Hello veterans
I tried to hack 'magic find' rate and it failed.
I found that the opcode I got was a generic code, which means it was not specific for 'magic find'.
So I traced what access to that opcode and was to try 'scan for commonalities' to distinguise 'magic find' from other things.
But addresses that access to that opcode were too many(like over 200..) so I couldn't find anything at 'scan for commonalities'.
Any recommendation?..
The game was 'Chronicon' which is based on Gamemaker engine.
Games from Gamemaker are especially hard to hack I think...Hero siege would be one more example..
How to distinquish a certain address that access to the opcode?
Re: How to distinquish a certain address that access to the opcode?
Just a Noobzor here but:
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