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Post by exomega »

danver2 wrote:
Thu Oct 20, 2022 11:00 pm
This actually helped me out quit a bit thanks. It came in real handy plus I made some sweet parts because of it.
they re much more easier with the highlight favorites option in the table
just mark favorite the part you desire and click open favorite in table lists
the part you marked will pop out

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Post by BigC115 »

does this work in private lobbies my friend wants me to level him and stuff and i do mean private lobby i dont condone ruining other people experiences

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Post by reunionreunion »

How can you unlock CaoCao and similar? I have the new DLC.

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Post by Neimu »

how do i use auto just guard?

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Post by D2266 »

This no longer works the game has been updated

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Post by izayoixx »

I made some scripts for 1.40 of the game. Most scripts from dhaoscollider still work, aside from few pointers being shifted. I updated the playable boss script from viewtopic.php?f=2&t=21727 to work on 1.40 BUT I haven't found big zam yet (I actually don't care about the big bosses as their hitboxes are very shit), but I did find some Boss units, like Latreia, QAN[T] ELS, and Legend Gundam. This script requires you to have Latreia unlocked as I calculated the offsets from that unit (just use unlock all MS from dhaoscollider script).

  • Highlighted Part Script. Highlight a selected part and view/change its stats. I like this method more than spawning a bunch of addresses.
  • Current MS Selected. To update, select(not highlight!) any MS in MS Settings. If you know the IDs then you can use those MS. If you try to use NPCs/Bosses it crashes when you are not in battle so be sure to change back to a playable MS.
  • Weapon Script. Required for playing as NPCs/Bosses, useless otherwise as normal playable MS don't have any unusable attacks so you won't get anything here
How to Play as Bosses:

Note, I added hotkeys for ease of access. Follow the steps so that it works properly. This game is dogshit and likes to crash very often if you do the wrong thing.
  1. Upon loading your save, Activate "Current MS Selected" Script and the "Get Boss IDs" Script, then go to MS Settings.
  2. Next, Highlight Latreia and swap to any MS you have (or just use Latreia). This should populate the MS IDs.
  3. Exit out of MS Settings and go choose a stage.
  4. Before launching a stage, press any numpad from 2 to 8 to swap to one of the Boss IDs I selected.
  5. After loading into the mission and when you can see your MS, press Numpad 1. This makes it so that after the mission you get to control Latreia so that the game doesn't crash.
  6. Now you can activate the Weapon Script, and the Activate Hotkeys Script. Press number keys 1-7 (normal number keys, NOT numpad keys) to swap playable moves (number of moves you can do is dependent on MS). Pressing these hotkeys will swap out your subweapons to whatever move the unit can do.
And that's it. You can leave the weapon script and hotkeys script on after. Also you don't have to reselect MS again after the mission. You can just go straight to another mission, swap to a boss MS (via numpad keys), and swap back to Latreia (Numpad 1, this is very important!) after loading into a mission. Seriously, don't forget to press Numpad 1 after loading in, you WILL crash after the mission if you don't.

Notes on NPC/Boss Units:
  • Some units don't have normal attacks and/or main weapons. Nothing you can do but to just swap weapons using the Number keys and using your subweapons.
  • Some units like the Legend Gundam get to keep their normal attack strings.
  • All NPCs and Boss Units start at level 0 and you can't change it. Also you won't get any part effects. But you do have super armor. Also by default, the unit only has 100 melee and ranged making your damage dogshit, BUT you can change this in DhaosCollider's table by changing your pilot stats (the Pilot Melee, Ranged, and HP stats add to the stats of ANY MS you pilot) or just changing your melee and ranged stat while in battle.
Just summary on hotkeys:
  • Numkeys 1-7 swaps your subweapons to moves that the unit can do.
  • Numpad 2-8 swaps to Boss units. Use before launching the mission. In the screen where you can change your partners.
  • Numpad 1 swaps to Latreia. Use after loading into the mission and when you can see your MS. Prevents crashing after the mission.
Boss Hotkey List:

Code: Select all

Numpad 2: Boss Latreia
Numpad 3: Reborn Gundam
Numpad 4: Master Gundam
Numpad 5: Gundam Epyon
Numpad 6: Legend Gundam
Numpad 7: Destiny Gundam
Numpad 8: Gundam Bael
Update 1:
  • Optimized script for changing weapons. Now the game should not crash if you attempt to swap to a weapon that does not exist. (Number of weapons depend on MS, in some cases you can access all moves just by Numkeys 1-3, while others have more moves. If you press numkey 4 in this example, game would crash because there are no more moves. Now, nothing happens instead and you keep the last weapon swapped.)
  • Added a script to boost damage of Boss attacks. Only affects the player. Also nerfs the normal combo string damage to be like playable MS because it isn't set properly.
  • Added a script to change your level based on whatever level you want (I recommend just setting the mission recommended level) so your damage doesn't get nerfed due to being level 0. The script also scales your melee and ranged stats according to the level so you aren't stuck with shit damage (Only works for Boss/NPC MS!).
Added video tutorial:
Update 1
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