[request] ssx ps3

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[request] ssx ps3

Post by Sakurarozu »

anyone wants to take a shot with this? using brute force im getting a save data error on load.


Soap Mactavish
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Re: [request] ssx ps3

Post by Soap Mactavish »

I know im insanely late to this, but I made something for combo score if the user here still wants something. I cannot edit credits that well BUT if you have a character below level 6 you can freeze the credits (65,000 max) and continuously buy gear. after restarting you can then sell the gear to get some credits, maybe around 1-2M its not really viable but what other choice do I have.

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Re: [request] ssx ps3

Post by RabbitMqA »

Hi, I've done the same observations but i can tell you how to basically increase money faster.
Short version :

Step 0 : Find the money address using cheat-engine.
1) Just go to the main menu, look for your cash.
2) Buy some gear, then do a new scan to filter it down
do a New scan with Value type => 2 Bytes Big Endian
Then do a new scan but with Value type => 4 Bytes Big Endian
You should have 12 addresses. 6 2-Bytes Big endian addresses, 6 4-Byte addresses.
3) Select the 2 bytes addresses > right click > Set hotkeys > Set value to 65,535 when key F5 is pressed.

Step 1 : Buy a BUNCH a boards or gear (as long as it's below 65,535, or you'll be losing money)
1) Buy gear < 65,353
2) Set 2 Byte Money address to 65,535 using the hotkey F5 you just set up
This will allow you to buy unlimited gear.

Step 2 : Increase cash to 65,535, sell gear then repeat.
1) Set 2 Byte value to 65,535.
2) Sell an item.
Go back to step 1)
And your cash will grow 65,535 by 65,535 at a time everytime you sell 1 gear.
So do it as long you want

Detailed explanations :

Basically they're 2 addresses used to store money.
One which is for the overall money stored in a 4 Byte Unsigned int, which limits is 4,294,967,295.

And the second address which is a 2 Byte unsigned int, which limit is 65,535.

Now you can't straight up edit the 4 Byte unsigned int and set it to 4,294,967,295, because the game controls how much money is added everytime you overflow the 65 535. I don't know how it does it, but i'm pretty sure you can find out if you're determined enough.
However here's the workaround i've found.

To put it simply.
The limit of money you can add is 65 535 when you add it throuh cheat engine. If you add through Cheat-engine 65 536 , it will add you 1, because it can't go over the 65,535 limit (It overflows).
HOWEVER, you can add 65,535, then sell something for 1. Then your real money will be 65,536. And then you can increase it back up to 65,535.
Basically the game will be reacting like this :

The user has 0 cash : Cash limit is set from 0 to 65,535.
2 Byte Endian value : 0
4 Byte Endian value : 0
Interval of cash : 0 - 65,535

1) Increase it to 65,535 through cheat engine :
SSX reaction : (Ok so i'm at my limit, the next time he earns money, i will upgrade his money to the next 65,535 interval => 65,535 * 2= 131,070. This will be his new limit.
Addresses values :
2 Byte Endian value (Real cash): 65,535
4 Byte Endian value (Cash displayed in-game) : 65,535
Interval of cash : 0 - 65,535

2) Sell an item for 1 cash. Real money = 65 535 + 1 => 65 536. 2 Byte int => 1 (Because it overflows the 65,535),
SSX raction : (Ok i went above the previous interval, so now i go to the next interval of 65,535 to 1
new cash limit is beetween 65,535 to 131,070.
2 Byte Endian value : 1
4 Byte Endian value : 65,536
Interval of cash : 65,535 - 131,070

3) Increase it again to 65,535 through cheat engine, cash value is 131,070.
2 Byte Endian value : 65,536
4 Byte Endian value : 131,070
IInterval of cash : 65,535 - 131,070

4) Sell an item for 1 cash. Real money =131,070 + 1 => 131,071. 2 Byte int => 1 (Because it overflows the 65,535),
new cash limit is beetween 131,070 to 196,605.
2 Byte Endian value : 1
4 Byte Endian value : 131,071
Interval of cash : 131,070 - 196,605

5) Increase 2 Byte Endian value again to 65,535 through cheat engine, cash value is 131,070.
2 Byte Endian value : 65,536
4 Byte Endian value : 196,605
Interval of cash : 131,070 - 196,605

6) Sell an item for 1 cash. Real money =196,605 + 1 => 196,607. 2 Byte int => 1 (Because it overflows the 65,535),
new cash limit is beetween 131,070 to 196,605.
2 Byte Endian value : 1
4 Byte Endian value : 196,606
Interval of cash : 196,605 - 262,140.

And basically this is a loop.
So if i summarize :
1) Set 2 Byte value to 65,535.
2) Sell an item.
Go back to step 1)

And your cash will grow 65,535 by 65,535 at a time.

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