[Requests] Disney Dreamlight Valley

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Re: [Requests] Disney Dreamlight Valley

Post by Puggymunch »

lmrlmax wrote:
Sat Jan 06, 2024 3:00 pm
Here is Memory Piece Script.
Maybe work for you.
There are 6 Script, Including Fishing, Cooking, Harvest, Water Flower, Mining, Weed, and Critter. Except Digging.

Thanks to patjenova for the script, especially for Weed and Flower Always Dry.

If the script for Fishing, Cooking, Harvest, Water Flower, and Mining not work: you can use the script in this Post

*For "Critter Feed Time to 0 [Only Activate While Feeding Critter]" Script:
This Script Affect All Timed Event to 0 [Scourge Store, Bush, Tree, Mining, Etc]
So Infinite Mining, Tree, Bush, and Instant Change Scourge Display [Activate > Enter the scourge shop > Buy something you want > Exit > Repeat]

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"Memory Piece"</Description>
          <Description>"[Fishing, Cooking, Harvest, Water Flower, Mining] [Activate Both] "</Description>
              <Description>"Loot Table to Memory Piece"</Description>
              <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>

aobscanmodule(LootTabletoMemoryINJECT,GameAssembly.dll,8B 5B 18 F6 81 33 01 00 00 04 74 0E 83 B9 E0 00 00 00 00 75 05 E8 2A B2) // should be unique


mov [rbx+18],#2090000001

  mov ebx,[rbx+18]
  test byte ptr [rcx+00000133],04
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 5


  db 8B 5B 18 F6 81 33 01 00 00 04



GameAssembly.dll+780C9F: CC                    - int 3 
Data.get_LootTableItem: 40 53                 - push rbx
GameAssembly.dll+780CA2: 48 83 EC 20           - sub rsp,20
GameAssembly.dll+780CA6: 80 3D F3 B8 1B 06 00  - cmp byte ptr [GameAssembly.dll+693C5A0],00
GameAssembly.dll+780CAD: 48 8B D9              - mov rbx,rcx
GameAssembly.dll+780CB0: 75 13                 - jne GameAssembly.dll+780CC5
GameAssembly.dll+780CB2: 48 8D 0D 47 94 E5 05  - lea rcx,[GameAssembly.dll+65DA100]
GameAssembly.dll+780CB9: E8 12 B7 CE FF        - call GameAssembly.DllCanUnloadNow+8D60
GameAssembly.dll+780CBE: C6 05 DB B8 1B 06 01  - mov byte ptr [GameAssembly.dll+693C5A0],01
GameAssembly.dll+780CC5: 48 8B 0D 34 94 E5 05  - mov rcx,[GameAssembly.dll+65DA100]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
GameAssembly.dll+780CCC: 8B 5B 18              - mov ebx,[rbx+18]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
GameAssembly.dll+780CCF: F6 81 33 01 00 00 04  - test byte ptr [rcx+00000133],04
GameAssembly.dll+780CD6: 74 0E                 - je GameAssembly.dll+780CE6
GameAssembly.dll+780CD8: 83 B9 E0 00 00 00 00  - cmp dword ptr [rcx+000000E0],00
GameAssembly.dll+780CDF: 75 05                 - jne GameAssembly.dll+780CE6
GameAssembly.dll+780CE1: E8 2A B2 CF FF        - call GameAssembly.dll+47BF10
GameAssembly.dll+780CE6: 8B C3                 - mov eax,ebx
GameAssembly.dll+780CE8: 48 83 C4 20           - add rsp,20
GameAssembly.dll+780CEC: 5B                    - pop rbx
GameAssembly.dll+780CED: C3                    - ret 
GameAssembly.dll+780CEE: CC                    - int 3 
              <Description>"Loot Table Probability to 1000"</Description>
              <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>

aobscanmodule(loottableProbabilityINJECT,GameAssembly.dll,41 3B 46 1C 7C 0B) // should be unique


mov [r14+1C],#1000

  cmp eax,[r14+1C]
  jl GameAssembly.dll+2515BF1
  jmp return

  jmp newmem


  db 41 3B 46 1C 7C 0B


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: GameAssembly.dll+2515BE0

GameAssembly.dll+2515BB2: 4C 8B F0              - mov r14,rax
GameAssembly.dll+2515BB5: 48 85 F6              - test rsi,rsi
GameAssembly.dll+2515BB8: 0F 84 9A 03 00 00     - je GameAssembly.dll+2515F58
GameAssembly.dll+2515BBE: 4C 8B 0E              - mov r9,[rsi]
GameAssembly.dll+2515BC1: 4D 8B 81 B0 01 00 00  - mov r8,[r9+000001B0]
GameAssembly.dll+2515BC8: BA E8 03 00 00        - mov edx,000003E8
GameAssembly.dll+2515BCD: 48 8B CE              - mov rcx,rsi
GameAssembly.dll+2515BD0: 41 FF 91 A8 01 00 00  - call qword ptr [r9+000001A8]
GameAssembly.dll+2515BD7: 4D 85 F6              - test r14,r14
GameAssembly.dll+2515BDA: 0F 84 73 03 00 00     - je GameAssembly.dll+2515F53
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
GameAssembly.dll+2515BE0: 41 3B 46 1C           - cmp eax,[r14+1C]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
GameAssembly.dll+2515BE4: 7C 0B                 - jl GameAssembly.dll+2515BF1
GameAssembly.dll+2515BE6: 41 80 7D 18 00        - cmp byte ptr [r13+18],00
GameAssembly.dll+2515BEB: 0F 84 49 FF FF FF     - je GameAssembly.dll+2515B3A
GameAssembly.dll+2515BF1: 48 8B 0D B0 42 0C 04  - mov rcx,[GameAssembly.dll+65D9EA8]
GameAssembly.dll+2515BF8: F6 81 33 01 00 00 04  - test byte ptr [rcx+00000133],04
GameAssembly.dll+2515BFF: 74 0E                 - je GameAssembly.dll+2515C0F
GameAssembly.dll+2515C01: 83 B9 E0 00 00 00 00  - cmp dword ptr [rcx+000000E0],00
GameAssembly.dll+2515C08: 75 05                 - jne GameAssembly.dll+2515C0F
GameAssembly.dll+2515C0A: E8 01 63 F6 FD        - call GameAssembly.dll+47BF10
GameAssembly.dll+2515C0F: E8 4C DA 03 FE        - call GameAssembly.dll+553660
              <Description>"Weed Harvest to Memory Piece"</Description>
              <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
// Credit to patjenova

aobscanmodule(WeedProbabilityINJECT,GameAssembly.dll,8B 58 1C 48 8B 0D 70 6B B7 04) // should be unique


mov [rax+1C],#2090000001 // Loot Table For Weed Harvest
mov [rax+18],#100        // Probability

  mov ebx,[rax+1C]
  mov rcx,[GameAssembly.dll+65DA100]
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 5


  db 8B 58 1C 48 8B 0D 70 6B B7 04


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: GameAssembly.dll+1A63586

GameAssembly.dll+1A6355D: 0F 84 27 05 00 00        - je GameAssembly.dll+1A63A8A
GameAssembly.dll+1A63563: 33 D2                    - xor edx,edx
GameAssembly.dll+1A63565: E8 B6 1A AD 00           - call Meta.Grids.GridState.get_WeedData
GameAssembly.dll+1A6356A: 48 85 C0                 - test rax,rax
GameAssembly.dll+1A6356D: 0F 84 17 05 00 00        - je GameAssembly.dll+1A63A8A
GameAssembly.dll+1A63573: 33 D2                    - xor edx,edx
GameAssembly.dll+1A63575: 48 8B C8                 - mov rcx,rax
GameAssembly.dll+1A63578: E8 73 AB 74 02           - call Definitions.Activities.WeedData.get_LootOverride
GameAssembly.dll+1A6357D: 48 85 C0                 - test rax,rax
GameAssembly.dll+1A63580: 0F 84 04 05 00 00        - je GameAssembly.dll+1A63A8A
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
GameAssembly.dll+1A63586: 8B 58 1C                 - mov ebx,[rax+1C]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
GameAssembly.dll+1A63589: 48 8B 0D 70 6B B7 04     - mov rcx,[GameAssembly.dll+65DA100]
GameAssembly.dll+1A63590: F6 81 33 01 00 00 04     - test byte ptr [rcx+00000133],04
GameAssembly.dll+1A63597: 74 14                    - je GameAssembly.dll+1A635AD
GameAssembly.dll+1A63599: 39 B1 E0 00 00 00        - cmp [rcx+000000E0],esi
GameAssembly.dll+1A6359F: 75 0C                    - jne GameAssembly.dll+1A635AD
GameAssembly.dll+1A635A1: E8 6A 89 A1 FE           - call GameAssembly.dll+47BF10
GameAssembly.dll+1A635A6: 48 8B 0D 53 6B B7 04     - mov rcx,[GameAssembly.dll+65DA100]
GameAssembly.dll+1A635AD: 48 8B 84 24 20 02 00 00  - mov rax,[rsp+00000220]
GameAssembly.dll+1A635B5: 40 38 70 20              - cmp [rax+20],sil
GameAssembly.dll+1A635B9: 75 32                    - jne GameAssembly.dll+1A635ED
          <Description>"Critter [Activate Both] [Activate &gt; Feed Critter]"</Description>
              <Description>"Critter Feed Reward Memory Piece"</Description>
              <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>

aobscanmodule(critterScriptINJECT,GameAssembly.dll,49 8B 5F 58 4D 8B 26) // should be unique


mov [r15+70],#1          // Unlock Critter Feed Need
mov [r15+78],#2090000001 // Like food Reward
mov [r15+7C],#2090000001 // Love food Reward

  mov rbx,[r15+58]
  mov r12,[r14]
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 2


  db 49 8B 5F 58 4D 8B 26



GameAssembly.dll+25FA2AC: 8B 51 18                 - mov edx,[rcx+18]
GameAssembly.dll+25FA2AF: 48 8B C8                 - mov rcx,rax
GameAssembly.dll+25FA2B2: 48 89 5C 24 20           - mov [rsp+20],rbx
GameAssembly.dll+25FA2B7: 44 8D 43 01              - lea r8d,[rbx+01]
GameAssembly.dll+25FA2BB: E8 10 88 74 FF           - call Meta.Missions.ItemFilter.GetItemQuantity
GameAssembly.dll+25FA2C0: 83 F8 01                 - cmp eax,01
GameAssembly.dll+25FA2C3: 0F 84 C4 00 00 00        - je GameAssembly.dll+25FA38D
GameAssembly.dll+25FA2C9: 8B 47 10                 - mov eax,[rdi+10]
GameAssembly.dll+25FA2CC: 48 8D 94 24 C0 00 00 00  - lea rdx,[rsp+000000C0]
GameAssembly.dll+25FA2D4: 48 8B 0D 25 FE FD 03     - mov rcx,[GameAssembly.dll+65DA100]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
GameAssembly.dll+25FA2DB: 49 8B 5F 58              - mov rbx,[r15+58]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
GameAssembly.dll+25FA2DF: 4D 8B 26                 - mov r12,[r14]
GameAssembly.dll+25FA2E2: 89 84 24 C0 00 00 00     - mov [rsp+000000C0],eax
GameAssembly.dll+25FA2E9: E8 32 9C E7 FD           - call GameAssembly.dll+473F20
GameAssembly.dll+25FA2EE: 48 8B 0D E3 A8 01 04     - mov rcx,[GameAssembly.dll+6614BD8]
GameAssembly.dll+25FA2F5: 45 33 C0                 - xor r8d,r8d
GameAssembly.dll+25FA2F8: 48 8B D0                 - mov rdx,rax
GameAssembly.dll+25FA2FB: E8 60 99 62 01           - call System.String.Format
GameAssembly.dll+25FA300: 48 8B 0D 31 FC FD 03     - mov rcx,[GameAssembly.dll+65D9F38]
GameAssembly.dll+25FA307: 48 8B F8                 - mov rdi,rax
GameAssembly.dll+25FA30A: F6 81 33 01 00 00 04     - test byte ptr [rcx+00000133],04
              <Description>"Critter Feed Time to 0 [Only Activate While Feeding Critter]"</Description>
              <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>

aobscanmodule(resetFeedTimeINJECT,GameAssembly.dll,F2 48 0F 2A 4B 18) // should be unique


mov [rbx+18],#0
mov [rbx+1C],#0

  cvtsi2sd xmm1,[rbx+18]
  jmp return

  jmp newmem


  db F2 48 0F 2A 4B 18



GameAssembly.dll+2F5C398: 83 B8 E0 00 00 00 00  - cmp dword ptr [rax+000000E0],00
GameAssembly.dll+2F5C39F: 75 0F                 - jne GameAssembly.dll+2F5C3B0
GameAssembly.dll+2F5C3A1: 48 8B C8              - mov rcx,rax
GameAssembly.dll+2F5C3A4: E8 67 FB 51 FD        - call GameAssembly.dll+47BF10
GameAssembly.dll+2F5C3A9: 48 8B 05 C8 D0 66 03  - mov rax,[GameAssembly.dll+65C9478]
GameAssembly.dll+2F5C3B0: 48 8B 80 B8 00 00 00  - mov rax,[rax+000000B8]
GameAssembly.dll+2F5C3B7: 48 8B 48 08           - mov rcx,[rax+08]
GameAssembly.dll+2F5C3BB: 48 89 4C 24 30        - mov [rsp+30],rcx
GameAssembly.dll+2F5C3C0: 0F 57 C9              - xorps xmm1,xmm1
GameAssembly.dll+2F5C3C3: 48 8D 4C 24 30        - lea rcx,[rsp+30]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
GameAssembly.dll+2F5C3C8: F2 48 0F 2A 4B 18     - cvtsi2sd xmm1,[rbx+18]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
GameAssembly.dll+2F5C3CE: 45 33 C9              - xor r9d,r9d
GameAssembly.dll+2F5C3D1: 41 B8 E8 03 00 00     - mov r8d,000003E8
GameAssembly.dll+2F5C3D7: E8 14 90 93 00        - call GameAssembly.dll+38953F0
GameAssembly.dll+2F5C3DC: 48 89 44 24 30        - mov [rsp+30],rax
GameAssembly.dll+2F5C3E1: B8 1F 85 EB 51        - mov eax,51EB851F
GameAssembly.dll+2F5C3E6: 48 8D 4C 24 30        - lea rcx,[rsp+30]
GameAssembly.dll+2F5C3EB: F7 6B 20              - imul [rbx+20]
GameAssembly.dll+2F5C3EE: 45 33 C0              - xor r8d,r8d
GameAssembly.dll+2F5C3F1: C1 FA 05              - sar edx,05
GameAssembly.dll+2F5C3F4: 8B C2                 - mov eax,edx
                  <Description>"This Script Affect All Timed Event to 0 [Scourge Store, Bush, Tree, Mining, Etc]"</Description>
                      <Description>"So Infinite Mining, Tree, Bush, and Instant Change Scourge Display"</Description>
          <Description>"Flower [Make Flower Always Dry]"</Description>
              <Description>"Infinite Water Flower"</Description>
              <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
// Credit to patjenova for AOB
aobscanmodule(dryFlowerINJECT,GameAssembly.dll,0F B6 70 18 48 8B 44 24 40) // should be unique


mov [rax+18],#1 // Make Flower Dry

  movzx esi,byte ptr [rax+18]
  mov rax,[rsp+40]
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 4


  db 0F B6 70 18 48 8B 44 24 40


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: GameAssembly.dll+1A61A92

GameAssembly.dll+1A61A67: 48 8B 44 24 40     - mov rax,[rsp+40]
GameAssembly.dll+1A61A6C: 48 85 C0           - test rax,rax
GameAssembly.dll+1A61A6F: 0F 84 0A 01 00 00  - je GameAssembly.dll+1A61B7F
GameAssembly.dll+1A61A75: 48 8B 48 30        - mov rcx,[rax+30]
GameAssembly.dll+1A61A79: 48 85 C9           - test rcx,rcx
GameAssembly.dll+1A61A7C: 0F 84 FD 00 00 00  - je GameAssembly.dll+1A61B7F
GameAssembly.dll+1A61A82: 33 D2              - xor edx,edx
GameAssembly.dll+1A61A84: E8 17 34 AD 00     - call Meta.Grids.GridState.get_FlowerData
GameAssembly.dll+1A61A89: 48 85 C0           - test rax,rax
GameAssembly.dll+1A61A8C: 0F 84 ED 00 00 00  - je GameAssembly.dll+1A61B7F
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
GameAssembly.dll+1A61A92: 0F B6 70 18        - movzx esi,byte ptr [rax+18]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
GameAssembly.dll+1A61A96: 48 8B 44 24 40     - mov rax,[rsp+40]
GameAssembly.dll+1A61A9B: 48 85 C0           - test rax,rax
GameAssembly.dll+1A61A9E: 0F 84 DB 00 00 00  - je GameAssembly.dll+1A61B7F
GameAssembly.dll+1A61AA4: 48 8B 48 30        - mov rcx,[rax+30]
GameAssembly.dll+1A61AA8: 48 85 C9           - test rcx,rcx
GameAssembly.dll+1A61AAB: 0F 84 CE 00 00 00  - je GameAssembly.dll+1A61B7F
GameAssembly.dll+1A61AB1: 33 D2              - xor edx,edx
GameAssembly.dll+1A61AB3: E8 E8 33 AD 00     - call Meta.Grids.GridState.get_FlowerData
GameAssembly.dll+1A61AB8: 48 85 C0           - test rax,rax
GameAssembly.dll+1A61ABB: 0F 84 BE 00 00 00  - je GameAssembly.dll+1A61B7F

I'm a little inexperienced with CE, and I don't really know what to do with this. I've downloaded the table and used that successfully, but what do I have to do in CE to make these scripts work, and also what do I have to do in game to activate these?

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Re: [Requests] Disney Dreamlight Valley

Post by lmrlmax »

Puggymunch wrote:
Sun Jan 07, 2024 11:26 am
I'm a little inexperienced with CE, and I don't really know what to do with this. I've downloaded the table and used that successfully, but what do I have to do in CE to make these scripts work, and also what do I have to do in game to activate these?
Try this one:
How to copy code to your Table:
Copy code below with Select All -> CTRL+C, then open cheat engine and click inside script box [Below Memory View] -> CTRL+V, then Save Table.

For script activate: Just activate [Tick / Click activate box]

For how it work: it's about memory piece, Activate -> Fishing, Cooking, Harvest, Water Flower, Mining, Feed Critter, Pick Night Thorn -> It will spawn memory piece

If script not work, maybe your game version is not match and read previous page.
machine4578 wrote:
Sun Jan 07, 2024 10:34 am
thanks for responding lmrlmax i tested the build v1.8.5-46 of the game too
yes i have the correct AOB scan and RVA, but i cant activate the code.. for example when i right click on the script it says
Error on line 16 ( mov rcx,[GameAssembly.dll+65DA100]) this instruction cant be compiled.

i have the same issue on Instant Growth Seed, Tree and Bush [Activate > Harvest], everything else works fine..

for some reason my cheat engine 7.5 dont like the "mov rcx,[GameAssembly.dll+" code and wont compile it. never had such an issue before :/
Try this one, New Weed Harvest to Memory Piece, hope it work for you

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"New Weed Harvest to Memory Piece"</Description>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>

aobscanmodule(INJECT,GameAssembly.dll,0F 84 04 05 00 00 8B 58 1C) // should be unique


mov [rax+1C],#2090000001 // Loot Table For Weed Harvest
mov [rax+18],#100        // Probability

  je GameAssembly.dll+1A63A8A
  mov ebx,[rax+1C]
  jmp return

  jmp newmem


  db 0F 84 04 05 00 00 8B 58 1C


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: GameAssembly.dll+1A63580

GameAssembly.dll+1A6355A: 48 85 C9                 - test rcx,rcx
GameAssembly.dll+1A6355D: 0F 84 27 05 00 00        - je GameAssembly.dll+1A63A8A
GameAssembly.dll+1A63563: 33 D2                    - xor edx,edx
GameAssembly.dll+1A63565: E8 B6 1A AD 00           - call Meta.Grids.GridState.get_WeedData
GameAssembly.dll+1A6356A: 48 85 C0                 - test rax,rax
GameAssembly.dll+1A6356D: 0F 84 17 05 00 00        - je GameAssembly.dll+1A63A8A
GameAssembly.dll+1A63573: 33 D2                    - xor edx,edx
GameAssembly.dll+1A63575: 48 8B C8                 - mov rcx,rax
GameAssembly.dll+1A63578: E8 73 AB 74 02           - call Definitions.Activities.WeedData.get_LootOverride
GameAssembly.dll+1A6357D: 48 85 C0                 - test rax,rax
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
GameAssembly.dll+1A63580: 0F 84 04 05 00 00        - je GameAssembly.dll+1A63A8A
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
GameAssembly.dll+1A63586: 8B 58 1C                 - mov ebx,[rax+1C]
GameAssembly.dll+1A63589: 48 8B 0D 70 6B B7 04     - mov rcx,[GameAssembly.dll+65DA100]
GameAssembly.dll+1A63590: F6 81 33 01 00 00 04     - test byte ptr [rcx+00000133],04
GameAssembly.dll+1A63597: 74 14                    - je GameAssembly.dll+1A635AD
GameAssembly.dll+1A63599: 39 B1 E0 00 00 00        - cmp [rcx+000000E0],esi
GameAssembly.dll+1A6359F: 75 0C                    - jne GameAssembly.dll+1A635AD
GameAssembly.dll+1A635A1: E8 6A 89 A1 FE           - call GameAssembly.dll+47BF10
GameAssembly.dll+1A635A6: 48 8B 0D 53 6B B7 04     - mov rcx,[GameAssembly.dll+65DA100]
GameAssembly.dll+1A635AD: 48 8B 84 24 20 02 00 00  - mov rax,[rsp+00000220]
GameAssembly.dll+1A635B5: 40 38 70 20              - cmp [rax+20],sil

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Re: [Requests] Disney Dreamlight Valley

Post by machine4578 »

lmrlmax wrote:
Sun Jan 07, 2024 2:47 pm
machine4578 wrote:
Sun Jan 07, 2024 10:34 am
thanks for responding lmrlmax i tested the build v1.8.5-46 of the game too
yes i have the correct AOB scan and RVA, but i cant activate the code.. for example when i right click on the script it says
Error on line 16 ( mov rcx,[GameAssembly.dll+65DA100]) this instruction cant be compiled.

i have the same issue on Instant Growth Seed, Tree and Bush [Activate > Harvest], everything else works fine..

for some reason my cheat engine 7.5 dont like the "mov rcx,[GameAssembly.dll+" code and wont compile it. never had such an issue before :/
Try this one, New Weed Harvest to Memory Piece, hope it work for you

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Description>"New Weed Harvest to Memory Piece"</Description>
      <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>

aobscanmodule(INJECT,GameAssembly.dll,0F 84 04 05 00 00 8B 58 1C) // should be unique


mov [rax+1C],#2090000001 // Loot Table For Weed Harvest
mov [rax+18],#100        // Probability

  je GameAssembly.dll+1A63A8A
  mov ebx,[rax+1C]
  jmp return

  jmp newmem


  db 0F 84 04 05 00 00 8B 58 1C


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: GameAssembly.dll+1A63580

GameAssembly.dll+1A6355A: 48 85 C9                 - test rcx,rcx
GameAssembly.dll+1A6355D: 0F 84 27 05 00 00        - je GameAssembly.dll+1A63A8A
GameAssembly.dll+1A63563: 33 D2                    - xor edx,edx
GameAssembly.dll+1A63565: E8 B6 1A AD 00           - call Meta.Grids.GridState.get_WeedData
GameAssembly.dll+1A6356A: 48 85 C0                 - test rax,rax
GameAssembly.dll+1A6356D: 0F 84 17 05 00 00        - je GameAssembly.dll+1A63A8A
GameAssembly.dll+1A63573: 33 D2                    - xor edx,edx
GameAssembly.dll+1A63575: 48 8B C8                 - mov rcx,rax
GameAssembly.dll+1A63578: E8 73 AB 74 02           - call Definitions.Activities.WeedData.get_LootOverride
GameAssembly.dll+1A6357D: 48 85 C0                 - test rax,rax
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
GameAssembly.dll+1A63580: 0F 84 04 05 00 00        - je GameAssembly.dll+1A63A8A
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
GameAssembly.dll+1A63586: 8B 58 1C                 - mov ebx,[rax+1C]
GameAssembly.dll+1A63589: 48 8B 0D 70 6B B7 04     - mov rcx,[GameAssembly.dll+65DA100]
GameAssembly.dll+1A63590: F6 81 33 01 00 00 04     - test byte ptr [rcx+00000133],04
GameAssembly.dll+1A63597: 74 14                    - je GameAssembly.dll+1A635AD
GameAssembly.dll+1A63599: 39 B1 E0 00 00 00        - cmp [rcx+000000E0],esi
GameAssembly.dll+1A6359F: 75 0C                    - jne GameAssembly.dll+1A635AD
GameAssembly.dll+1A635A1: E8 6A 89 A1 FE           - call GameAssembly.dll+47BF10
GameAssembly.dll+1A635A6: 48 8B 0D 53 6B B7 04     - mov rcx,[GameAssembly.dll+65DA100]
GameAssembly.dll+1A635AD: 48 8B 84 24 20 02 00 00  - mov rax,[rsp+00000220]
GameAssembly.dll+1A635B5: 40 38 70 20              - cmp [rax+20],sil

this one works perfect!! thank you again!! :D
i really appreciate that you took time to find an alternative method for me!! and thank you for everything else you have shared for this game, amazing job!

btw i think i figured out a "fix" for my issue
mov rcx,[GameAssembly.dll+65DA100]
if i edit script to
mov rcx,GameAssembly.dll+65DA100
then it compiles and seems to work.

i did the exact same for Instant Growth Seed, Tree and Bush [Activate > Harvest]
mov rcx,[GameAssembly.dll+65E5B80]
edited it to
mov rcx,GameAssembly.dll+65E5B80
and now its working for me. WEIRD!!

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Re: [Requests] Disney Dreamlight Valley

Post by Rubyelf »

Anyone got a table for the current version that includes the discovered ways to get memories faster by chance?

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Re: [Requests] Disney Dreamlight Valley

Post by BackFromTheDead27 »

is the cheat table for anyone working? Mine doesn't show up, not with drag & drop or open via CE.
I have the newest version of CE (7.5). Also I have the newest version of the game. ( - Steam).
When I open the table with Notepad++ only this appears:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CheatTable CheatEngineTableVersion="45">

I redownloaded the table 2 times but it's always the same.
Thank you.

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Re: [Requests] Disney Dreamlight Valley

Post by Cuberdon »

I wonder if there's a way to properly access the "bed with a long name" items (search that expression in the official discord server, you'll see a bunch of items that aren't purchasable)

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Re: [Requests] Disney Dreamlight Valley

Post by Rubyelf »


So I HAD actually put in a lot of furniture, I found an old copy that I made a back up, someone had removed a ton of stuff I added. I just finished up the furniture I think, anything missing is usually placeholder quest items that will break your game.

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Re: [Requests] Disney Dreamlight Valley

Post by Ayin »

I was wondering if the recipe book could be changed with reward drops so we could unlock recipes quickly
This will make it much more convenient for us (when the game is updated with new recipes)
We don’t need to try every ingredient, but just unlock it directly.
Edit: I tried using the crafting to unlock the recipe. Although I got the meal, the ingredients needed to make the meal are still unknown.
Also tried spawning the meal on the map , picked it up and unlocked the meal, but the ingredients are still unknown
Last edited by Ayin on Wed Jan 10, 2024 7:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Requests] Disney Dreamlight Valley

Post by Ayin »

Maybe we can specify when mining to drop gems instead of stone or coal
Of course this is just my idea, I don’t know if it is possible because I am new to CE

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Re: [Requests] Disney Dreamlight Valley

Post by bpx »

Does anyone playing the (legit) online version feel like they get almost no memories unlocked? I feel like there must still be some server-side check or daily limit that determines whether the memory orb contains an actual memory or only coins. The first few days of using your discoveries using CE to get orbs any time you do something gave good results (although still quite a lot of coins). Now I feel like it's mostly coins with maybe 1 memory every 20 or so orbs. How is it for you guys?

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Re: [Requests] Disney Dreamlight Valley

Post by lmrlmax »

Ayin wrote:
Wed Jan 10, 2024 6:40 am
I was wondering if the recipe book could be changed with reward drops so we could unlock recipes quickly
This will make it much more convenient for us (when the game is updated with new recipes)
We don’t need to try every ingredient, but just unlock it directly.
Edit: I tried using the crafting to unlock the recipe. Although I got the meal, the ingredients needed to make the meal are still unknown.
Also tried spawning the meal on the map , picked it up and unlocked the meal, but the ingredients are still unknown
For unlock Recipe Ingredients, you can Create Recipe, Item ID is from 31500000 to 31500223. it's mix between Memory Piece, Quest Item, and Recipe.
If you use the recipe, it will show the ingredient but the meal still locked. I only test 2 recipe.
Ayin wrote:
Wed Jan 10, 2024 6:51 am
Maybe we can specify when mining to drop gems instead of stone or coal
Of course this is just my idea, I don’t know if it is possible because I am new to CE
Why you need mining to drop gems? it is for achievement ?

I create a new sheet that have almost all Item ID (?), name of the sheet is = Majority of Item ID.
It list all Item ID from 10000002 to 2120000224.
If the name show #N/A, it's mean Item ID is not listed in Main Item ID Sheet, you just need to add Name of the item in the next cell.
Some Item ID don't have function in game, Ex: Item ID for Icon, Logo, Tag Item, Universe Tag.
No need to fill that category.

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Re: [Requests] Disney Dreamlight Valley

Post by Ayin »

lmrlmax wrote:
Wed Jan 10, 2024 11:22 am
Ayin wrote:
Wed Jan 10, 2024 6:40 am
I was wondering if the recipe book could be changed with reward drops so we could unlock recipes quickly
This will make it much more convenient for us (when the game is updated with new recipes)
We don’t need to try every ingredient, but just unlock it directly.
Edit: I tried using the crafting to unlock the recipe. Although I got the meal, the ingredients needed to make the meal are still unknown.
Also tried spawning the meal on the map , picked it up and unlocked the meal, but the ingredients are still unknown
For unlock Recipe Ingredients, you can Create Recipe, Item ID is from 31500000 to 31500223. it's mix between Memory Piece, Quest Item, and Recipe.
If you use the recipe, it will show the ingredient but the meal still locked. I only test 2 recipe.
Ayin wrote:
Wed Jan 10, 2024 6:51 am
Maybe we can specify when mining to drop gems instead of stone or coal
Of course this is just my idea, I don’t know if it is possible because I am new to CE
Why you need mining to drop gems? it is for achievement ?

I create a new sheet that have almost all Item ID (?), name of the sheet is = Majority of Item ID.
It list all Item ID from 10000002 to 2120000224.
If the name show #N/A, it's mean Item ID is not listed in Main Item ID Sheet, you just need to add Name of the item in the next cell.
Some Item ID don't have function in game, Ex: Item ID for Icon, Logo, Tag Item, Universe Tag.
No need to fill that category.
31500000 to 31500223 appear to be recipes provided by the Quest. There is a logo in the lower right corner.
Is there any other way to unlock it besides these recipes?
For the next Star Path mission, You need to get fixed gems and fish/seafood (I own two copies, one is steam and one is a pirated version)

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Re: [Requests] Disney Dreamlight Valley

Post by lmrlmax »

Ayin wrote:
Wed Jan 10, 2024 1:28 pm
31500000 to 31500223 appear to be recipes provided by the Quest. There is a logo in the lower right corner.
Is there any other way to unlock it besides these recipes?
For the next Star Path mission, You need to get fixed gems and fish/seafood (I own two copies, one is steam and one is a pirated version)
Thanks for the info, beside that, I don't know how to unlock recipe.

There is script that Complete All your star path mission, did you already try that? and it's permanent and can saved to cloud

You can Mine for specific Gem, but you need:
1. Loot Table Probability to 1000
-------- Mining always result with Onyx and Memory Piece
2. Loot Present [Activate > Open Chest Reward in Inventory] [Rec. DreamSnap Chest]
-------- Edit lootTableItemID_ to 2090000258 [Loot Table For Mining]
3. Loot Table Data [Activate > Open Chest Reward in Inventory] [Rec. DreamSnap Chest]
-------- Edit Reward List -> Item 1 -> Item ID to any gem you want [Default is Onyx]

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Re: [Requests] Disney Dreamlight Valley

Post by Ayin »

lmrlmax wrote:
Wed Jan 10, 2024 2:06 pm
Ayin wrote:
Wed Jan 10, 2024 1:28 pm
31500000 to 31500223 appear to be recipes provided by the Quest. There is a logo in the lower right corner.
Is there any other way to unlock it besides these recipes?
For the next Star Path mission, You need to get fixed gems and fish/seafood (I own two copies, one is steam and one is a pirated version)
Thanks for the info, beside that, I don't know how to unlock recipe.

There is script that Complete All your star path mission, did you already try that? and it's permanent and can saved to cloud

You can Mine for specific Gem, but you need:
1. Loot Table Probability to 1000
-------- Mining always result with Onyx and Memory Piece
2. Loot Present [Activate > Open Chest Reward in Inventory] [Rec. DreamSnap Chest]
-------- Edit lootTableItemID_ to 2090000258 [Loot Table For Mining]
3. Loot Table Data [Activate > Open Chest Reward in Inventory] [Rec. DreamSnap Chest]
-------- Edit Reward List -> Item 1 -> Item ID to any gem you want [Default is Onyx]
I did not use the script for completing the Star Path mission because I have already completed this Star Path mission.
I can't activate Loot Present [Activate > Open Chest Reward] [Rec. DreamSnap Chest], can you tell me how to fix it, just like clearing thorns to get memories
And If you don't mind, please also tell me how to fix Loot Table to Memory Piece, I can't activate it, but I can activate Loot Table Probability to 1000(Of course, I can use another script to obtain the memory normally.) :D :D

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Re: [Requests] Disney Dreamlight Valley

Post by Rubyelf »

I finished off adding the rest of the missing clothes pieces from head to toe. If anyone feels like listing which category each one is from feel free to haha!

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