Monster Hunter Rise - Monsters Hp modifier

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Monster Hunter Rise - Monsters Hp modifier

Post by SilverRabbit90 »

I tried to create a cheat to change the monster HP in Monster Hunter Rise.
The code works partially.

I found the monster life code, trying to search in 8Bytes and doing Changed/Unchanged Valuse (with Decreased/Unchanged values it doesn't work, for some reason -.-)

This is the information to access from the Memory View:

41 89 4B 18 83 E1 03 41

This is my code:

Code: Select all


aobscanmodule(MonHpC,MonsterHunterRise.exe,41 89 4B 18 83 E1 03 41) // should be unique

label(return seeMonHp)


cmp r15,0000000000000000
jne code

mov [seeMonHp],r11

 sub eax,C350
  mov [r11+18],0
  mov [r11+18],ecx


  mov [r11+18],ecx
  and ecx,03
  jmp return

  dq 0

  jmp newmem
  nop 2


  db 41 89 4B 18 83 E1 03


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: MonsterHunterRise.exe+3B5C67C

MonsterHunterRise.exe+3B5C658: 48 0F AF CA        - imul rcx,rdx
MonsterHunterRise.exe+3B5C65C: 48 33 C8           - xor rcx,rax
MonsterHunterRise.exe+3B5C65F: 0F B6 45 1A        - movzx eax,byte ptr [rbp+1A]
MonsterHunterRise.exe+3B5C663: 48 0F AF CA        - imul rcx,rdx
MonsterHunterRise.exe+3B5C667: 48 33 C8           - xor rcx,rax
MonsterHunterRise.exe+3B5C66A: 0F B6 45 1B        - movzx eax,byte ptr [rbp+1B]
MonsterHunterRise.exe+3B5C66E: 48 0F AF CA        - imul rcx,rdx
MonsterHunterRise.exe+3B5C672: 48 33 C8           - xor rcx,rax
MonsterHunterRise.exe+3B5C675: 8B 45 10           - mov eax,[rbp+10]
MonsterHunterRise.exe+3B5C678: 48 0F AF CA        - imul rcx,rdx
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
MonsterHunterRise.exe+3B5C67C: 41 89 4B 18        - mov [r11+18],ecx
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
MonsterHunterRise.exe+3B5C680: 83 E1 03           - and ecx,03
MonsterHunterRise.exe+3B5C683: 41 89 44 8B 1C     - mov [r11+rcx*4+1C],eax
MonsterHunterRise.exe+3B5C688: 5D                 - pop rbp
MonsterHunterRise.exe+3B5C689: C3                 - ret 
MonsterHunterRise.exe+3B5C68A: 41 83 F8 0A        - cmp r8d,0A
MonsterHunterRise.exe+3B5C68E: 0F 85 64 01 00 00  - jne MonsterHunterRise.exe+3B5C7F8
MonsterHunterRise.exe+3B5C694: 49 8B 01           - mov rax,[r9]
MonsterHunterRise.exe+3B5C697: 48 63 48 F8        - movsxd  rcx,dword ptr [rax-08]
MonsterHunterRise.exe+3B5C69B: 4A 8B 04 09        - mov rax,[rcx+r9]
MonsterHunterRise.exe+3B5C69F: 48 89 45 18        - mov [rbp+18],rax
When I hit a monster the HP drops for the first two hits, on the third hit the HP returns to the value it was before hitting the monster. I guess that's why I have to modify this piece of code:

Code: Select all


  mov [r11+18],ecx
  and ecx,03
  jmp return
When I try to use this code:

Code: Select all


  mov [r11+18],ecx
  jmp return
the game crashes.

I found these instructions
on how to do various types of operations, but I don't understand much about them XD

I definitely have to edit the part where there is AND
but I do not know how I can do it. Can someone help me?
Thank you

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