How to Edit Team Performance:
So, I wanted to invert top teams with the slower one. All you need to do is change the Parts_DesignStatsValue. I gave Williams the Mercedes performance and after that I also gave Mercedes the performance of the Williams.
Only things you need to know are: what and where to copy things.
Basically you want to start by exporting the table to another file (like normal Excel or LibreOffice) so that you have the originals value (you will need it later). Then there are few things to know: Part Types and Design ID for each team.
PartsType are listed in the classical Enum, and they are: 3 Chassis, 4 Front Wing, 5 Rear Wing, 6 Sidepods, 7 Underfloor, 8 Suspension (with 1,2,3 being the Engine, Ers, Gearbox).
DesignID it's tricker (I think): you need to go to Parts_CarLoadout and from TeamID and PartsType you can find the DesignID for each component of each car. Basically they are: 34-39 Mercedes, 50-55 Williams, 13-18 Ferrari, 22-27 McLaren, 28-33 Rb, 41-46 Alpine, 59-64 Haas, 68-73 Alpha Tauri, 77-82 Alfa Romeo, 86-91 Aston Martin.
(P.s. I just edited car parts, not the engine itself, even though I could. Btw, it has already been posted on page 2).
What you want to do is to simply copy (in DesignStatsValue) all the columns from Values (till the last one) and all the lines from the first DesignID: 50 to the last DesignID 55 (There are multiple lines for each DesignID (=Front Wing, Sidepods, etc) because each car parts has multiple StatsID (=DragReduction, BrakeCooling, etc)) and paste them over the Mercedes lines (select again all the columns from Values (till the last one) from the first line of DesignID 34 to the last line of 39 and paste).
By doing so Mercedes has the same car parts of Williams.
Now, if you want to give Williams the Mercedes car parts, you will need the other file (the original backup file). From here you have to copy the originals Mercedes Values (DesignID: 34-39) and past it over the Williams Values (DesignID: 50-55) in the Db browser.
(That's how I find out you can just copy from libreoffice and paste it over into db browser, without manually writing all the values
It's a lot of writing, but it's extremely easy to do and works perfectly fine.
On my way to see Goatifi become the next World Champion