Game Name: Hero Siege
Game Engine: GameMaker
Game Version: v5.10
Options Required: Equips stats change, equip pointer
Steam Website:
Other Info: If someone can take this job i can provide all info that i have about the game... I know 90% what can be done
Table is prefered
I'm willing to pay for a cheat table, actually someone already did it but it's outdate( viewtopic.php?t=15445). I tried myself to update it but no sucess.
aSwedishMagyar made this table when the game was 32 bits, now the game is 64bits and aanpsx updated it but now its outdate.
The Aob's are the same but the address were changed. I found the new address but i still not able to update by myself, since i dont have much experience in assembly. Maybe the code need to change
We can discuss a price for it, just send me private msg or add me in discord HeroSiegeRuby#6866
[PAID Request] Hero Siege
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