Important, been playing all day even in Bygone and Wormhole:
For the following folders/files:
C:\Tower Of Fantasy\Hotta\Binaries\Win64\TQM64\dump
C:\Tower Of Fantasy\Hotta\Plugins\OneSDKCore\Binaries\Win64\Wmsdkagent\logs
C:\Tower Of Fantasy\Launcher\Cache\GCloudSDKLog\GCloudCore
C:\Tower Of Fantasy\Launcher\intl_service\debug.log
C:\Tower Of Fantasy\Launcher\log
C:\Tower Of Fantasy\Launcher\TQM\dump
Right-Click->Properties make sure Read-Only is Enabled AND in Advanced un-check "Allow files in this folder to have contents indexed"
Go into Security->Advanced Disable Inheritance, set Owner to your own Windows account, make sure both "Replace Owner on all sub-folders and files..." AND "Replace all child object permission entries..." are checked then click Apply
In Security->Edit delete all accounts except your own AND give yourself Deny-Full Control then click Apply
In addition, VMProtect is outdated/not available officially anymore but this is key - virtualizing and layering Cheat Engine using a tool like Themida is KEY. I already had the developer edition for school/certs, your mileage may vary with the demo. The config isn't anything crazy, select the x64 Cheat Engine .exe from Program Files and the only other option to change is to check Entry Point Virtualization in Protection Options before Saving/Protecting. Saving saves the Themida project but Protect actually creates a new Cheat Engine .exe that will actually run within its own sandboxed, VM context. You will want to manually go to the Program Files folder and run the Themida-created ...protected.exe it generates and use only that specific instance of Cheat Engine.
I still did the ksophos_x64.sys bypass as OP's first post suggests and also loaded and used the table as described in the first post.
EDIT: Only cheats I used were Attack Speed, Burst Attack Speed, and Infinite Dodge in SP instances.
Updating with enhanced instructions:
1.) Navigate to each folder/file above, right-click -> Properties
2.) Ensure Read-Only is checked and click Apply
3.) Un-check all boxes in Advanced, click OK in the Advanced window then click apply in Properties again
4.) In Properties, switch from the general tab to Security. Click Advanced to bring up the Advanced Security Settings window.
5.) Next to Owner click Change and enter in your Windows username. Click OK then OK again.
6.) Click on Disable Inheritance and choose the "Convert inherited permissions" option
7.) Check the boxes for "Replace owner" and "Replace all child object permission entries" and click Apply
8.) Click Yes at the prompt
9.) Click OK to close Advanced Security Settings but stay in the folder/file Properties' Security tab. Click Edit and click Remove on all accounts other than your own. Select your own account and check the box for Full Control -> Deny then click Apply
10.) Click Yes at the prompt - Note: You will be bricked from accessing this folder/file in the standard File Explorer GUI after doing this step. In the future when you need to remove/edit/un-brick these you can run CMD or PowerShell as an administrator and icacls.exe the permissions back.
11.) I tried the Themida demo version besides my paid version and it doesn't cause an insta-ban, played for 3 hours on it too in Bygone and Wormhole. Go to the website above, download, and install it. Open the x64 version of Themida after it's fully installed (My first two screenshots show x32, ignore that I goofed up)
12.) Give the application a name, I just kept CheatEngine but you do you. Click the ... ellipses and navigate to "C:\Program Files\Cheat Engine 7.4" to select the cheatengine-x86_64.exe or wherever else your x64 cheatengine.exe is if located elsewhere.
13.) Confirm that after selecting your x64 .exe that Themida gets an accurate view of the .exe, my screenshot reflects what 7.4 should appear as but I'm not too familiar with Cheat Engine to know if there could be some file size/hashing differences.
14.) In Themida go to Protection Options and check the box for Entry Point Virtualization - This option is pivotal for utmost stealth of the table being used
15.) Optional but ideal to Save the project in case future option adjustments become recommended to save some time
16.) Click Protect and wait for the compilation of a new Cheat Engine .exe to finish, should only take 2-3 minutes on modern PCs at most
17.) When you get the message stating ***File successfully protected*** you can click the Close button
18.) Back in Application Information you can view the Output File line to see where the new .exe is and what its name is. Important - Use this specific Cheat Engine .exe when you go to use it in this game
This in combination with the ksophos_x64.sys bypass has kept me stealthed all day in Bygone, Wormhole, and Joint Ops (solo) and I've only used the Attack Speed, Burst Speed, and Infinite Dodge cheats. I also only enable cheats when fully loaded into an instance and make sure to disable them before leaving back to the overworld. Bricking these files/folders, bypassing the anticheat, and virtualizing/layering your injection via Themida are a pretty strong combination but remember there's always a risk of getting caught and that you should anonymize/normalize your in-game activity regularly while using it. For instance, in Bygone I don't finish any levels under 2 minutes, I re-launch the game without Cheat Engine throughout the day to do World Bosses and other overworld activities before swapping back in, and in battle I don't spam, still move, use relics, swap weapons even without charge, and play "normally". Don't be a dork and use this in PVP either or in front of people in general. I highly recommend the paid version of Themida too because you get more anonymization and injection options similar to the heydays of VMProtect's fine tuning; not to say the demo version doesn't work as the base demo is still on/above par of VMProtect even at its best IMO.
I'll give an update if I do get banned but would imagine doing these extra two steps (file/folder bricking and Themida) is better than doing nothing and just hoping. If you play tomorrow try playing a ~2 hour legitimate game session before the server week's end.