Sniper Elite 5 [Engine:Asura]

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Sniper Elite 5 [Engine:Asura]

Post by SunBeam »

[ 01 Jun 22 - Hit #3 ]

Kindly DO NOT POST this table on other forums/communities (e.g.: Nexus, OCD). Same as you prefer those places, I prefer FRF, having created these tools specifically for this community. If you want to spread the news and let others enjoy all of this, then please link them to join FRF. I'd also appreciate if you didn't merge my table with other people's without asking for permission up front. Crediting the author does not account for approval. Thank you for respecting my choice!

Updated the table:
  • No Sound After Shot
    With this option you can kiss suppressors good bye :) Any shot you fire won't be heard by anyone. To test this: enable the script, move very close to an idle soldier (make sure they won't turn around to spot you) and shoot at the sky. Don't shoot a piece of ground or object close to the soldier. You will see that there's no reaction from the soldier.
  • Increase Scope Magnification
    This option lets you set the # of magnification levels and the values. Default is 5 levels, set to 4, 8, 10, 16 and 32. Affects binoculars. I don't think you can set more than 5 levels, so be warned. But sure, you can play with the level values and set them as you see fit ;)

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[ 29 May 22 - Hit #2 ]

Updated the table:
  • Unlimited Magazine Ammo
    Enable the script and condition status (if infinite ammo or revert to normal) by double-clicking the Status field's value. Want to stop having unlimited magazine ammo, then change Status to Disabled. You do not need to disable the script anymore; leave it active and just control Status (Enabled/Disabled).
  • Unlimited Items
    Enable the script and condition status (if infinite items or revert to normal) by double-clicking the Status field's value. Want to stop having unlimited items, then change Status to Disabled. You do not need to disable the script anymore; leave it active and just control Status (Enabled/Disabled).

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[ 27 May 22 - Hit #1 ]

Game Name: Sniper Elite 5
Game Vendor: Steam
Game Version: 1.01
Game Process: sniper5_dx12.exe
Game File Version: 2022.5.19.4113

Without any further ado..

The table:


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How to use:

1) Run the game till you're at the main menu.

2) Open the table in CE 7.4 and activate the [ Initialize ] script. CE will say it wants to open the game process, click Yes. Wait for a few seconds and, unless the game version hasn't changed, the sub-scripts section will open. If the game version changes, you will be greeted with a warning message. That doesn't mean the table will not work; it just tells you the stuff might not work on the updated version. If [ Initialize ] script doesn't activate (except for people who've never used CE...), only then there's a problem.

3) An explanation of the scripts is provided below.
  • No Stagger God Mode
    Grants you unlimited health and no HUD notification of damage. Player only.
  • Unlimited Clip Ammo
    Grants you unlimited clip ammo. Player only.
  • Unlimited Ammo/Items
    Grants you 999 magazine ammo and items quantity. The number is the devs' choice, not mine :) Player only.
  • Unlimited Stamina/Heart Rate
    Guess. Player only.
  • No Recoil
    Patches a function processing the weapon recoil. Doesn't kill the screen shake/jolt, so that's that. Player only.
  • Super Accuracy
    No spread for the fired bullets. Player only.
  • Disable Scope Sway
    Disables the SNIPER RIFLE's sway (when you right-click to open the scope). Does not work for any other weapon or ALT (C) mode. Suck it up. Player only.
  • Distance Doesn't Affect Shots
    Fire range is increased and bullets hit in the middle of the crosshair/scope. I think it bypasses the bullet drop (you can ignore the marker). Player only.
  • Perfect Stealth
    • Disable Visual Cone Processing (needs to be re-enabled on map reinit)
      Disables visual detection. You will need to re-enable it if you restart level/quick-load/etc.
    • Disable Sound Detection
      Disables sound detection. Any sound you produce (even firing) isn't detected by the enemy.
    • Disable Entity State Updating (like "PlayersOnly" in Unreal Engine 3)
      This will patch out a function so that area triggers don't let entities initialize. What this means is when you enter a zone that's supposed to spawn a truck or set enemies to move on patrol, they will be frozen in place. In Sniper Elite 4 this was great to find soldiers carrying collectibles, in the sense that you'd always find them in their spawn point :)
  • Chams Auto-Tag Enemies On Area Init (disable script to untag/retag)
    Will activate the white overlay around any type of player/enemy, granting you visibility through walls :)
  • Player Coordinates
    Displays the player coordinates (XYZ, MapNS, etc.)
  • Hook Crosshair/Scope Coordinates
    Activate this script, then activate Teleport To Scope Pos script. You will now have these options:
    • Z key - Save current position
    • V key - Teleport to saved position back and forth. One press takes your to saved position. Another press takes you back. Cycling.
    • MouseX1 key - Teleport to scope position. First right-click to point with the scope/crosshair to a location, then press MouseX1 key to teleport there.
    • MouseX2 key - Save scope position. First right-click to point with the scope/crosshair to a location, then press MouseX2 key to store the position.
    The keys are configurable INSIDE THE SCRIPT. How? Please learn how to use CE.
Best regards,

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1

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Re: Sniper Elite 5 [Engine:Asura]

Post by keuler5000 »

Awesome table Thank you sir :)

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Re: Sniper Elite 5 [Engine:Asura]

Post by GrifterxGrim »

Could this work on the game pass version?

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Re: Sniper Elite 5 [Engine:Asura]

Post by wyf36584 »

Thank you SunBeam for sharing this watch, always love the watch made by SunBeam.

Ask if it must be loaded with CE7.4? Does CE7.3 not work?

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Re: Sniper Elite 5 [Engine:Asura]

Post by SunBeam »

GrifterxGrim wrote:
Sat May 28, 2022 12:26 am
Could this work on the game pass version?
It's usually all about the binary (game executable) developers compiled or enveloped for each Store version. I cannot make it work for your Store version, as I DON'T OWN it. I'd have to buy it -OR- someone share their account. Either scenario doesn't make sense to me, as it's both money and time wasted for nothing. Sorry.

wyf36584 wrote:
Sat May 28, 2022 3:33 am
Ask if it must be loaded with CE7.4? Does CE7.3 not work?
I would kindly ask you to test out these curiosities you have, since you have the means to do that. The time you've spent writing your reply could've been the time spent to open CE 7.3 and test the table :)


As it turns out, the various PAID trainer makers out there continue to be PRO at delivering poor quality trainers. Some are still copy-pasting one another; if it's not the same injection spot, it's somewhere around there -OR- derived from it. They will justify that they simply traced from a scanned value (e.g.: ammo count) and that's how they got there. While it may be so, there are OTHER OPTIONS that can't be justified (or at least they will try to justify that with some generic thoughts) which indicates bullshit.

The reason I mentioned the above is very simple: the Invisibility option (and perhaps several others) from this table will soon be used as source of inspiration. How do I know that? Simple:


Am I implying there will be theft? Yes. Even if something constitutes inspiration -- case in point: I opened the table, tested script X, saw what it does, saw the hook spot, figured out how it works, chose a hook spot that's up or down in the code near it or right outside the function to avoid the "hey, you stole my hook" discussions etc. -- it's still THEFT.

Now if "no one gives a fuck", then can you at least stop priding yourselves for being vertical, having a back-bone or insisting you've never ever stolen (in any form, even inspiration) at least once in your lifetime? Cool. Thanks. I rest my case.

In short:
  • paid trainer makers release fast content to please the masses (and to be the FIRST out there)
  • since it's a fast trainer, it will almost always have bugs (ergo poor quality)
  • they will then return later to 'fix' their trainers when feedback is negative (or reported not working)
  • to BUY TIME (cuz they have 1320938012 other games to train) they will use public tables available and "borrow" options
  • suddenly, their broken options will now work and on top of that, like mushroom after rain, they will have NEW OPTIONS
That's the trend I noticed in several years now with the known paid trainer makers. You know who they are.

Let's wait and see how suddenly Invisibility will do what the option in my table does and how No Recoil, Super Accuracy and Chams will be added to their trainers.

28th of May 2022 is the day I wrote this, just for a potential future "I told you so" remark. This is how many options are there today:


I'll be monitoring releases closely.


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Re: Sniper Elite 5 [Engine:Asura]

Post by Rhark »

GrifterxGrim wrote:
Sat May 28, 2022 12:26 am
Could this work on the game pass version?
If you tested it yourself you would have seen that it is indeed working. Why not use intuition and try it yourself before asking? Took me 10 minutes to test the whole table.

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Re: Sniper Elite 5 [Engine:Asura]

Post by ChenKuanLong »

Please update the Tables! Thank you!

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Re: Sniper Elite 5 [Engine:Asura]

Post by SunBeam »

ChenKuanLong wrote:
Sat May 28, 2022 12:44 pm
Please update the Tables! Thank you!
While I understand the game has recently updated from 1.01 to 1.02, the table shows a message:


That doesn't instantly mean the table needs to be updated. No, it means you click OK, then wait till the [ Initialize ] script is done and activates. If the script doesn't get enabled, only then will you go "oh sh$$, table doesn't work anymore".

To report the problem: right-click the script and take a screenshot of the error.

But.. like I said.. the table works fine at this point in time. I did not test each script, just that [ Initialize ] enables (this one conditions the others' functionality; simply put, if [ Initialize ] doesn't activate, then the sub-scripts won't work). Even so, if you find any malfunctioning, then let me know.

Till then, ta ta.

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Re: Sniper Elite 5 [Engine:Asura]

Post by michaelhost »

I already tested the cheat table it still works after the update, but if you have the time could you check and test the unlimited items one because in my case the item like grenades, bandages, etc still decreases. thanks

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Re: Sniper Elite 5 [Engine:Asura]

Post by SunBeam »

michaelhost wrote:
Sun May 29, 2022 1:37 am
I already tested the cheat table it still works after the update, but if you have the time could you check and test the unlimited items one because in my case the item like grenades, bandages, etc still decreases. thanks
Updated. Check main post.

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Re: Sniper Elite 5 [Engine:Asura]

Post by hekatoncheir »

SunBeam wrote:
Sun May 29, 2022 12:33 pm
michaelhost wrote:
Sun May 29, 2022 1:37 am
I already tested the cheat table it still works after the update, but if you have the time could you check and test the unlimited items one because in my case the item like grenades, bandages, etc still decreases. thanks
Updated. Check main post.
Thanks alot mate. You're a true LEGEND :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Now i understand why sometimes you go the paid route for your trainers when the big so called trainer websites leech off your hard work...

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Re: Sniper Elite 5 [Engine:Asura]

Post by SunBeam »

hekatoncheir wrote:
Mon May 30, 2022 6:56 am
Thanks alot mate. You're a true LEGEND :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Now i understand why sometimes you go the paid route for your trainers when the big so called trainer websites leech off your hard work...
You're welcome, but please keep in mind I don't do this for $.

My Patreon account is solely for donations -AND- my table updates (definition of the word "update": make the table work again; not "add more stuff to it"). More then often people ask me to update my tables (after 6 months, 1-2 years), time at which I'm not playing the game anymore. To compensate for the time I'd invest in making room on my SSD, downloading the game, checking the table, fixing, testing, releasing again.. enter Patreon. The very definition of "time is money". My time, your modicum of money. Of course, all of this is a choice. It will always be a choice you make: want it, fine, you know where to find me; don't want it, find better and everyone's happy :)

Like I mentioned several times already, the first 2-3 updates are going to be on FRF. Till I finish the game. Once I'm done with it, then Patreon is going to be the only means.


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Re: Sniper Elite 5 [Engine:Asura]

Post by caliber1942 »

While I appreciate that we are always in your head, and that everything in the world revolves around you, that nobody is better than you, and that if we do it different, we are doing it wrong, or that you choose our website as an example rather than the other myriad paid trainer sites, and that your tables always work and never have issues, and that FRF trainers are perfect, I just chime in here to warn you that writing to the address (0,1)like you are doing for the visual cone can actually fuck up save games, and also cause the game to crash when you write unwrite to it due to that. I can actually prove it, but I don't fucking care to waste time on it since you won't appreciate it, and are such a overblown headcase that it's just hard to take any back and forth with you for any reason. So let people find out the hard way.

Further, all we've added to our trainer is satchel charges option, which was requested, and fixed the annoying endless reload bug from happening, either with or without any trainer options on.

But I'm sure we couldn't have made our trainer without you, so this is the part where I leave you to save face and find a way to make up for it and troll back. I'll be over here making money and working 10 times harder than everyone else in this business.

Please note that all other trainer makers copied our teleport option for this game, including admitted CH trainer ripper Rhark. I am assuming the satchel options wont be far behind, or already has been copied.

I've worked on 100 times more games than you this week while you are here waving your supposed dick around for this one title. I won't be back to discuss this further, so have at it. Moved on to other things homie.

Hope everyone had a nice Memorial Day weekend. Remember those who served, who are actually better than all of us, including self proclaimed "legends" here.


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Re: Sniper Elite 5 [Engine:Asura]

Post by SunBeam »

caliber1942 wrote:
Wed Jun 01, 2022 12:10 am
The reason CH is in my crosshairs is you've proven several times already you've gotten inspiration from or bluntly copied parts of my work. Why would this time have been any different, given you've gotten reports of options not working? And since you have so many games to train, what makes me think you won't cut corners like you did with other games and use options from my table? It was enough to have discovered it at least once, that I will now drag it along forever and cut you zero slack.

^ That's why I used CH as an example. And because you act almighty and vertical, when we all know CH rips just as much.

Even now you've tested something in my table just to bitch at me that "it crashes the game". How about appreciating the other 99% of the table that works? See.. that's how you are.. finding one little thing and rubbing it in my face.

I don't care about other paid trainers or sites. Just as I can spot you ripping me off, same I can spot them. The reason I went up-front with this title is there are SEVERAL OTHER OPTIONS that are not in your trainer. And people on your board will ask for them. So.. in short time.. magically.. they will be available in your trainer. You can't let your users down, can you? And I surely am not stupid to think that -- having to train all those tons of games you flaunt around every single fucking time, as well as having almost zero time to look at already trainer titles -- you will create these several other options fresh, from scratch. Let's wait and see. I will then necro this topic again just to show you how cheap you are.

"I just chime in here to warn you that writing to the address (0,1)like you are doing for the visual cone can actually fuck up save games, and also cause the game to crash when you write unwrite to it due to that."
I've been using the same method in Sniper Elite 4 and Zombie Army 4 with no issues. But then again, if it's crashing your ass, then set a breakpoint on the hook point of "Disable Sound Detection", exit the function or when it hits > Ctrl+G > [rsp] and place a 0xC3 (ret) at the function appointed by the call above it. Then you won't have the "writing to the address (0,1)" problem. That simple.

Thanks for the sympathetic warning, but we both know why you did this: to emphasize there is something in my table as well that doesn't work. Instead of focusing on your option that was reported not working, you're testing my table? :) Thought you trained a ton shit more games than me and you don't have time for this. But then again, you're slowly proving my point: YOU ARE CHECKING OUT MY WORK :dry: While I should be appreciative or proud you're learning from it, I can't, as we both know why you're inspecting it. Not to make a point that mine also doesn't work (you being the only one who's reported this.. ever..). Well.. to be considerate towards the ONLY person who's complained about features not working in my table, I provided the solution above.

You're the very definition of "if someone slaps you in the face, you slap them back" (rather than turn the other cheek) kind of guy who can't accept criticism enough that he has to point out the dirt in others' yard. Mine or FRF's. In case you didn't get it: don't really see the point in mentioning Rhark, considering he has asked me for approval in anything of mine that he's using. But sure.. anything to shift/divert the reader's attention from the real topic, using the classic "but they do it too" :D :D Pathetic.

"I'll be over here making money and working 10 times harder than everyone else in this business."
Appreciate you have ME to call you out every once in a while, else you wouldn't have a single moment to brag you're this and that. In front of an audience, on a popular forum. But sure, you rock: good money, poor mental health. I don't work trainers for a living, yet I am capable in the (probably) same amount of zero time of producing better content than you do, even if it's for "this one title". So let's leave it at that.

Your last statement has no place in this topic. I wouldn't use a country-specific federal holiday to make a point. This shows how much you care for the meaning of it. Grow up.

Meanwhile I will post MORE QUALITY options for this 1 single game you give a shit about, while you bask in celebrating a holiday for what it isn't.


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Re: Sniper Elite 5 [Engine:Asura]

Post by SunBeam »

Updated: added No Sound After Shot and Increase Scope Magnification scripts.

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