Code: Select all
Game Name: Wavetale [ DEMO ]
Game Process : Tide.exe
Game Release date: Coming Soon
CE Version : 7.4
Patch Title / Build Id / Date Patch: DEMO VERSION
1. After the game is open, click directly on [Activate] on the cheat table.
Table will auto attach to process Game.
Table will auto attach to process Game.
Options Cheats
- Speed Game
- Fast 5x
- Slow 0.5x
- NOTE : Active F10 Slow || F11 Fast
- +++ SCRIPT +++
- Player Data
- +++ POINTER +++
- Player Data
- pBase
- Def
- Air Data
- gravity
- brakeForceNoInputFast
- brakeForceNoInputSlow
- brakeForceFast
- brakeForceSlow
- speedAfterSnapTurn
- Air Turn Data
- visualCatchUpTime
- turnSpeed
- minimumTurnSpeed
- forwardAcceleration
- accelerationSpeedMinMax
- minAngleDiffForBraking
- minAngleDiffForHighSpeedBraking
- lowVelocityMaxSpeed
- brakeForce
- stoppingForce
- maxSpeedForTurning
- brakeForceAtMaxSpeed
- onGroundGraceTime
- brakeWhileTurning
- rotationSpeedForMaxBrake
- fastModeStopAngleDiff
- abortFastModeTime
- abortFastModeSpeed
- Boost Data
- acceleration
- minSpeed
- maxSpeed
- duration
- groundBoost
- boostEffectStartupTime
- boostEffectFadeoutTime
- boostEffectRangeY
- boostEffectVelocityOffsetScale
- downSlopeForceMultiplierBoosting
- upSlopeForceMultiplierAfterBoosting
- afterBoostUpSlopeForceTime
- boostFxLandingDampTime
- distortionLerpTime
- Crest Jump Data
- extraForce
- extraForceFromDive
- forwardRatio
- forwardRatioFromDive
- minSpeed
- minWaveAngle
- minWaveAlignment
- minCameraAlignmentForCrestJump
- inputLockTime
- delayedJumpTime
- delayedJumpDistance
- delayedCrestSpeed
- minAcceleration
- maxCrestDistanceDiving
- minMoveInputForCrestJump
- timeToReachCrest
- graceTime
- Dive Data
- extraSpeed
- minDiveSpeed
- acceleration
- duration
- minDiveTime
- minHeightForDiveCrestJump
- brakeBeforeDiveForce
- timeScaleChangeTime
- downSlopeForceMultiplier
- heightForAlternativeBrakeGravity
- Ground Surf Data
- maxSurfSpeed
- turnspeed
- minAirTime
- brakeForceNoInput
- minAngleGroundSurf
- minSpeed
- maxAirTime
- maxClimbTime
- maxClimbAngle
- dashGraceTime
- minSurfTime
- cooldown
- minSpeedToForceSurfing
- minDownSlopeTime
- Jump Data
- cooldown
- forceOnDoubleJump
- forceOnDoubleJumpWater
- directionalForceOnDoubleJump
- directionalForceOnDoubleJumpWater
- maxSpeedForForwardRatio
- maxSpeedForForwardRatioBrake
- forwardRatioBrake
- apexGravityTime
- jumpGraceTime
- jumpGraceTimeFastMoving
- minSpeedForFastMovingGraceTime
- groundGraceTime
- enemyColliderDisableTime
- speedFromDash
- addPlatformVelocityToJump
- forceOnGround
- accelerationInputDelayTime
- wallJumpMoveDistance
- visualOffsetCatchUpTime
- chargedJumpForce
- diveJumpForce
- chargeDelay
- chargeDuration
- animationChargeDuration
- crestJumpAnimationFlagDuration
- chargeJumpAnimationFlagDuration
- chargeJumpAnimationTimerFlagDuration
- minChargeForChargeJumpTrigger
- minChargePercentForSecondChargeAnim
- chargePercentForCrestJump
- doubleJumpDelayTime
- Move Data
- acceleration
- friction
- minSpeedForFriction
- speed
- minMoveSpeed
- brakeForceNoInput
- noInputGraceTime
- speedSmoothingAnimation
- stopOnLandingWithNoInput
- minBrakeSpeed
- waterBrakeforce
- inputLockTimeOnBounce
- diveLockTimeOnBounce
- minDotForCollisionBraking
- minDotForKnockback
- minSpeedForKnockback
- boostTimeForKnockbackForce
- knockbackInputLockTime
- knockbackStuckTIme
- Turn Data
- speed
- speedOnLand
- turnSpeedRunning
- snapTurnAngle
- visualCatchUpTime
- snapTurnVelocityPenalty
- snapTurning
- minInputForSnapTurning
- snapTurnInputTime
- snapturnDelayTime
- maxRunSpeedForDirectTurning
- minTurnInput
- snapturnBoostDelay
- maxSpeedForSnapturningBoosting
- snapturnResetMagnitude
- clockwiseEscapeAngle
- antiClockwiseEscapeAngle
- overdriveBrakeForce
- minOverdriveExitSpeedWater
- Water Surf Data
- acceleration
- speed
- delayedMaxSpeedTime
- enterWaterSpeed
- turnSpeedBoosting
- turnSpeedBoostingOverdrive
- turnSpeedAttacking
- noInputAlignmentSpeedBoosting
- downSlopeForceMultiplier
- brakeForceNoInputSurfing
- lookRotationSpeed
- boostLookRotationSpeed
- maxLookRotationDifference
- minSpeedToApplyTurnBraking
- turnBrakingForce
- longDistanceSurfaceCheck
- accelerationWalking
- speedWalking
- downSlopeForceMultiplierWalking
- minInputForWaterSnapturn
- snapTurnInputTime
- inputLockTimeOnFastJump
- fastJumpDirectionOverride
- delayedjumpDirectionTime
- maxDeltaForEngineCatchUp
- timeForMaxCatchUpSpeed
- maxLookRotationOffsetBoosting
- hardTurnStartAngle
- hardTurnExitAngle
- hardTurnStartAngleBoosting
- hardTurnExitAngleBoosting
- hardTurnTime
- hardTurnTimeBoosting
- hardTurnForceExitTime
- hardTurnBonusSpeed
- timeToReachMaxBonus
- timeToLoseBonus
- hardTurnMinInput
- minSpeedForHardTurn
- snapturnBrakeTime
- snapturnAngle
- snapturnAngleBoosting
- abortAngleMoveInput
- abortAngleMovestick
- noInputAbortMax
- speedAfterSnapturn
- accelerationTime
- waitTimeBeforeAcceleration
- visualAlingmentTime
- noInputBrakeTime
- brakeForceNoInputWalking
- transitionSpeedEnterHard
- returnToWalkTimer
- transitionSpeedExit
- transitionSpeedExitHard
- transitionSpeedEnter
- enterSurfTimer
- Aim Data
- timeScale
- timeScaleMovingCamera
- gravity
- minAimTime
- aimCooldownTime
- turnSpeedMultiplier
- reticuleSpriteDistance
- aimSpherecastSize
- nearbyGrappleSpherecastSize
- grappleDistance
- grappleDistanceEnemies
- grappleDistanceSparks
- lockedScaleDefault
- lockedScaleGrapples
- lockedScaleStriders
- lockedScaleInteractables
- grapplePointCooldown
- grapplePointResetDistance
- exitZoomDelay
- timeToCancelYVelocity
- timeScaleLerpSpeedIn
- timeScaleLerpSpeedOut
- maxCameraDeltaFortimeScaleMovingCamera
- capsuleCastRadius
- capsuleCastLength
- brakeForceOnLand
- maxViewPortYForOnscreen
- grappleSqrDistance
- enemyGrappleSqrDistance
- grappleInformationSqrDistance
- grapplePointResetSqrDistance
- Avoidance Data
- minDistanceToAvoidCheck
- angleChange
- minRayDistance
- rayDistanceMultiplier
- maxRaycasts
- grapplingCollisionAvoidanceMask
- maxTimeStuck
- releaseForce
- Grapple Data
- speed
- verticalAcceleration
- launcherInputLockTime
- launchAffectorDelay
- maxLaunchAngleForFastJump
- accelerationTimeFastGrapple
- accelerationTimeSlowGrapple
- delayTimeSlowGrapple
- durationSlowGrapple
- delayTimeGrappleActivator
- durationGrappleActivator
- leverActivationTime
- delayTimeFastGrapple
- durationFastGrapple
- delayTimePickupGrapple
- durationPickupGrapple
- speedMultiplier
- ledgeMoveSpeed
- maxLedgeMoveTime
- maxSpeedForSlowGrapple
- pickUpSpeed
- shootAlignmentSpeed
- netDetachDelayTimeSlowGrapple
- netDetachDelayTimePickup
- netDetachDelayTimeGrappleActivator
- launcherFlipTime
- maxUpAngleForFlipLaunch
- minAngleForFlipLaunch
- Net Reel Data
- pointCount
- maxBend
- blendSpeed
- hookMaximumStretch
- delayFullToHalf
- delayHalfToHidden
- landingDelay
- Carving Data
- bonusTime
- bonusSpeed
- bonusTurnSpeedMultiplier
- downSlopeAlignment
- carvingLockTimeOnOverdrive
- Dash Data
- groundDuration
- airDuration
- maxDashSpeed
- minAngleForMaxDashSpeedClamp
- groundForce
- groundForceNoInput
- waterForce
- waterForceNoInput
- airForce
- speedCap
- cooldown
- curveMultiplier
- minAngleReducedForce
- minAngleForSlowJumpType
- minForce
- enemyCollisionRadius
- enemyLayer
- ledgeKnockbackDistance
- ledgeInputBlockTime
- brakeDelay
- fastJumpGraceTime
- Gliding Data
- glideTime
- gravity
- minGlideTime
- glideTimeForRepeatGlide
- visualCatchUpTime
- forwardAcceleration
- glideBrakeWhileTurning
- accelerationSpeedMinMax
- accelerationTime
- accelerationTimeRepeat
- brakeTime
- brakeDelayTime
- decelerationTime
- minStartSpeed
- maxSelfpropelledSpeed
- upForceFriction
- glideDelayAfterJump
- glideDelayAfterDoubleJump
- Ramp Data
- accelerationTime
- directionAdjustStepSize
- directionAlignmentTurnSpeed
- jumpGraceTime
- launchDistanceForJump
- addRampVelocityToJump
- lockedInputTimeOnLaunch
- lockedInputTimeOnJump
- maxAngleForExtraJumpPower
- angleBasedForwardMomentumOnJump
- aboveRampGravity
- aboveRampGravityCooldown
- aboveRampGravityDistance
- reducedBrakeTime
- visualOffsetCatchUpTime
- launchDistance
- launchTime
- extraYForceOnMovingRamps
- Slope Data
- slopeForceDownslope
- slopeForceUpslope
- slopeAngleWater
- minAngleSlopeDirection
- slopeAngleAnimationSmoothingGround
- slopeAngleAnimationSmoothingWater
- forwardDirectionOverride
- wallSlideSpeed
- minAirTimeForForceTransfer
- minAngleForSpeedBoost
- fallSpeedRange
- lingeringEffectTime
- lingeringDownSlopeMultiplier
- minForceForLandingAnimation
- ignoreWaveNormalsTime
- fallSpeedRangeUp
- forceRangeUp
- Local Gravity Data
- platformExitDelay
- platformLerpOutTime
- areaExitDelay
- areaLerpOutTime
- steepPushForce
- steepGraceTime
- Magnetism Data
- exitDistance
- forceNoInput
- force
- heightForMaxForce
- maxInputAngleDiff
- lockedInputTime
- minDistanceForAngleCheck
- noInputMaxAngleDiff
- Effect Data
- distanceToGroundRayLegnth
- turnAngleLerpCutoff
- turnAngleLerpSpeed
- Lean Data
- leanSpeedDamping
- leanSpeed
- maxLeanYDelta
- Visual Data
- rotationSpeed
- rotationReturnSpeed
- aboveGroundDamping
- aboveGroundDampSpeed
- airToGroundDelay
- chargeTimerDamping
- chargeTimerDampSpeed
- locomotionToSurfDamping
- locomotionToSurfDampSpeed
- playerMaterialIndex
- animationSpeedFloatCutOff
- sparkThrowTime
- dashAnimatonLength
- boostingColdownBoolExtraTime
- moveInputCooldownTime
- startMoveTriggerCooldown
- minTimeStationaryForStartMoveTrigger
- visualSlopeAlignmentSpeed
- animatorSurfaceNoJumpStrength
- startMoveAfterLandingDelay
- maxYDelta
- yDeltaSpeed
- snapturnDelayAfterLanding
- dialogInputLockTime
- leanSmoothTime
- Debug Data
- ghostModeAcceleration
- enableSurfaceGizmos
- enableGliding
- enableDoubleJump
- enableDoubleJumpOnWater
- enableChargedAttack
- enableJumpDebugging
- enableDoubleJumpTimingDebugging
- enablePullBackBrake
- showAttackCollider
- showAutoAttackArrows
- logVocalizations
- showMovementArrows
- showCarvingArrows
- nearbyEnemiesDebug
- showAimCapsule
- Combat Data
- inCombatSwitchMinTime
- critterProximityRange
- striderProximityRange
- Air Data
- Combat Def
- Attack Data
- hangtimeCombo
- hangtimeMiss
- hangtimeHitOne
- hangtimeHitTwo
- hangtimeHitThree
- chargingHangtime
- hangtimeStriderRange
- comboTimer
- maxComboCount
- cooldown
- thrustForceAir
- thrustForceGround
- thrustForceWater
- moveDelay
- overrideMoveDelay
- damageColliderActiveTime
- speedOnGrappleReached
- timeScaleOnGrappleReachedEnemy
- speedOnEnemyHitAir
- inputLockOnLaunch
- accelerationTimeBeforeLaunch
- yVelocityDuringAcceleration
- brakePowerAttackInAir
- speedOnEnemyHitGround
- groundToAirBlendFloat
- nudgeNoInputWithKeyboard
- autoAttackAngle
- priorityAttackAngle
- priorityRadiusMultiplier
- minDistanceAutoAttackAngleAir
- autoAttackDistanceAir
- minDistanceAutoAttackAngleGround
- autoAttackDistanceGround
- layerMaskAutoAttack
- defaultThrustTime
- noTargetThrustTime
- forceOnEnemyKilledInAir
- angleOnEnemyKilledInAir
- forceOnEnemyKilledOnGround
- preservePreviousTarget
- dodgeTime
- dodgeSpeed
- dodgeMoveTime
- onlyAttackTargetInScreenspace
- chargeTime
- chargeTimeGroundSurfing
- chargeAnimationDelay
- invulnerableDuringSpinAttack
- chargeAttackIndexForinvincibility
- pulseTime
- chargeAttackCooldown
- groundSlamAttackRadius
- groundSlamAttackRadiusWhileDiving
- groundSlamAttackRadiusSliding
- chargeAttackMinInputForSlidingVariant
- groundSlamSlidingAttackLength
- groundSlamHangTime
- slidingSlamAttackGraceTIme
- diveStateBlendDampening
- diveStateBlendSpeed
- Ground Slam Data
- maxTimeFromGroundToDoubleJumpForAttack
- maxTimeFromDoubleJumpForAttack
- minHeightForGroundSlamAttack
- minGroundSlamDuration
- brakeForceBeforeSlam
- enemyColliderDisableTime
- enemyCollisionRadius
- attackDelayAfterSlam
- accelerationDelay
- abortTime
- Health Data
- maxHealth
- damageCooldown
- dashInvincibilityTime
- hitInputLockDuration
- respawnFadeToBlackDelay
- respawnFadeToBlackTime
- respawnFadeBackToGameDelay
- respawnFadeBackToGameTime
- regenAmount
- regenTime
- regenCooldown
- Knock Back Data Data
- forceOnGround
- forceInAir
- consecutiveMultiplier
- consecutiveTime
- maxConsecutiveForce
- inputLockTimeOnGround
- inputLockTimeInAir
- minDotForInAir
- knockBackSlowDownForce
- minKnockbackAngle
- Spark Data
- debug
- Attack Data
- State
- Persistent
- Health Data
- isAlive
- deathScreenFadeHasBegun
- currentHealth
- invincibilityTimer
- deathTime
- nextRegenTime
- lastHitTime
- Cheat Data
- invisible
- invulnerable
- Health Data
- Persistent
- Player Data
How to use this cheat table?
- Install Cheat Engine
- Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
- Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
- Keep the list.
- Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1