This Keplerth Trainer is included in Cheat Evolution app
It features 37 cheats which are as follows
Unlimited Tenergy Shards
Unlimited HP
Unlimited Hunger
Unlimited Energy
Unlimited Item
Get Character Stats
Max Hp
Max Hunger
Max Energy
Add Critical Chance
Add Critical Damage
Ex Damage Resistance
Ignore Defence
Remote Protect
Trap Protect
Exploed Protect
Melee Protect
Boss Protect
On Hit Protect
Dodge Buff Value
Move Speed
Move Force
Attack Add Value
Attack Multiplier Vaule
AttackSpeed Multiplier Vaule
Ex KnockBack Value
Short Skill CD
Equipment Decrease Durability
Armour Decrease Durability
Hand Decrease Durability
Shoes Decrease Durability
Weapon Decrease Durability
Increase Speed
Decrease Speed
Reset Speed
Game Information:
This trainer might not necessarily work with your version of the game but it should and will generally try to. Please make sure you match the version with your game and test all options before panicking.
It has been thoroughly tested and will work.
Keplerth v1.0 PLUS 37 Trainer
Keplerth Trainer
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