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Post by STN »

Game v1.0.9083
May Work or Not, Have Fun
Note: Update the Hotkey Typo for EnMax in .ct file: (enable - Num1)

Galaxy Battle:
- Ship AP and Health
- Action and Technology Points

Planet Battle:
- Max Command Points
- Max Fleet Health
- Max Resources ( Ethirium, Command Points, Logistic Points, Technological Level)

How to use:
Galaxy Battle:
- Ship AP and Health
--> Select Ship, Then enable the cheat
--> Ship Health and AP will be reloaded each time you click on the Fleet

- Action and Technology Points
--> Click Technology Button, Then enable the cheat
--> Just click on Technology Button to reload the AP and TP Smile

Planet Battle:
- Max Command Points
--> Use Command Points Once, Then enable the cheat

- Max Fleet Health (Enable once any team's Fleet have been damaged)
--> Maintain Fleet Health above 99

- Max Resources ( Ethirium, Command Points, Logistic Points, Technological Level)
--> Deploy one unit, Then enable the cheat and enable EnMax (numpad 1), and deploy another unit

For now max units will be 18 (But without the need to build more Logistic Centers)

Made by wazlord

I just retest it and its working fine on my side...

For the Planet Battle, on the Get Max Resources if you are only seeing like
Logistic Max = 0x00000010
Logistic Level = 0x00000020

it means the register is not loaded yet. So make sure you :
1) deploy one unit
2) then enable the Get Max Resources Cheat
3) and press Num 1 (or set the EnMax to 1)
4) deploy another unit for it to load the register.

Do share the CE Table ScreenShot if its still not working for you..

ps: I am assuming the Max Command Points is working?


How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
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