I think I figured it out, I just used the edited the script "Infinite MP / Enemy MP 0" and changed the value from 0 to 999. Tested it for a couple battles and they had maxed out MP.

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Re: Tactics Ogre: Reborn [+119] Compatible with 1.05

Post by leahftu »

Hi everyone, thanks for the CE table, everything's working wonderfully. I have a couple of questions, being new to CE, hope anyone who knows could give me a guiding hand.
- How do I modify a character's voice and base RT?
I tried Data > Character Stats/Highlight > Voice 2 but it doesn't work, the voice stays the same. The WT I changed in Data > Character Stats/Highlight > Basic Status seems to reflects RT, but whenever I quit the game it resets back to the original number and I gotta change it again for some reasons.

- I tried changing a generic's "Class change type" in Data > Character Stats/Highlight to, let's say Ozma for the Dark knight class. I assume that it opens up the classes Ozma has access to in the Class change menu? Anyhow, the generic's class pool stays the same.

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Tactics Ogre: Reborn [+119] Compatible with 1.05

Post by MasterVegito »

If anyone is curious, changing skills in memory, doesn't work on 1.07. Adresses did change.

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