which cottonbuds version are u guys using? Is it the previous one? i have tries both but both dont work at all not even the CE is working
the new bypass seems to be working but the old ones just show cmd and closes , it doesnt open the game
The day before my account got banned for a week everything was working perfectly until i acticate no clip (15) to enter a builfing with puzzles and solved 3 of them and got the normal, exquisite and precious chest. Do you guys think that may have raised a flag on my account the normal everyday cheats i used were:
1. God Mode
2.Hit Multiplier (max i used was 5)
3.Instant Bow(cuz ganyu)
4.No skill cooldown
5.Unlimited Fly
6.Field of View 80
6.Loot Range (40) + Auto Loot
7.Skip (in the other section of cotton buds).
and yes, i got banned before the new bypazz came....
pls keep updating this forum. Thanks
For me its working except fast dialog,chest esp n auto pickup wont work.yes im using new cottunbud fix.did you try change your cfg file location to genshin.exe?.
I got baned in one accunt i use hit multiplayer from 20-50, instant brust, no skillcooldwon, god mode, atack element, dendro,electro,hydro,pyro, unlimeted stamina, unlimted fly, noclip 15 to 20, one punch man, cheest and waypoint finder, i started on 25 when i got baned i have 45 and i started use on 3,4 when got baned it was 3,5 on new archon quest in the mean time finsh all archon quests what was avible. and now coton buds and bypass dont work becuse they change someting i flies and mhyprot dont exist any more there new prot fie HoYoKProtect and mhyprot3. thats why programs cheats dont work any more. and file explorer cant find mhyprot and chaning name of mhypbase.dll dont work there was alternete metod of bypassing anti cheat by changing name mhypbase.dll bout not work now.
bro this piece of info is very interesting as i heard they are implementing honkai impact anti cheat in genshin...
Hmmm for now i think it will not be worth using on my main account after ban is lifted and will try to do testing on different account for a week or so using the everyday cheats i used... cuz i dont think if i get ban again it would be of only a weekits AR 56 and i have spent a lot of time on it....
no brain = ban
but if you managed to get banned, you are too stupid even to use cheating in games. but since the main community is children of 10 years old, they use everything in a row and get banned.