How to use:
Copy code below with Select All -> CTRL+C, then open cheat engine and click inside script box [Below Memory View] -> CTRL+V.
Activate -> Open Premium Pass -> All your Premium Pass Mission Will Complete -> Deactivate Script while in Premium Pass Mission Menu -> Click complete for each task/mission.
*If you not deactivate it will make your completed mission reappearing again.
*All your completed mission will reappear (it's normal), but it will not gain any token/reward again, so just accept it and click complete for each task.
*Tested with cracked game with online function.
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Description>"Star Path Task Complete All [Activate > Open Star Path Duties]"</Description>
<VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType>
aobscanmodule(makeallPassTaskCompleteINJECT,GameAssembly.dll,83 7A 20 04 0F 94 C0) // should be unique
mov [rdx+20],#3
cmp dword ptr [rdx+20],04
sete al
jmp return
jmp newmem
nop 2
db 83 7A 20 04 0F 94 C0
// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: GameAssembly.dll+12D18F9
GameAssembly.dll+12D18E9: CC - int 3
GameAssembly.dll+12D18EA: CC - int 3
GameAssembly.dll+12D18EB: CC - int 3
GameAssembly.dll+12D18EC: CC - int 3
GameAssembly.dll+12D18ED: CC - int 3
GameAssembly.dll+12D18EE: CC - int 3
GameAssembly.dll+12D18EF: CC - int 3
<>c.<RetrieveEventCurrencyStatus>b__95_0: 48 83 EC 28 - sub rsp,28
GameAssembly.dll+12D18F4: 48 85 D2 - test rdx,rdx
GameAssembly.dll+12D18F7: 74 0C - je GameAssembly.dll+12D1905
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
GameAssembly.dll+12D18F9: 83 7A 20 04 - cmp dword ptr [rdx+20],04
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
GameAssembly.dll+12D18FD: 0F 94 C0 - sete al
GameAssembly.dll+12D1900: 48 83 C4 28 - add rsp,28
GameAssembly.dll+12D1904: C3 - ret
GameAssembly.dll+12D1905: E8 B6 11 1E FF - call GameAssembly.dll+4B2AC0
GameAssembly.dll+12D190A: CC - int 3
GameAssembly.dll+12D190B: CC - int 3
GameAssembly.dll+12D190C: CC - int 3
GameAssembly.dll+12D190D: CC - int 3
GameAssembly.dll+12D190E: CC - int 3
GameAssembly.dll+12D190F: CC - int 3
<Description>"Will make your completed task appear again, If already completed, will get no reward"</Description>