thx for the table. I have tried to active the function "Highlight Equip Editor (Use Manage Items Display) Lightweight version" several times, but it didn't work. It showed the massage <<Failure allocating memory near 1C9D5BA02F3>> when I right clicked on the function. The function of consume item Editor is working fine with me. The version I have downloaded is V5.
if u did nothing wrong just check [ ] active the script you need, it will expand another option
ex consume item editor script: ingame go manage items then check [] active, it can make a few second or some error, just repeat again 2-3times, then script success active u will see a list items and count items u have
if error continues and can't active, try restart game not only CE
Hi @Loah26
The script inf mana from the other table works great, but the angel doesn't benefit from the infinity mana ( battle-related), can you look into this and fix this + include in your table
1. to "Have all magic" you need to highlight your troop via CLASS then view the magic to update the address
2. to make monster have all magic, first go to class then view monster..
after that, change "sex and _classCategory to 1 to have all male magic, or 2 to have all female magic..
This will make your monster can change class to human except still treated as monster..
to make it just have all magic for monster (without change to human), just change back "sex" and "_classCategory " to the original value
Can u hack CP? How to edit CP? the value cant find in cheat engine, i already try all byte but not find CP.
My enemy is fear about my CP, cz to high. They fear to attack my base. Kind of boring is just me to attack always.
I think I've met most of your requests and have all the features I want.
As for what I can't do now, I may do it when there are technological advances.
In the meantime, I've re-created the script for those who can't edit Equip and Item.
Also, there were requests for compensation values during battle, so I made it.
However, I think it would be quicker to use the "Get Stronger" script for this.
Thanks for this script, this cheat is very helpful. I wanna ask something.
Why item list on ClassMasteryList (UnitData-Level UnitData-ClassData-ClassMasteryList) is limited to 10?
Can you make it to more than 10? 20 items sounds good.
The reason for this is simply that only [1] through [10] exist.
From there on out, it's supposed to be stored in a different structure, but I have a feeling it's basically broken up into pieces.
I think I've met most of your requests and have all the features I want.
As for what I can't do now, I may do it when there are technological advances.
In the meantime, I've re-created the script for those who can't edit Equip and Item.
Also, there were requests for compensation values during battle, so I made it.
However, I think it would be quicker to use the "Get Stronger" script for this.
Thanks for this script, this cheat is very helpful. I wanna ask something, why item list on ClassMasteryList (UnitData-Level UnitData-ClassData-ClassMasteryList) is limited to 10? Can you make it to more than 10? 20 items sounds good.