what is the difference between "Health/Alive/In/Choice/GiftAdult/All Person" and "Health/Alive/In/Choice/Gift/Known/Adult/Tea"?
2 observations when both are checked: 1. people won't die 2. people won't become Adult/元服, or, they become adult but is still stuck to their original birth place; e.g. 真田信村 will become invisible at 户石城 if 户石城 was conqured by other forces before 真田信村 become adult.
One thing curious: is it possible to fully change the position of a character?
For example: to trigger Honnō-ji Incident, it requires the three sons of 织田信长 to be direct subordinates under him. In one of my saves, 织田信雄 has been assigned to be the owner of 二条城. Though I can change his position from 城主 to 家老 and move his living place to 安土城, it seems there is still something wrong and I cannot trigger Honnō-ji Incident.
For the special items (value 5-7), if you already have it, editing its number to 0 leads to a bug: you can still see it in the valuables list in the game, but the quantity is 0. I guess for those valuables >4 there is some internal pointer that ensures it "belongs" to someone. The total number must be exactly 1.
"All info viewable1,0-959/全人物閲覧可/所有的人信息都可查看"
Issue: 1. Right now, not only all people viewable but also friendship max for all. 2. After you uncheck the script all people are still viewable in game.
In 1.0 CT the function was to view all people temporarily, not changing friendship. After you uncheck it in 1.0, the viewalbe people goes back to before you used the script. is it still possible for 1.1?
Keep up the great work!
Found this somewhere (couldn't find the original post, if you found it, please let me know, text is better than image).
This is the equation to calculate attack/defense/etc in battle: [Link]
Thank you very much for "All info Open/Trade/" and the replies in Q16.
For "All character info viewable", can you teach me how the old method in 1.0 CT's work? I am new to CE and CT. Is there a tutorial that I can learn from? If I were able to get the old method back I'll post it here to be included in your CT.
the number in "meditation" seems strange. For example, if meditate at 富士山, this number would go from 8, 32, ... 216, 240, 8, 32,...
what does this number mean?
Is there a way to change directly the days in meditation?