Stray (Initial Release)

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Stray (Initial Release)

Post by ndck@ModEngine »

Stray (Non-Steam/Steam)

Version : v12#210

- Cat Character *Hotkey Included*
- Drone *Hotkey Included*
Extended Table. Note: Screen Capture may differ due to alteration
Lists Of Changelog
Version : v15#368 [This table update is only available on my discord server via Membership Platforms]
- Cat Character main pointers offset revised
- Minor revision to the Game User Settings pointers offset

Version : v13#214 (Compatible with v14#227)
- Game User Settings Added *Hotkey Included*

Version : v12#211
- Zurg Settings Reference Added *Hotkey Included*
- Added some pointers
Related Tables
Other Related Tables
Table Disclaimer Note
Note: These cheats may or may not work for you. I can't guarantee it will work for everybody. :) The most common or various issues if the cheat(s) doesn't work or activates is because the outdated or update game/table version or compatibility gaming platforms like Steam, Non-Steam, GOG, Epic, Windows Store/Gamepass, Cheat Engine versions or possibly due to any installation anomalies, Windows Version or CPU compatibility and so forth. Another situation also happens is when you did not activate the script(s) to populate the other 'children' and by doing that you might need to switch between the table and the game depending on how the script(s) was made. If all the above methods did not work for you sometimes a simple game or PC restart might resolve this issue. My table is compatible from Cheat Engine 7.1 and above but it is still a good practice to keep your current Cheat Engine software up to date. For my table, just click on the 'Activate' script for it to add process as well as activate mono automatically depending on the game whether it uses the mono features or not. Finally, I would be most grateful if you could submit your rating if the table works for you as time, patience and effort were put into making these tables and also as a gesture of your support. Thank you all very much. :)
Donation/Support/Membership can done through [Link] or [Link] or [Link]. I really need your support in continuing my work. Please take note that only subscribing to specific membership types will get full access to my table updates which is available in my official discord channel as of January 2023

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
Stray v13#214.CT
(1.82 KiB) Downloaded 3359 times
Stray v12#211.CT
(1.82 KiB) Downloaded 747 times
Stray v12#210.CT
(1.82 KiB) Downloaded 827 times
Last edited by ndck76 on Thu Aug 10, 2023 7:23 pm, edited 22 times in total.

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Re: Stray

Post by Cristina1991 »

Thank you for all that work, that is a lot of options to play around with. I will experience the game first without using any of them since it is very easy. I was kind of hoping there would be a way to swap cats at the start of the game since there are four and only one to choose from. Maybe that will be something to unlock after completing the game..?

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Re: Stray

Post by demorest2 »

Realy nice table!) Any1 found/tested usefull options for QoL, like cat speed/distance jump etc!? Most of options fells like doesnt have effect...

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Re: Stray

Post by ShasVa »

A table so soon after the game released? Neat-o. I look forward to giving it a whirl. I love cats. :)

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Re: Stray (Initial Release)

Post by rain »

man, i wish someone did godmode against taser drones with searchlights in midtown chapter, no trainer works on them.

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Re: Stray (Initial Release)

Post by darkbear »

Thank you so much, but... cloud you make a point/cheat?

Total game times - for I Am Speed - Complete the game in less than 2 hours.

Thank you again
Last edited by darkbear on Fri Jul 22, 2022 9:42 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Stray (Initial Release)

Post by Z0tteke »

Thnx for this cheat!
Looking for unlimited defluxer. Can't seem to find it in this big list of options. Did i miss it or isn't it available (yet)?

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Re: Stray (Initial Release)

Post by mohem »

Z0tteke wrote:
Fri Jul 22, 2022 4:59 am
Thnx for this cheat!
Looking for unlimited defluxer. Can't seem to find it in this big list of options. Did i miss it or isn't it available (yet)?
The way I did it by changing the Heat Increase Speed to something miniscule like 0.00002 and the Over Heat Decrease Speed to some large number like 5

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Re: Stray (Initial Release)

Post by rinmara »

Do any of the cheats work on the sentinels or is there a plan to add any? I absolutely sucked at the stealth portions and I really want to be able to complete the game under 2 hours even if its by cheating

EDIT: Just thought I should add that I also use a trainer but the god mode or super stealth options on the trainer don't count when it comes to the sentinels, which are the times I need those most

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Re: Stray (Initial Release)

Post by unREAL »

darkbear wrote:
Fri Jul 22, 2022 2:42 am
Thank you so much, but... cloud you make a point/cheat?

Total game times - for I Am Speed - Complete the game in less than 2 hours.

Thank you again
try this, it forces the checkpoint time to zero each frame:

Code: Select all


aobscanmodule(ReadCheckpoint,Stray-Win64-Shipping.exe,F3 0F 10 81 14 02 00 00 33) // should be unique



  xorps xmm0,xmm0
  movss [rcx+214],xmm0
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 3


  db F3 0F 10 81 14 02 00 00


How to use:
-open cheat engine
-attach to the game
-open memory view
-paste the code in
-File->Assign to current cheat table

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Re: Stray (Initial Release)

Post by darkbear »

unREAL wrote:
Sat Jul 23, 2022 2:38 am
darkbear wrote:
Fri Jul 22, 2022 2:42 am
Thank you so much, but... cloud you make a point/cheat?

Total game times - for I Am Speed - Complete the game in less than 2 hours.

Thank you again
try this, it forces the checkpoint time to zero each frame:

Code: Select all


aobscanmodule(ReadCheckpoint,Stray-Win64-Shipping.exe,F3 0F 10 81 14 02 00 00 33) // should be unique



  xorps xmm0,xmm0
  movss [rcx+214],xmm0
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 3


  db F3 0F 10 81 14 02 00 00


How to use:
-open cheat engine
-attach to the game
-open memory view
-paste the code in
-File->Assign to current cheat table
Thank you so much, I try it later, THANKS

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Re: Stray (Initial Release)

Post by darkbear »

unREAL wrote:
Sat Jul 23, 2022 2:38 am
darkbear wrote:
Fri Jul 22, 2022 2:42 am
Thank you so much, but... cloud you make a point/cheat?

Total game times - for I Am Speed - Complete the game in less than 2 hours.

Thank you again
try this, it forces the checkpoint time to zero each frame:

Code: Select all


aobscanmodule(ReadCheckpoint,Stray-Win64-Shipping.exe,F3 0F 10 81 14 02 00 00 33) // should be unique



  xorps xmm0,xmm0
  movss [rcx+214],xmm0
  jmp return

  jmp newmem
  nop 3


  db F3 0F 10 81 14 02 00 00


How to use:
-open cheat engine
-attach to the game
-open memory view
-paste the code in
-File->Assign to current cheat table
Thank you, just tested, it only change chapter's timer, but thank you for trying help me

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Re: Stray (Initial Release)

Post by SunBeam »

rinmara wrote:
Sat Jul 23, 2022 1:53 am
I really want to be able to complete the game under 2 hours even if its by cheating
How about you use [Link] like any regular human being and not cramp on the game-hacker with your sway moods?

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Re: Stray (Initial Release)

Post by SunBeam »

Been picking up on this.

Wanted to see where the StrongLight gets enabled on the drone (when Doc tinkers on B12 to equip it with UV light).

And here it is, in the latest version (ImageBase = 0000000140000000):

Code: Select all

00000001410CE060 | 48:895C24 10     | MOV QWORD PTR SS:[RSP+10],RBX        | rcx == BP_Drone_C /Game/Map/_MainGame/BaseMap.BaseMap:PersistentLevel.BP_Drone_C_2147479143
00000001410CE065 | 57               | PUSH RDI                             |
00000001410CE066 | 48:83EC 20       | SUB RSP,20                           |
00000001410CE06A | 0FB681 E1030000  | MOVZX EAX,BYTE PTR DS:[RCX+3E1]      | 0x3E1 == BoolProperty /Script/Hk_project.Drone:m_isStrongLightUnlocked
00000001410CE071 | 0FB6FA           | MOVZX EDI,DL                         |
00000001410CE074 | 48:8BD9          | MOV RBX,RCX                          |
00000001410CE077 | 3AD0             | CMP DL,AL                            |
00000001410CE079 | 74 3D            | JE stray-win64-shipping1.1410CE0B8   |
00000001410CE07B | 84D2             | TEST DL,DL                           |
00000001410CE07D | 75 32            | JNE stray-win64-shipping1.1410CE0B1  |
00000001410CE07F | 3891 E0030000    | CMP BYTE PTR DS:[RCX+3E0],DL         | 0x3E0 == BoolProperty /Script/Hk_project.Drone:m_isLightUnlocked
00000001410CE085 | 74 2A            | JE stray-win64-shipping1.1410CE0B1   |
00000001410CE087 | 84C0             | TEST AL,AL                           |
00000001410CE089 | 74 26            | JE stray-win64-shipping1.1410CE0B1   |
00000001410CE08B | 41:B8 01000000   | MOV R8D,1                            |
00000001410CE091 | 48:8D15 080AC102 | LEA RDX,QWORD PTR DS:[143CDEAA0]     | "StrongLightOff"
00000001410CE098 | 48:8D4C24 30     | LEA RCX,QWORD PTR SS:[RSP+30]        |
00000001410CE09D | E8 1E482400      | CALL stray-win64-shipping1.1413128C0 |
00000001410CE0A2 | 48:8B8B 00040000 | MOV RCX,QWORD PTR DS:[RBX+400]       | [rcx+0x400] == HierarchicalStateMachine /Game/Map/_MainGame/BaseMap.BaseMap:PersistentLevel.BP_Drone_C_2147479143.StateMachine
00000001410CE0A9 | 48:8B10          | MOV RDX,QWORD PTR DS:[RAX]           |
00000001410CE0AC | E8 9F9E81FF      | CALL stray-win64-shipping1.1408E7F50 |
00000001410CE0B1 | 40:88BB E1030000 | MOV BYTE PTR DS:[RBX+3E1],DIL        | 0x3E1 == BoolProperty /Script/Hk_project.Drone:m_isStrongLightUnlocked
00000001410CE0B8 | 48:8B5C24 38     | MOV RBX,QWORD PTR SS:[RSP+38]        |
00000001410CE0BD | 48:83C4 20       | ADD RSP,20                           |
00000001410CE0C1 | 5F               | POP RDI                              |
00000001410CE0C2 | C3               | RET                                  |
There are several functions operating enable/disable of the various Torch types, among which this one:

Code: Select all

00000001410F9E10 | 48:895C24 08                      | MOV QWORD PTR SS:[RSP+8],RBX                                                         |
00000001410F9E15 | 57                                | PUSH RDI                                                                             |
00000001410F9E16 | 48:83EC 20                        | SUB RSP,20                                                                           |
00000001410F9E1A | 48:8BFA                           | MOV RDI,RDX                                                                          | rdx:EntryPoint
00000001410F9E1D | E8 3E25AF01                       | CALL stray-win64-shipping1.142BEC360                                                 |
00000001410F9E22 | 48:8BC8                           | MOV RCX,RAX                                                                          | rax:EntryPoint
00000001410F9E25 | 48:8BD8                           | MOV RBX,RAX                                                                          | rax:EntryPoint
00000001410F9E28 | E8 63180200                       | CALL stray-win64-shipping1.14111B690                                                 |
00000001410F9E2D | 84C0                              | TEST AL,AL                                                                           |
00000001410F9E2F | 0F85 B0000000                     | JNE stray-win64-shipping1.1410F9EE5                                                  |
00000001410F9E35 | 48:8BCB                           | MOV RCX,RBX                                                                          |
00000001410F9E38 | E8 E3270200                       | CALL stray-win64-shipping1.14111C620                                                 |
00000001410F9E3D | 41:B0 01                          | MOV R8B,1                                                                            |
00000001410F9E40 | 48:8BC8                           | MOV RCX,RAX                                                                          | rax:EntryPoint
00000001410F9E43 | 41:0FB6D0                         | MOVZX EDX,R8B                                                                        |
00000001410F9E47 | E8 44010100                       | CALL stray-win64-shipping1.141109F90                                                 |
00000001410F9E4C | 48:8BCB                           | MOV RCX,RBX                                                                          |
00000001410F9E4F | E8 3C240200                       | CALL stray-win64-shipping1.14111C290                                                 |
00000001410F9E54 | 80B8 E1030000 00                  | CMP BYTE PTR DS:[RAX+3E1],0                                                          |
00000001410F9E5B | 0F84 84000000                     | JE stray-win64-shipping1.1410F9EE5                                                   |
00000001410F9E61 | 48:8D05 C88EBE02                  | LEA RAX,QWORD PTR DS:[143CE2D30]                                                     | rax:EntryPoint, 0000000143CE2D30:L"Disable Torchlight"
00000001410F9E68 | 48:3947 28                        | CMP QWORD PTR DS:[RDI+28],RAX                                                        | rax:EntryPoint
00000001410F9E6C | 74 61                             | JE stray-win64-shipping1.1410F9ECF                                                   |
00000001410F9E6E | 8B4F 34                           | MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[RDI+34]                                                        |
00000001410F9E71 | 33D2                              | XOR EDX,EDX                                                                          |
00000001410F9E73 | 8957 30                           | MOV DWORD PTR DS:[RDI+30],EDX                                                        |
00000001410F9E76 | 83F9 13                           | CMP ECX,13                                                                           |
00000001410F9E79 | 74 14                             | JE stray-win64-shipping1.1410F9E8F                                                   |
00000001410F9E7B | BA 13000000                       | MOV EDX,13                                                                           |
00000001410F9E80 | 48:8D4F 28                        | LEA RCX,QWORD PTR DS:[RDI+28]                                                        |
00000001410F9E84 | E8 07E774FF                       | CALL stray-win64-shipping1.140848590                                                 |
00000001410F9E89 | 8B57 30                           | MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[RDI+30]                                                        |
00000001410F9E8C | 8B4F 34                           | MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[RDI+34]                                                        |
00000001410F9E8F | 8D42 13                           | LEA EAX,QWORD PTR DS:[RDX+13]                                                        |
00000001410F9E92 | 8947 30                           | MOV DWORD PTR DS:[RDI+30],EAX                                                        |
00000001410F9E95 | 3BC1                              | CMP EAX,ECX                                                                          |
00000001410F9E97 | 7E 09                             | JLE stray-win64-shipping1.1410F9EA2                                                  |
00000001410F9E99 | 48:8D4F 28                        | LEA RCX,QWORD PTR DS:[RDI+28]                                                        |
00000001410F9E9D | E8 EEE174FF                       | CALL stray-win64-shipping1.140848090                                                 |
00000001410F9EA2 | 48:8B4F 28                        | MOV RCX,QWORD PTR DS:[RDI+28]                                                        |
00000001410F9EA6 | 0F1005 838EBE02                   | MOVUPS XMM0,XMMWORD PTR DS:[143CE2D30]                                               | 0000000143CE2D30:L"Disable Torchlight"
00000001410F9EAD | 0F1101                            | MOVUPS XMMWORD PTR DS:[RCX],XMM0                                                     |
00000001410F9EB0 | 0F100D 898EBE02                   | MOVUPS XMM1,XMMWORD PTR DS:[143CE2D40]                                               | 0000000143CE2D40:L"Torchlight"
00000001410F9EB7 | 0F1149 10                         | MOVUPS XMMWORD PTR DS:[RCX+10],XMM1                                                  |
00000001410F9EBB | 8B05 8F8EBE02                     | MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[143CE2D50]                                                     | 0000000143CE2D50:L"ht"
00000001410F9EC1 | 8941 20                           | MOV DWORD PTR DS:[RCX+20],EAX                                                        |
00000001410F9EC4 | 0FB705 898EBE02                   | MOVZX EAX,WORD PTR DS:[143CE2D54]                                                    |
00000001410F9ECB | 66:8941 24                        | MOV WORD PTR DS:[RCX+24],AX                                                          |
00000001410F9ECF | 48:8B8F D0000000                  | MOV RCX,QWORD PTR DS:[RDI+D0]                                                        |
00000001410F9ED6 | 48:8B5C24 30                      | MOV RBX,QWORD PTR SS:[RSP+30]                                                        |
00000001410F9EDB | 48:83C4 20                        | ADD RSP,20                                                                           |
00000001410F9EDF | 5F                                | POP RDI                                                                              |
00000001410F9EE0 | E9 4BEBFFFF                       | JMP stray-win64-shipping1.1410F8A30                                                  |
00000001410F9EE5 | 48:8BCB                           | MOV RCX,RBX                                                                          |
00000001410F9EE8 | E8 A3230200                       | CALL stray-win64-shipping1.14111C290                                                 |
00000001410F9EED | 48:8BC8                           | MOV RCX,RAX                                                                          | rax:EntryPoint
00000001410F9EF0 | 80B8 E1030000 00                  | CMP BYTE PTR DS:[RAX+3E1],0                                                          |
00000001410F9EF7 | 74 70                             | JE stray-win64-shipping1.1410F9F69                                                   |
00000001410F9EF9 | 33D2                              | XOR EDX,EDX                                                                          |
00000001410F9EFB | E8 6041FDFF                       | CALL stray-win64-shipping1.1410CE060                                                 |
00000001410F9F00 | 48:8D05 518EBE02                  | LEA RAX,QWORD PTR DS:[143CE2D58]                                                     | rax:EntryPoint, 0000000143CE2D58:L"Enable Torchlight"
00000001410F9F07 | 48:3947 28                        | CMP QWORD PTR DS:[RDI+28],RAX                                                        | rax:EntryPoint
00000001410F9F0B | 0F84 CD000000                     | JE stray-win64-shipping1.1410F9FDE                                                   |
00000001410F9F11 | 8B4F 34                           | MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[RDI+34]                                                        |
00000001410F9F14 | 33D2                              | XOR EDX,EDX                                                                          |
00000001410F9F16 | 8957 30                           | MOV DWORD PTR DS:[RDI+30],EDX                                                        |
00000001410F9F19 | 83F9 12                           | CMP ECX,12                                                                           |
00000001410F9F1C | 74 14                             | JE stray-win64-shipping1.1410F9F32                                                   |
00000001410F9F1E | BA 12000000                       | MOV EDX,12                                                                           |
00000001410F9F23 | 48:8D4F 28                        | LEA RCX,QWORD PTR DS:[RDI+28]                                                        |
00000001410F9F27 | E8 64E674FF                       | CALL stray-win64-shipping1.140848590                                                 |
00000001410F9F2C | 8B57 30                           | MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[RDI+30]                                                        |
00000001410F9F2F | 8B4F 34                           | MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[RDI+34]                                                        |
00000001410F9F32 | 8D42 12                           | LEA EAX,QWORD PTR DS:[RDX+12]                                                        |
00000001410F9F35 | 8947 30                           | MOV DWORD PTR DS:[RDI+30],EAX                                                        |
00000001410F9F38 | 3BC1                              | CMP EAX,ECX                                                                          |
00000001410F9F3A | 7E 09                             | JLE stray-win64-shipping1.1410F9F45                                                  |
00000001410F9F3C | 48:8D4F 28                        | LEA RCX,QWORD PTR DS:[RDI+28]                                                        |
00000001410F9F40 | E8 4BE174FF                       | CALL stray-win64-shipping1.140848090                                                 |
00000001410F9F45 | 48:8B4F 28                        | MOV RCX,QWORD PTR DS:[RDI+28]                                                        |
00000001410F9F49 | 0F1005 088EBE02                   | MOVUPS XMM0,XMMWORD PTR DS:[143CE2D58]                                               | 0000000143CE2D58:L"Enable Torchlight"
00000001410F9F50 | 0F1101                            | MOVUPS XMMWORD PTR DS:[RCX],XMM0                                                     |
00000001410F9F53 | 0F100D 0E8EBE02                   | MOVUPS XMM1,XMMWORD PTR DS:[143CE2D68]                                               | 0000000143CE2D68:L"orchlight"
00000001410F9F5A | 0F1149 10                         | MOVUPS XMMWORD PTR DS:[RCX+10],XMM1                                                  |
00000001410F9F5E | 8B05 148EBE02                     | MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[143CE2D78]                                                     |
00000001410F9F64 | 8941 20                           | MOV DWORD PTR DS:[RCX+20],EAX                                                        |
00000001410F9F67 | EB 75                             | JMP stray-win64-shipping1.1410F9FDE                                                  |
00000001410F9F69 | B2 01                             | MOV DL,1                                                                             |
00000001410F9F6B | E8 F040FDFF                       | CALL stray-win64-shipping1.1410CE060                                                 |
00000001410F9F70 | 48:8D05 B98DBE02                  | LEA RAX,QWORD PTR DS:[143CE2D30]                                                     | rax:EntryPoint, 0000000143CE2D30:L"Disable Torchlight"
00000001410F9F77 | 48:3947 28                        | CMP QWORD PTR DS:[RDI+28],RAX                                                        | rax:EntryPoint
00000001410F9F7B | 74 61                             | JE stray-win64-shipping1.1410F9FDE                                                   |
00000001410F9F7D | 8B4F 34                           | MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[RDI+34]                                                        |
00000001410F9F80 | 33D2                              | XOR EDX,EDX                                                                          |
00000001410F9F82 | 8957 30                           | MOV DWORD PTR DS:[RDI+30],EDX                                                        |
00000001410F9F85 | 83F9 13                           | CMP ECX,13                                                                           |
00000001410F9F88 | 74 14                             | JE stray-win64-shipping1.1410F9F9E                                                   |
00000001410F9F8A | BA 13000000                       | MOV EDX,13                                                                           |
00000001410F9F8F | 48:8D4F 28                        | LEA RCX,QWORD PTR DS:[RDI+28]                                                        |
00000001410F9F93 | E8 F8E574FF                       | CALL stray-win64-shipping1.140848590                                                 |
00000001410F9F98 | 8B57 30                           | MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[RDI+30]                                                        |
00000001410F9F9B | 8B4F 34                           | MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[RDI+34]                                                        |
00000001410F9F9E | 8D42 13                           | LEA EAX,QWORD PTR DS:[RDX+13]                                                        |
00000001410F9FA1 | 8947 30                           | MOV DWORD PTR DS:[RDI+30],EAX                                                        |
00000001410F9FA4 | 3BC1                              | CMP EAX,ECX                                                                          |
00000001410F9FA6 | 7E 09                             | JLE stray-win64-shipping1.1410F9FB1                                                  |
00000001410F9FA8 | 48:8D4F 28                        | LEA RCX,QWORD PTR DS:[RDI+28]                                                        |
00000001410F9FAC | E8 DFE074FF                       | CALL stray-win64-shipping1.140848090                                                 |
00000001410F9FB1 | 48:8B4F 28                        | MOV RCX,QWORD PTR DS:[RDI+28]                                                        |
00000001410F9FB5 | 0F1005 748DBE02                   | MOVUPS XMM0,XMMWORD PTR DS:[143CE2D30]                                               | 0000000143CE2D30:L"Disable Torchlight"
00000001410F9FBC | 0F1101                            | MOVUPS XMMWORD PTR DS:[RCX],XMM0                                                     |
00000001410F9FBF | 0F100D 7A8DBE02                   | MOVUPS XMM1,XMMWORD PTR DS:[143CE2D40]                                               | 0000000143CE2D40:L"Torchlight"
00000001410F9FC6 | 0F1149 10                         | MOVUPS XMMWORD PTR DS:[RCX+10],XMM1                                                  |
00000001410F9FCA | 8B05 808DBE02                     | MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[143CE2D50]                                                     | 0000000143CE2D50:L"ht"
00000001410F9FD0 | 8941 20                           | MOV DWORD PTR DS:[RCX+20],EAX                                                        |
00000001410F9FD3 | 0FB705 7A8DBE02                   | MOVZX EAX,WORD PTR DS:[143CE2D54]                                                    |
00000001410F9FDA | 66:8941 24                        | MOV WORD PTR DS:[RCX+24],AX                                                          |
00000001410F9FDE | 48:8B9F D0000000                  | MOV RBX,QWORD PTR DS:[RDI+D0]                                                        |
00000001410F9FE5 | 48:8D5424 40                      | LEA RDX,QWORD PTR SS:[RSP+40]                                                        | rdx:EntryPoint
00000001410F9FEA | 48:895C24 40                      | MOV QWORD PTR SS:[RSP+40],RBX                                                        |
00000001410F9FEF | 48:8D4B 78                        | LEA RCX,QWORD PTR DS:[RBX+78]                                                        |
00000001410F9FF3 | E8 384E7AFF                       | CALL stray-win64-shipping1.14089EE30                                                 |
00000001410F9FF8 | 48:8BBB C0000000                  | MOV RDI,QWORD PTR DS:[RBX+C0]                                                        |
00000001410F9FFF | 48:6383 C8000000                  | MOVSXD RAX,DWORD PTR DS:[RBX+C8]                                                     | rax:EntryPoint
00000001410FA006 | 48:8D1CC7                         | LEA RBX,QWORD PTR DS:[RDI+RAX*8]                                                     |
00000001410FA00A | 48:3BFB                           | CMP RDI,RBX                                                                          |
00000001410FA00D | 74 12                             | JE stray-win64-shipping1.1410FA021                                                   |
00000001410FA00F | 90                                | NOP                                                                                  |
00000001410FA010 | 48:8B0F                           | MOV RCX,QWORD PTR DS:[RDI]                                                           |
00000001410FA013 | E8 18EAFFFF                       | CALL stray-win64-shipping1.1410F8A30                                                 |
00000001410FA018 | 48:83C7 08                        | ADD RDI,8                                                                            |
00000001410FA01C | 48:3BFB                           | CMP RDI,RBX                                                                          |
00000001410FA01F | 75 EF                             | JNE stray-win64-shipping1.1410FA010                                                  |
00000001410FA021 | 48:8B5C24 30                      | MOV RBX,QWORD PTR SS:[RSP+30]                                                        |
00000001410FA026 | 48:83C4 20                        | ADD RSP,20                                                                           |
00000001410FA02A | 5F                                | POP RDI                                                                              |
00000001410FA02B | C3                                | RET                                                                                  |
So you can call it like this, assuming your __this (rcx) is BP_Drone_C:

Code: Select all

00000001410F9EF0 | 80B8 E1030000 00                  | CMP BYTE PTR DS:[RAX+3E1],0                                                          |
00000001410F9EF7 | 74 70                             | JE stray-win64-shipping1.1410F9F69                                                   |
00000001410F9EF9 | 33D2                              | XOR EDX,EDX                                                                          |
00000001410F9EFB | E8 6041FDFF                       | CALL stray-win64-shipping1.1410CE060                                                 |
00000001410F9F00 | 48:8D05 518EBE02                  | LEA RAX,QWORD PTR DS:[143CE2D58]                                                     | rax:EntryPoint, 0000000143CE2D58:L"Enable Torchlight"
If we call stray-win64-shipping1.1410CE060 = MyFunction, then: MyFunction( 0 ) = Enable; MyFunction( 1 ) = Disable. Or was it the other way around? :)

The normal light is called WeakLight.

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Re: Stray (Initial Release)

Post by SunBeam »

rinmara wrote:
Sat Jul 23, 2022 1:53 am
Do any of the cheats work on the sentinels or is there a plan to add any? I absolutely sucked at the stealth portions and I really want to be able to complete the game under 2 hours even if its by cheating

EDIT: Just thought I should add that I also use a trainer but the god mode or super stealth options on the trainer don't count when it comes to the sentinels, which are the times I need those most
Like this? :)

EDIT: Decided not to post the solution, as CH has been asked to fix their "Invisible" option and they haven't. So me posting this would be just plain spoon-feeding and I'm tired of it.

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