New to Making CheatTables

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New to Making CheatTables

Post by skydiamond04 »

I've been wanting to get into making cheats or looking at the code and being able to understand it. I found this game called FPS Chess where you kill each other as chess pieces, but there's no health bar. The only indicator that you are losing health is the screen cracking as you're getting hit. I was looking at tutorial videos to make cheats and they all need values. I know I can scan with unknown initial value but I don't know where to go from there. If someone could help me and maybe even get on a discord call that would be appreciated.

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Re: New to Making CheatTables

Post by skydiamond04 »

I was also wondering how people make aimbots and if its possible with Cheat Engine

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Re: New to Making CheatTables

Post by Toga »

Full playlist from start to advanced by Stephen Chapman

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Re: New to Making CheatTables

Post by Marc »

skydiamond04 wrote:
Fri Aug 05, 2022 10:35 pm
I know I can scan with unknown initial value but I don't know where to go from there.
  • go to settings in CE and under "Scan Settings" set the data type for "all" to at least 4 Bytes, Float and Double. (most likely that's sufficient)
  • in the main window set the data type to "all"
  • do a scan for "unknown initial value"
  • get hit
  • scan for either "changed value" or "decreased value". First one will get you much more hits, so the latter one will get you faster to the right address. Disadvantage of "decreased": if the values are encrypted or the game stores the damage you received instead of the remaining health, this would not find it
  • let the game run 1-5 seconds without loosing health and do a "unchanged value" scan
  • repeat until you get down to a reasonable amount of addresses
  • if you can heal, heal up to full health, check the "compare to first scan" box and make an "unchanged value" scan because the intial health and the current health now should be the same
  • If there's more than one address left, but a reasonable amount (smaller than 50) try changing the values one by one and check if it affects healthbar
And about a video guide:

(I'd recommend watching the wholer 100 and 200 Series, they are awesome)

have fun,

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