Taiko Risshiden V DX +400

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Re: Taiko Risshiden V DX +315

Post by taikoforfun »

Is Nobutsuna Kamiizumi/上泉信綱 special?
In Battle/Field/Siege - Battle Data, during Battle against Nobutsuna Kamiizumi, his Attack is 142, Defense is 126. Using any other person, being new character or built-in, with whatever edited weapon, title, abilities, the highest attack I can ever get is 129, defense 121.

Is there another hidden data that affects Attack/Defense/Accuracy/Move in battle? I am aware I can simply modify Attack/Defense etc. during battle. However, I am curious if there's some hidden data about the characters that controls this.

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  4. Keep the list.
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Re: Taiko Risshiden V DX +315

Post by taikoforfun »

taikoforfun wrote:
Fri Jun 10, 2022 2:57 pm
Is Nobutsuna Kamiizumi/上泉信綱 special?
In Battle/Field/Siege - Battle Data, during Battle against Nobutsuna Kamiizumi, his Attack is 142, Defense is 126. Using any other person, being new character or built-in, with whatever edited weapon, title, abilities, the highest attack I can ever get is 129, defense 121.

Is there another hidden data that affects Attack/Defense/Accuracy/Move in battle? I am aware I can simply modify Attack/Defense etc. during battle. However, I am curious if there's some hidden data about the characters that controls this.
On Q24: Thank you very much for finding out what's going on and providing the scripts. I wonder if there is a data switch for each character that controls whether he is "THE sword saint". Or, is the Attack/Defense for these four people dynamically generated and there is an "if" statement in the game code entering the battle that only returns true for these four saints (something like if ID==487 then xxx).

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Re: Taiko Risshiden V DX +320

Post by taikoforfun »

Shop - Rice Price Changer - RicePrice/10貫/ShopStock/255/Max Doesn't work
(or did I not understand how it works? "Stock Max" works at the page where the store owner asks how many I want) But the Rice Price never changes. It says error, not all results found.

Is there a script for successful negotiation during buying/selling things? for the minigame of clicking three same glyphs?

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Re: Taiko Risshiden V DX +320

Post by taikoforfun »

In Character Editor - Skill Cards editor - sort by type - can't find Kokki 克己。
This can be found in "sort by number" though

Item/Equips/Unknown - Item Amount Editor - Equipment - Armor - Siyunoyoroi, change 0 to 1 leads to some weird error. In the game in the item display page some categories will be missing, Siyunoyoroi isn't installable, later its value becomes 31 instead of 7? In fact this happens to other items as well.

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Re: Taiko Risshiden V DX +320

Post by taikoforfun »

taikoforfun wrote:
Sat Jun 11, 2022 9:58 am
In Character Editor - Skill Cards editor - sort by type - can't find Kokki 克己。
This can be found in "sort by number" though

Item/Equips/Unknown - Item Amount Editor - Equipment - Armor - Siyunoyoroi, change 0 to 1 leads to some weird error. In the game in the item display page some categories will be missing, Siyunoyoroi isn't installable, later its value becomes 31 instead of 7? In fact this happens to other items as well.
Actaully, Item/Equips/Unknown - Value/price/stats has some kind of bug. After you click this (without even selecting any of the sub items), in the game, when you open items page, some category will be missing, such as medicine.

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Re: Taiko Risshiden V DX +320

Post by taikoforfun »

taikoforfun wrote:
Sat Jun 11, 2022 3:21 pm
taikoforfun wrote:
Sat Jun 11, 2022 9:58 am
In Character Editor - Skill Cards editor - sort by type - can't find Kokki 克己。
This can be found in "sort by number" though

Item/Equips/Unknown - Item Amount Editor - Equipment - Armor - Siyunoyoroi, change 0 to 1 leads to some weird error. In the game in the item display page some categories will be missing, Siyunoyoroi isn't installable, later its value becomes 31 instead of 7? In fact this happens to other items as well.
Actaully, Item/Equips/Unknown - Value/price/stats has some kind of bug. After you click this (without even selecting any of the sub items), in the game, when you open items page, some category will be missing, such as medicine.
Thank you very much for the response and update in Q26. I actually found out that, even without adding new items to the main character, just opening "Item/Equips/Unknown - Value/price/stats" (check the box in front of Value/price/stats, without checking any sub scripts) already make the item list page in the game erroneous (e.g. medicine category missing). Unchecking the box in front of Value/price/stats makes the problem go away.

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Re: Taiko Risshiden V DX +320

Post by taikoforfun »

taikoforfun wrote:
Sat Jun 11, 2022 6:07 am
Shop - Rice Price Changer - RicePrice/10貫/ShopStock/255/Max Doesn't work
(or did I not understand how it works? "Stock Max" works at the page where the store owner asks how many I want) But the Rice Price never changes. It says error, not all results found.

Is there a script for successful negotiation during buying/selling things? for the minigame of clicking three same glyphs?
Thank you for Q25. A minor suggestion is why not let users decide the rice price? Is there a reason to fix it to 10/200/500/1000/2550?

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Re: Taiko Risshiden V DX +320

Post by taikoforfun »

Character editor - Highlight Editor/stats/ability... - Name/Position/Sex/Face doesn't work for new characters

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Re: Taiko Risshiden V DX +320

Post by gahqm »

请问可以更新城战斗那一部份吗???我的情况是海贼打防守战,在 "Siege/攻城战/围困" 显示会错误,显示是城的名字而不是砦的名字,虽然战斗可以继续,但如果之後发动侵攻战时会退出游戏,尝试了数次都是这样。

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Re: Taiko Risshiden V DX +320

Post by gahqm »

謝樓主修改,但我看見 "Field/野戰/野战" (即可單獨改各部隊那個)還是有問題,我修改後上傳,改的東西如下圖。原本的地址是 offset+28*X x=0~4,軍圖長是沒什麼問題喇,因為 0 乘任何數都是 0 ,變相地址沒移位,但其他隊員名字外的屬性會嚴重錯位。



另外,海賊在老家被攻擊時還是老樣子,如下圖,名字會變成 "檜山城" 而不是 "三島之砦" (檜山城在遙遠的北方 :( ),之前我說的 "遊戲會退出" 就想會不會是這裏錯誤所做成。這個在打仗是沒問題,一直玩下去都沒問題,但如果你反叛做頭領後想打其他海賊就會退出遊戲。


細心想想,它能正確顯示出敵我雙方的隊伍,儘管城的名字錯誤(我用 browse this memory region 看內容發覺和 "檜山城" 一樣 :?: ),應該是沒什麼問題才對,這次再一次玩海賊試多次吧。
Taiko Risshiden V DX V9.25.CT
已改好 "Field/野戰/野战" 部份
(2.67 MiB) Downloaded 159 times

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Re: Taiko Risshiden V DX +320

Post by gahqm »

最後証實,海賊防衛戰打完後再侵攻其他海賊是沒問題的,我當時會退出遊戲大概是因為改錯東西中 bug 吧 :o

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Re: Taiko Risshiden V DX +320

Post by taikoforfun »

Just to make sure, this edits the data in memory, not data in saved files, correct? E.g. can it edit the new characters created in the game permanently?

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Re: Taiko Risshiden V DX +320

Post by taikoforfun »

taikoforfun wrote:
Tue Jun 14, 2022 12:54 pm
Just to make sure, this edits the data in memory, not data in saved files, correct? E.g. can it edit the new characters created in the game permanently?
Thank you for your response in Q30. I was asking because I would like to edit the new character's cards. They don't have any (just one or two), and they can't learn beyond the basic ones (they stop learning when reaching level 4 in different categories) (except when you are using a new character as the main character). I can change those in memory but when you have a bunch of new characters in the game...

I could not find the save data editor you mentioned. But anyway, thanks for this awesome memory editor.

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Re: Taiko Risshiden V DX +320

Post by qq00qq00 »

It's not available after 1.1.0 update on Jun. 17th.
Would you please update it? thx a lot.

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Re: Taiko Risshiden V DX +320

Post by taikoforfun »

Edit: ok I finally understood how to resurrect a character. I have a few suggestions, as the way the editor works now is very confusing.

Take 长野业正 (536) for example. Hex is 218.

1. Now my guess is "For UnitID confirm, don't change" is just a list of characters. You can change it, but it won't have any effects. This is kinda confusing because when you input "Taiko5DX.exe+2504F2F+2C*218" into "BaseAddress", the name 长野业正 (536) won't show anywhere. This item "For UnitID confirm, don't change" still shows 0- 青山忠诚。

2. when you input "Taiko5DX.exe+2504F2F+2C*218" into "BaseAddress", its value actually shows "0: Katsuyama/胜山馆". This confused the hell out of me. Again, I am trying to edit 长野业正 (536), not a city; and the name 长野业正 (536) doesn't show up anywhere.

3. "For UnitID confirm, don't change" appears 2 times, one outside of "BaseAddress", one inside "BaseAddress". It makes you think it is important, and it is the only item that shows a character's name in this part of the table (which confusingly is not necessarily the name you want).

4. Even more confusing is that if you input "Taiko5DX.exe+2504F2F+2C*218" into "For UnitID confirm, don't change", it gives you "32768". If I input "Taiko5DX.exe+24F35A4+24*205", which is supposed to be 豊臣秀吉, into "for UnitID confirm, don't change", it gives me 1305: None.
Instead, if you choose 537 in its value, it gives you 7FF765E20020 in the address, when you double click this string, in the pop-up window it shows "Taiko5DX.exe+20=537" - which seems wrong. How could the address be "Taiko5DX.exe+20"?

5. My suggestions are:
a. Change the description "For UnitID confirm, don't change", into "list of characters, only for reference".
b. when you input "Taiko5DX.exe+2504F2F+2C*218" into "BaseAddress", show its name 长野业正 (536) somewhere (for example, in the value field), not "0: Katsuyama/胜山馆".
c. In the FAQ, also mention that by "moving the character to a nearby base, you simply choose it in the "BaseAddress - Base" dropdown list.
Last edited by taikoforfun on Sat Jun 18, 2022 3:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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