Anyone tried playing around if it's even possible to get and use ogre blade ot bodysnatch like, by editing oyur inventory? If it is, perhaps it's a way to get all skills oyu want and retaining them as you see fit, like you can have mediitate 4 on another class that doesn't have it naturally.
Ok, so if anyone is interested into how to get any generic and only generic, member some skills from other classes, here's how to do it. You cannot rob a Lord for instance, the chance to hit will always be 0%.
You need an ogre blade, obviously, adding it to inventory works just fine. It doesn't dissapear as a whole stock, only 1 item at a time, so you can do this multiple times.
1st, you need the character you want to rip organs from, the donor. I took a level 50 lich, equipped it with all skills I wanted, albeit I think this isn't necessary, because I got all his skills anyway, in the end. Then you want to go to train, find any unit, like lvl 3 or something and use bodysnatch on it. Since it's a 2h sword, normally things like wizards would be beyond reach, butthe game throws you a bone here, it worked with even archers
Lich works by manually inputting the blade in the base status -> equip columns. After the transfer, simply win the battle. Congrats.
Now oyu have a level 3 character with things like meditate 4 or reflect. Appaarently, race doesn't matter, since I turned a human into a dragon and it works still.
And yes, it persists after save.
1 issue with this is that the stats and level seem to be stored somewhere else, as soon you wil lenter battle, the original level returns.