Akira wrote: ↑Mon Apr 03, 2023 4:25 pm
tcd777 wrote: ↑Mon Apr 03, 2023 10:58 am
Hi Good Sir, Downloaded for the first time, even install CE 7.4 , Cant press the activation button. Any advice for a noob ?
After trying to activate the script make a rightclick on it and it should show a error message.
Updates are btw available to my patrons only by now.
This is the thing I see after right click.
if syntaxcheck then return end
--DarkMode (Start)
--local addList = GetAddressList()
--addList.Control[0].BackgroundColor = 0x000000
--DarkMode (End)
--CE Version Check (Start)
if (getCEVersion() ~= 7.4) then
showMessage("This table is meant to be used with CE 7.4.\nPlease use the versions equal to it.") --Shows this message when CE version doesn't match
local str,Address
str=inputQuery('CE Download Page', 'Link', '
[Link]') --Shows link to CE download page when CE version doesn't match
if str and str~='' then
--CE Version Check (End)
if syntaxcheck then return end
local al = getAddressList()
local pl = getProcessList()
local mpbase = getAddressSafe("MDC_ServerPipe")
local gameName = 'Way of the Hunter'
local gameProc = '-Shipping.exe'
if pl[getProcessIDFromProcessName(gameProc)] ~= nil then
if (readInteger(process) == nil) or (readInteger(process) ~= readInteger(gameProc)) then
if mpbase ~= nil or mpbase ~= 0 then
local msg = [[
Table made by Akira Fudo
mShowMessage('Surrender to the Darkness', msg, true, 0)
--Run Script here
local al = getAddressList()
if al ~= nil then
local playerScript = al.getMemoryRecordByDescription('[LP]')
playerScript.Active = true
else beep()
error(showMessage(("%s (%s) is not running.\nPlease open the process first."):format(gameName,gameProc)))
local al = getAddressList()
if al ~= nil then
local playerScript = al.getMemoryRecordByDescription('[LP]')
playerScript.Active = false
if monopipe then monopipe.destroy();monopipe=nil end