SD Gundam Battle Alliance reverse engineering

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SD Gundam Battle Alliance reverse engineering

Post by RodgeEisenfaust »

Game Name: SD Gundam Battle Alliance
Game Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Game Version: 1.2.0
Options Required: N/A
Steam Website:
Other Info: I'm rather new here, and I know this has been already requested. However, I have a cheat table I obtained from a patreon. who has since deleted this table and their discord server. This table allows people to switch the character you're playing as to Big Zam (NPC), and I'd like to ask if anyone can reverse engineer it or help me do so. So I can release a f2u version. I apologize if this violates any rules. But I thought I might as well ask. Thank you very much for taking the time to read this post.

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Re: SD Gundam Battle Alliance reverse engineering

Post by izayoixx »

I don't know if it will be the same but I did successfully made a CT on a completely different game that allows you to use every single animation and skill in the game.

What you do is to basically search for the IDs for actions you do in the game. Its just repeated changed value searches. Combo strings might be just 1 value higher than the previous combo so you can do increased value searches there. You should eventually find the address that tells you the ID of the action you are doing. Now you just need to find out what writes to it then test out random values to see if it affects anything. Though this game has encrypted IDs judging based on seeing how the parts behave so it might be hard.

An alternative is to do the AOB searches in the table you provided, go to the instructions, and set a breakpoint. It should only trigger whenever you do an action ingame and when it does you can trace it to understand it. I think he hid most scripts so open the CT with a text editor to see the hidden scripts.

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Re: SD Gundam Battle Alliance reverse engineering

Post by izayoixx »

A year later and I'm back. Took a look at the table, and tried to understand it. The weapon swap script still works on the latest version, but the way it found IDs didn't so I had to make my own (really really shitty AOB scan here, very high chance it won't work if you are not on 1.40). Also changed hotkeys so it works on keyboard instead. Optimized some scripts (seriously he allocs too much memory for absolutely nothing). Test it out here: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=21183&p=359705#p359705

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