Unlimited Health
Unlimited Action Points
Unlimited Carry Weight
No Cooldown
Unlimited Durability
Unlimited Items
Unlimited Inventory Split
Increase Movement Speed
Selected Character Pointers (after changing attributes or skills, manually spend +1 in-game to save)
Last Item Moved Pointers
Mouseover Item Editor (doesn't save, oh well)
Treat Containers as New fixed
Find Item in New Container (must have lucky charm)
Set Treasure Level fixed
Print Global Variables - <address> <name> (<value>) - use float type
Print Treasure Identifiers - shows ID and name of each item (use to find current item ID labels for the Find Item script)
Is GM Variable under Selected Character Pointers (Item Editor)No Longer Working
Set the variable to 1 to enable Game Master mode
Do a Quick Save with F5 and a Quick Load with F8 so the changes take full effect
You can now right-click on your existing gear and select Manage
When you're done cheating, set the Is GM variable back to 0
Quick Save with F5 and Quick Load with F8 to go back to normal
Warning The Find Item hack will replace a container's contents.
This could probably include quest items, so use with caution!
Maybe find an area with lots of containers and then save the game.
Open all of the containers to make sure they don't contain something important.
Then reload the game and use the hack as you please.
thank you for sharing your table. If you are still playing after the Major update can you share your table. the classic and DE version both have been updated.
If "nothing" is working, I can only assume you have some sort of mods or you're not using DX11, 64-bit like I am. I don't know. If it's only the stat pointer that isn't working, then I can agree with you. I had just assumed it had something to do with me still being on the starter ship and the game not wanting me to have leveled yet.
so i haven't tried everything in this table but changing character attributes, civil, combat, & talent points either through select character or pointer causes crashing.
If "nothing" is working, I can only assume you have some sort of mods or you're not using DX11, 64-bit like I am. I don't know. If it's only the stat pointer that isn't working, then I can agree with you. I had just assumed it had something to do with me still being on the starter ship and the game not wanting me to have leveled yet.
That's basically where I was doing it on, I started the character, and try to see if I can put some early points for dialogue choices, and it just reseted, and yes I did had a few mods running but I doubt it could change just the raw attribute/civil action/talent points.
I think I am running the DX11 64 bit version, at least I think I do. I need to double check on that.
I reinstalled and tested the table from page 1. Good news: almost everything works (amazing table, Zanzer!). However the game somehow protects skills, talents and attributes. Attributes can be forced by setting to a value and locking them in cheat engine. Next levelup spent a point and they are set to that value. Talents and skills you need to edit directly. Spending points under "points pointer" is useless. If the game gives you 1 point you only can spent one on levelup.
I reinstalled and tested the table from page 1. Good news: almost everything works (amazing table, Zanzer!). However the game somehow protects skills, talents and attributes. Attributes can be forced by setting to a value and locking them in cheat engine. Next levelup spent a point and they are set to that value. Talents and skills you need to edit directly. Spending points under "points pointer" is useless. If the game gives you 1 point you only can spent one on levelup.
Are you playing with latest patch? Are you getting any random crashes?
"Find Item in New Container" does not work nor do the "print" options. Yes, Lucky Charm is unlocked. Is there any chance besides getting these to work that also the GM mode could be fixed as well? Thanks for the great table otherwise.
If "nothing" is working, I can only assume you have some sort of mods or you're not using DX11, 64-bit like I am. I don't know. If it's only the stat pointer that isn't working, then I can agree with you. I had just assumed it had something to do with me still being on the starter ship and the game not wanting me to have leveled yet.
Zanzer, thanks for your amazing work!
However, it seems to me the rarity field and item category field under "Find new item in New Container" , and rarity / rarity address under "Last Item Moved in Backpack" are not working.
Is there any chance you might kindly take a look and guide me through how to work on that / update the table?