Game Name: Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order
Game Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Game Version: v1.0.10.0
Options Required: XP Multiplier
Playing on Origin Launcher
I love this game but I hate how the devs never intended the player to complete the skill tree without replaying several sections of the game over and over again. By the end game, had you naturally progressed through it, you'd be missing ~14 skill points to completely max out the skill tree. It's absurd and it makes no sense.
I've been trying for 3 days now -to no avail- to write a .CT table that I can use as an XP multiplier for Jedi Fallen Order. The game doesn't quantify in numbers how much XP you have at a given time, so I don't know where/how to start. The enemies you defeat earn you XP, as you defeat more enemies the XP bar fills up gradually, when the bar is completely filled you earn a skill point and the bar resets. You use skill points to purchase upgrades and new skills in the skill tree.
I feel like an XP multiplier script would benefit me and a lot of players who enjoy the game; to skip the extra grind and complete the skill tree before the endgame. And yes, I am aware that there are trainers and .CT tables for the game that let you add XP/skill points as you please. I never personally liked those methods and much prefer using an XP multiplier to get the job done. Sure, at the end of the day I'm still cheating, but it feels more dignified somehow lol.
Can anyone help with this??
PS. Newbie, so I might not be aware of how things work around here.
Need XP Multiplier Script for Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order.
Running the game on Origin launcher
[Req] Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order
Re: [Req] Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order
Thank you for your help! I found a script written by TheByteSize, unfortunately it crashes the game. I don't think it's been updated to work with the latest version of the game. Or maybe it doesn't work with the Origin Launcher version of JFO.