How can I obtain the players base pointer/address

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How can I obtain the players base pointer/address

Post by Bug »

I am trying to find the players base pointer/address in Borderlands 2 so that I have easy access to the offsets for the players health and stats, ect.
Currently what I am doing is finding the players health address and then finding out what access' itImage (in this case it seems like the player base address is ESI=54C89C58) but when I dissect data structures I can't really make sense of what I am looking at. I've checked the offset 6C from 54C89C58 and it's just a pointer with a bunch of results that don't seem to have any relevance to my player. I've also checked the offset 0000(this first pointer) which again, has no relevance to my player. Image

-- Apologies if this is a stupid or overly simple question, I'm quite new to this and every material I have found referencing something like this hasn't been applicable to this game.

-- This is not to be used online and is strictly being used to help me get better at cheating

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Re: How can I obtain the players base pointer/ad

Post by Marc »

If I‘m Not mistaken, Borderlands 2 is using the Unreal2 Engine. Finding playerbase is complicated here.
Sunbeam wrote something about that topic but it‘s way above my head.

The easiest way to solve this is to use the excellent tool from cake-san found here: viewtopic.php?t=14414

With it you can easily get the real playerbase address and then find out which Code constantly accesses it.

For some advice, watch :)

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Re: How can I obtain the players base pointer/address

Post by sbryzl »

Here's a base pointer with player's health.
(2.85 KiB) Downloaded 165 times

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