Code: Select all
Genre: Shooting/Action/Indie/RPG
Release: 25 October 2022
Process: LastCommand.exe
Build: Ver.1.0.3f
CheatEngine: 7.4
Speed Hack
F1 Force Pause
F2 0.25
F3 0.50
F4 0.75
F5 Infinite HP
F6 Infinite SP
Various Data (About 500 lines)
I have little experience with shooting games, so while welcome suggestions, I can't guarantee can make them.
My CT Feature
- Attach LastCommand
- Compact Mode
- Speed Hack F1 to F4
- F1 Force Pause
- F2 Speed multiplied 0.25
- F3 Speed multiplied 0.5
- F4 Speed multiplied 0.75
- Battle Unit
- Base
- Various Data (Flag)
- isDead
- hasDead
- DontDead : OFF, ON
- existWithZone
- isAutoMove : OFF, ON
- isDashRecoverPunishment
- haveEquipItemAbsorb
- haveEquipSupportAttack
- haveEquipMagneticRange
- haveEquipPerfectAttack
- haveEquipBoom
- haveEquipStrikeEnergy
- haveEquipRunSpeed
- haveEquipGold
- haveEquipFirstShoot
- haveEquipGraze
- haveEquipPurpleKiller
- haveEquipPearlMilkTea
- haveEquipCreStrikeBoss
- haveEquipCreReduceDashColddown
- haveEquipCreKeepingData
- haveEquipCrossSide
- haveEquipCreStayModeSpeeUp
- haveEquipCreStealHeal
- haveEquipCreInvincible
- haveEquipCreProtectTail
- haveEquipCreExpendSkillCoda
- haveEquipCreAutoNearCreateData
- haveEquipCreCreateManyData
- haveEquipCreItemSkillBuff
- haveEquipEatDataBonus
- haveEquipShootingAttatkUp
- haveEquipRecoverSkillNum
- haveEquipCreBombBall
- haveEquipCreRevivalInBattle
- canRevivalInBattle
- haveEquipCreCurseDamege
- haveEquipCreHealPosion
- haveEquipIgnoreBossShield
- haveEquipBlockScan
- haveEquipSpModeStrikeBoss
- haveEquipCreConditionRunSpeed
- haveTypeD
- isEquipRunSpeed
- isBuffEquipCreInvincibleHurtedCheck
- isStopAndWatchDrama
- isNearDeath
- isBossBlockDash
- isBlockStay
- isInverseMove
- isStun
- inBlockCollLockControl
- isLockPlayerInputMove
- isLockPlayerInputCommand
- preSwitchMatOutlineState
- invincible
- ignoreEveryColl
- isImpackBack
- isKnocked
- isLockMoveControll
- isDash : OFF, ON
- nextAutoDash
- isSuperDash
- isTryDodge
- isDodgeSuccess
- isDeadPerforme
- isHide
- isScanMode
- isFirstShoot
- isPressMainStay
- isCanUIGuideMode
- isInShielderCircle
- isForceScanMode
- isFever
- isSpecial
- stopAndWatchDrama
- isFullShoot
- isStayOnSamePos
- isGravity
- isFinalBossReduceHeal
- Various Data (4bytes)
- checkStayRecoverSpPos
- closeToAttackLevel
- controlMoveDirection
- currentMatIndex
- dashDir
- dashStackMax
- dashTargetPos
- equipBoomAmount
- equipCreAutoNearCreateDataNum
- equipCreBombBallAmount
- equipCreCreateManyDataAmount
- equipCreInvincibleAmount
- equipCreKeepingDataNum
- equipCreStrikeBossTempBonusDamage
- equipFirstAidKitAmount
- equipMainSkillItemAmount
- ferverLevel
- knockedDir
- lastDashTeleplot
- magneticLevel
- m_CachedPtr
- ontologyLength
- ontologyLengthBase
- ontologyLengthMax
- preControlMoveDirection
- prePos
- preTailDataNum
- readyTurnRed
- recoverSkillNumCount
- resultSuitType
- scanModeMoveDir
- shootingComboCount
- skillItemNumMax
- tutorialKncokWallTimes
- uploadLevel
- _dashStack
- Various Data (Pointer)
- absorbColl
- absorbParticle
- anim
- arrowKeyLimitList
- attackColls
- blockColl
- blockColls
- blockMissileColls
- blueOutsideBlockBuff
- bombBalls
- buffManager
- closeToAttackTimeFerverSet
- closeToAttackTimeSet
- closeToAttackTimeSetPlus
- currentCloseAttackTimeSet
- currentFocusEnergy
- currentSceneTeleplot
- currentSpriteTag
- dashParticleSystem
- e
- effectCantDoAction
- effectCantStay
- effectInverseMove
- effectMagneticRange
- effectMagneticRangePlus
- effectMagneticRangeTriiger
- effectSpeedEquipRush
- effectSpeedRush
- effectStandFirstShoot
- equipBoomBuff
- equipCreateManyData
- equipCreInvincibleBuff
- equipCreInvincibleLongBuff
- equipHealPosionBuff
- equipMagneticRangeBuff
- hurtColl
- hurtedColls
- itmeTagNames
- lastHurtEnity
- lineAlpha
- lineColor
- lineRenderer
- mEffectImHereCommunication
- mEffectImHeres
- moveStepData
- moveStepDataSheets
- moveStepSetting
- onHurtWhenCondition
- onHurtWhenFeProtect
- originColor
- pointColl
- regionColls
- scanModeEffect
- shootingComboDamageBonus
- shootingTypeABonus
- spriteRenderer
- standFollowSample
- standFollowsList
- standFollowsPool
- standMat
- standStory
- standVirtualAxis
- stayEulerArray
- tagName
- tipBlueObject
- tipNearLineRenderer
- touchEnt
- uiGuide
- virtualColls
- Zone03standardPlayerPointLight
- Zone05standardPlayerPointLight
- HP
- HP Max
- HP Recover
- SP
- SP Max
- SP Recover
- Dash Speed
- Dash Energy Value
- DashEnergyValueMax
- Energy Combo Count
- trappedTimes
- Stun Time
- Stun Count
- stopAndWatchDramaCount
- stayMoveSpeedAddRatio
- Stay Count
- snakeCrossMoveAngle
- Move Step Time
- Max Damage
- knockedSpeed
- invincibleTime
- invincibleEffectCount
- invincibleCount
- inBlockCollLockControlForDebugCount
- imHereEffectTime
- imHereEffectCount
- gravityPower
- forceEscape
- feverColddownTime
- feverColddownCount
- equipCreAutoNearCreateDataCount
- dodgeTime
- dodgeCount
- dashTipColdDown
- dashStackTimePlural
- dashStackTimeFirst
- dashStackTime
- dashStackCount
- dashSpeedAdjust
- dashColdDownTime
- dashColdDownCount
- conditionHpValue
- closeToAttackTime
- closeToAttackCount
- checkStayRecoverSpCount
- bulletVirtualValue
- Various Data (Flag)
- Base
- F5 Infinite Health
- Value
- F6 Infinite SP
- Value
How to use this cheat table?
- Install Cheat Engine
- Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
- Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
- Keep the list.
- Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1