Original table was Made by Zanzer, I slightly modified it to fit my needs / fun:
- suspicion
- one hit kill / combat cheat
- paths
- xp multiplier
- research speedup
- rouste score
- couple of "dissected" objects to have fun with (mostly based on the table)
Lazy guy script added for all those struggling with regions. Manual region setting
What values to use for regionStart and regionEnd a/ use one of predefined options
b/ use CE Memory regions
Memory view > menu > View > Memory regions (Ctrl + R)
Scroll down until you find Wartales.exe on the right and next line starting with 7 or 76
Those should be your values
c/ use CE Memory Scan Options
- regionStart = $1
- regionEnd bases on CE
in Memory Scan Options select Wartales.exe
then select All and you should value like on image
copy that value and paste it to regionEnd
(you can not use 0 as regionStart as 0 is treated as undefined value)
How to use CheatEngine (CE)
- run CE
- run game
- switch to CE
-- select game process
-- load table
-- turn on any options you want
- switch to the game
-- load save game
-- play
If you enjoy the table - let me know by liking it .
Thank you for this table, Can use some of the new character customization on old repeating characters.
How to use this cheat table?
Install Cheat Engine
Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
Keep the list.
Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
It would be nice if at least couple of you learned CE, so you can maintain the table if you like the game , as I probably would not maintain it forever.
Be sure to also check out tfigment's table here
Also check out sanitka's table here
*Please find some useful instructions at the bottom of the post.
Unlimited Resources
Ignore Level Requirement
No Fatigue
Cursor Pointer
- Item Quantity
- Equipment Data
Increase Movement Speed
No Carry Weight
No Camp Weight
Increase Carrying Capacity
Combat Pointer
- Health
- Armor
- Movement
Companion Pointer
- Level
- Experience
- Aptitude Points
- Profession Experience
- Attribute Increases
- Class Base Attributes
Resource Pointers
- Krowns
- Influence
- Happiness
- Valour Points
- Knowledge Experience (no effect?)
- Knowledge Points
How to Change Companion Class:
Within the Companion Pointer script, there is an entry for Copy Class Pointer from Another Companion.
Select a companion that is the class you want and copy the pointer address of that entry.
Select the other companion you wish to change and paste the pointer value over that entry.
Save and reload the game for the changes to take effect.
How to Add Extra Traits:
Be extra careful with this one. Backup your saves!
Activate the Companion Pointer and select one of your units.
Click Replace Traits Address With Larger Array and it will copy your traits into a new array.
The Size of Array field should now be showing a size of 100.
Open up memory view to the Trait 1 Pointer address.
Paste the trait addresses you want into the empty spaces.
When done, update the Number of Traits value to match the number of trait addresses you now have.
For extra safety, save and quit the game entirely before trying to play normally.
Modify the encrypted value when it is not zero in order to update the in-game value.
As of version v.1.18519, some common encrypted values are as follows:
Original table was Made by Zanzer, I slightly modified it to fit my needs / fun:
- suspicion
- one hit kill / combat cheat
- paths
- xp multiplier
- research speedup
- rouste score
- couple of "dissected" objects to have fun with (mostly based on the table)
Lazy guy script added for all those struggling with regions. Manual region setting
What values to use for regionStart and regionEnd a/ use one of predefined options
b/ use CE Memory regions
Memory view > menu > View > Memory regions (Ctrl + R)
Scroll down until you find Wartales.exe on the right and next line starting with 7 or 76
Those should be your values
c/ use CE Memory Scan Options
- regionStart = $1
- regionEnd bases on CE
in Memory Scan Options select Wartales.exe
then select All and you should value like on image
copy that value and paste it to regionEnd
(you can not use 0 as regionStart as 0 is treated as undefined value)
How to use CheatEngine (CE)
- run CE
- run game
- switch to CE
-- select game process
-- load table
-- turn on any options you want
- switch to the game
-- load save game
-- play
If you enjoy the table - let me know by liking it .
Thanks a lot Zanzer and sanitka, you guys are great!
Original table was Made by Zanzer, I slightly modified it to fit my needs / fun:
- suspicion
- one hit kill / combat cheat
- paths
- xp multiplier
- research speedup
- rouste score
- couple of "dissected" objects to have fun with (mostly based on the table)
Lazy guy script added for all those struggling with regions. Manual region setting
What values to use for regionStart and regionEnd a/ use one of predefined options
b/ use CE Memory regions
Memory view > menu > View > Memory regions (Ctrl + R)
Scroll down until you find Wartales.exe on the right and next line starting with 7 or 76
Those should be your values
c/ use CE Memory Scan Options
- regionStart = $1
- regionEnd bases on CE
in Memory Scan Options select Wartales.exe
then select All and you should value like on image
copy that value and paste it to regionEnd
(you can not use 0 as regionStart as 0 is treated as undefined value)
How to use CheatEngine (CE)
- run CE
- run game
- switch to CE
-- select game process
-- load table
-- turn on any options you want
- switch to the game
-- load save game
-- play
If you enjoy the table - let me know by liking it .
Amazing Table, but I have a question, are the "xNo Camp Weight" function not working in the latest version available?
It would be nice if at least couple of you learned CE, so you can maintain the table if you like the game , as I probably would not maintain it forever.
good luck
"No backpack" function does not work in newest version of the game
has anyone figured out editing faces/appearances again, and doing face swaps? i remember that being possible in early access tables, can't say i know how to figure it out
update: nvm, i see santika's table has it! not sure how well it works but trying it out now on Game Pass version
game version 1.0.32279
the Companion Pointer doesn't seem to work. i opened a companion, changed his equipments, but pointer addresses are still empty, am i missing something?