Code: Select all
Game Name : Cepheus Protocol
Game Process : CepheusProtocol-Win64-Shipping.exe
Game Release date : 15 May, 2020
CE Version : 7.4
Game Build / Build Id / Date Patch : v1.1.7 / 9005757 / 25 June 2022
Table will auto attach to process Game
2. With a heavy heart, I decided not to continue making this table game. because my PC specs can't play this game.
maybe there is a table maker who wants to make a table for this game.
Guide To Add Unit
Options Cheat Table
- Speed Game
- Fast 5x
- Slow 0.5x
- NOTE : Enabled/Disabled "CTRL+F10 Slow || CTRL+F11 Fast "
- Game Data
- [Don't Chance]
- Local Player
- Show HUD?
- Unlimited Thermal?
- Disable Panning Mouse?
- Show Snappoints?
- Wall Builder Mode?
- Sandbag Builder Mode?
- Keyboard Rotate Mode?
- Landscaping Builder Mode?
- Wire Mode?
- Wire Mode Too Far?
- Can Target Civilians?
- Selective Firing Mode?
- Prioritize Special Infected?
- Show Range Of Fire?
- Civilian AI Frozen?
- Infected AI Frozen?
- Showing Ammo Overlaps?
- Showing Carpet Bomb Zones?
- Auto Debug Population?
- Auto Show Cheat Panel?
- Thermal Vision Max Energy
- Thermal Vision Energy
- Thermal Vision Activation Cost
- Thermal Vision Burn Rate
- Thermal Vision Recharge Rate
- Thermal VisionLoop Interval
- Unit Spawn Drop Area Max Radius
- Unit Spawn Drop Plane Horizontal Offset
- Unit Spawn Drop Plane Height
- Unit Spawn Drop Plane Speed
- Max Game Speed
- Min Game Speed
- Reputation Max
- Reputation Value
- Reputation Tick Value
- Max Wire Length
- Enemy Widget Display Zoom
- Minimum Explosive Weapon Distance
- Carpet Bomb Cooldown
- Mouse Pan Speed Max
- Mouse Pan Speed
- Formation Distance Max
- Formation Distance Min
- Formation Distance
- Camera Zoom Max
- Camera Zoom Min
- Unit Population Capacity
- Current Unit Population
- Default Unit Population Capacity
- Default Horde Unit Population Capacity
- Current Turret Population
- Turret Population Capacity
- Current Tower Population
- Tower Population Capacity
- Current Money
- Current Debt
- Current DNA
- Num Selected Units
- Num Groups
- Prioritize Special Infected Bonus
- Current Preferred Unit Training Duration
- Ammo Box Price
- Carpet Bomb Price
- Flare Price
- Doctrine XP
- Doctrine XP Fo rLevel
- Doctrine XP Needed Per Level Addon
- Doctrine XP Per DNA
- Doctrine Points
- ================================
- Game State
- Time Frozen?
- Unit Training Durations Lv1
- Unit Training Durations Lv2
- Unit Training Durations Lv3
- Unit Training Durations Lv4
- Unit Training Durations Lv5
- Saved Game Time
- Male To Female Soldier Ratio
- Elapsed Time
- Current Hour
- Current Minute
- Current Day
- Morning Hour
- Night Hour
- Free Spawns Limit
- Defense Spawns Limit
- Horde Spawns Limit
- Misc Prices Clear Tree Price
- Ammo Money Costs Pistol
- Ammo Money Costs Assault Rifle
- Ammo Money Costs Shotgun
- Ammo Money Costs Sniper
- Ammo Money Costs SMG
- Ammo Money Costs LMG
- Ammo Money Costs Flame Thrower
- Defensive Structure Prices Mortar
- Defensive Structure Prices Pillbox
- Defensive Structure Prices Sentry Gun
- Defensive Structure Prices Land Mines
- Defensive Structure Prices Perimeter Detection
- Defensive Structure Prices Spot Light
- Grenade Prices Frag
- Grenade Prices Smoke
- Grenade Prices Flashbang
- Grenade Prices Noisemaker
- Grenade Prices Thermal
- Wall Prices T1 Segment
- Wall Prices T1 Repair
- Wall Prices T2 Repair
- Wall Prices T3 Repair
- Wall Prices Sentry Repair
- Wall Prices T2 Upgrade
- Wall Prices T3 Upgrade
- Wall Prices Sentry Upgrade
- Wall Prices Gate Upgrade
- Wall Prices Garrison Upgrade
- Game Instance
- Current Difficulty Data
- Juggernauts Active?
- Juggernaut Start Day
- Juggernaut Incubation Rate
- Juggernaut Health Multiplier
- Leviathans Active?
- .Leviathan Start Day
- Leviathan Incubation Rate
- Leviathan Health Multiplier
- Zone Capture Population Multiplier
- Pod Construction Cooldown Multiplier
- Chelsey Activity Multiplier
- Starting Infected Multiplier
- Horde Countdown Multiplier
- Horde Density Multiplier
- Defense Density Multiplier
- Defense Special Infected Chance Multiplier
- Defense Special Infected Amount Multiplier
- Defense Respawn Rate Multiplier
- Zone Income Multiplier
- Civilian Death Penalty Multiplier
- Time Scale
- Zone Value Upgrade Initial Price
- Zone Value Upgrade Price Modifier
- Zone Value Upgrade Modifier Strength
- Zone Value Upgrade 2 Initial Price
- Zone Value Upgrade 2 Price Modifier
- Zone Value Upgrade 2 Modifier Strength
- Starting Unit Population
- Max Unit Population
- Population Tent Effectiveness
- Civilian Sheltering Income
- Max Waiting Civvies
- Population Tent Initial Price
- Pandemic Startup Setting
- Starting Hour
- Starting Day
- StartingTech Tier
- Starting Money
- Starting Doctrine Points
- Current Difficulty Data
- Zone Manager
- Civilian Count
- Infected Count
- Dead Count
- Evacuated Count
- Spawned Civvies
- Spawned Infected
- Num Infection Zones
- Initial Tower Loop Time
- Tower Loop Time
- Max Towers
- Spitter Horde Chance Per Day
- Blow Up Guy Horde Chance Per Day
- Juggernaut Horde Chance Per Day
- Current Spitter Horde Chance
- Current Blow Up Guy Horde Chance
- Current Juggernaut Horde Chance
- Max Horde Level
- Infected Per Horde Level
- Current Max Horde Infected
- Num Horde Spawned
- Max Horde Infected Increment
- Infected Per Level Per Wave
- Infected Bunch Size
- Max Infected Wave
- Horde Loop Interval
- Current Horde Level
- Current Horde Wave
- Horde Min Time
- Horde Max Time
- Initial Horde Time
- Juggernaut Tokens
- Juggernaut Tokens Max
- Juggernaut Incubation Time Min
- Juggernaut Incubation Time Max
- Juggernaut Horde Attack Chance Per Token
- Juggernaut Horde Attack Chance Per Day
- Juggernaut Horde Attack Chance Repeat Multiplier
- Juggernaut Distress Mode Chance Per Token
- Juggernaut Distress Mode Chance Per Day
- Juggernaut Chelsey Escort Chance Per Token
- Juggernaut Chelsey Escort Chance Per Day
- Juggernaut Chelsey Escort Chance Shredder Rounds Multiplier
- Juggernaut Chelsey Escort Timeout Duration
- Leviathan Tokens
- Leviathan Tokens Max
- Leviathan Incubation Time Min
- Leviathan Incubation Time Max
- Leviathan Chance Multiplier Per Day
- Leviathan Horde Attack Chance Per Token
- Leviathan Horde Attack Chance Per Day
- Leviathan Horde Attack Chance Repeat Multiplier
- Leviathan Chance Per Token
- Leviathan Chance Per Wall
- Leviathan Chance Per Building
- Leviathan Chance Per Turret
- Leviathan Distress Mode Chance Per Token
- Leviathan Distress Mode Chance Per Day
- Player Owned Soldiers
- Player Owned Soldiers Size [Don't Chance]
- Soldier [1]
- Unit Name
- Is Invulnerable?
- Unlimited Ammo?
- CTD - Player Move Speed
- Max Health
- Base Health
- Health
- Attack Multiplier
- Soldier [2]
- Unit Name
- Is Invulnerable?
- Unlimited Ammo?
- CTD - Player Move Speed
- Max Health
- Base Health
- Health
- Attack Multiplier
- Soldier [3]
- Unit Name
- Is Invulnerable?
- Unlimited Ammo?
- CTD - Player Move Speed
- Max Health
- Base Health
- Health
- Attack Multiplier
- Soldier [4]
- Unit Name
- Is Invulnerable?
- Unlimited Ammo?
- CTD - Player Move Speed
- Max Health
- Base Health
- Health
- Attack Multiplier
- Soldier [5]
- Unit Name
- Is Invulnerable?
- Unlimited Ammo?
- CTD - Player Move Speed
- Max Health
- Base Health
- Health
- Attack Multiplier
- Soldier [6]
- Unit Name
- Is Invulnerable?
- Unlimited Ammo?
- CTD - Player Move Speed
- Max Health
- Base Health
- Health
- Attack Multiplier
- Soldier [7]
- Unit Name
- Is Invulnerable?
- Unlimited Ammo?
- CTD - Player Move Speed
- Max Health
- Base Health
- Health
- Attack Multiplier