Vampire Survivors

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Vampire Survivors

Post by Loah26 »

Vampire Survivors (Steam)

Game Engine: Unknown
Game Version: 0.7.230
Game Update: 9 June
New Contents: First Iteration on Stage5/New Character/New Arcanas/New weapon and evolution

Other Info: I've been updating many of these files and CT in the request thread, but I'll now consolidate them here.

This time the BGM seems to disappear when you put it in debug mode, maybe the author thought it was disturbing.

Q.What can do and edit with this?

Debug mode,Comfortable stats,Unlock Limit Caps,All powerups are 100 coins

N:Get New Arcana
M:Speed Up/Down

To access the beta

Code: Select all

1: Go to your Steam game library.
2: Right click on "Vampire Survivors", then pick "Properties" - Select "Betas" - In the first dropdown box select "public-beta - Public Beta"
3: Click close and wait for the upload to finish downloading, or restart Steam to try forcing the update.
If you encounter file integrity problems

Code: Select all

You can use the following,Vampire Survivors - Properties - LOCAL FILES - Verify integrity of game files

You don't want the game to update?
Then set the steam to offline mode and set the automatic update setting to start only.
PowerUp Selection

Code: Select all

PowerUp,All powerups have been divided into 5 stages and...
damage+50% Armor+5 MaxHP+50% regen+1/sec Cooldown-100% Area+50% Attack Speed+50% Duration+50% Omni+50%
Amount+5 MoveSpeed+50% Magnet+500% Luck+500% Growth+100% Greed+1000% Revival+5times Curse+125%

EX Mode (sixth level)
damage+9999% Armor+9999 MaxHP+9999% regen+9999/sec Cooldown-100% Area+999% Attack Speed+999% Duration+999%
Amount+99 MoveSpeed+999% Magnet+9999% Luck+9999% Growth+999% Greed+9999% Revival+99times Curse+999%

Not intended for play beyond the sixth level.
Minimize the steps...

Code: Select all

1. Replace main.bundle.js in renderer folder.(Debug or Normal mode is a preference.)

2. Replace powerUpLang.json in the assets folder.(You may omit it if you wish.)

3. After that, launch the Vampire Survivors,Refund PowerUps at PowerUp Selection once, and start the game.

4. If there is a problem and you want to revert, take out the unedited files from the Unedited folder.
There is a bug that causes inconsistencies if powerups aren't returned temporarily.

Reason is powerups are different in main.bundle.js. Able to deal with it by doing Refund PowerUps in PowerUp Selection.

Debug mode contents (Specifications differ depending on the version.)

Code: Select all

Menu cheats:
C:add coins(Fluctuating)
R:reset data(Unknown)
U:unlock all(and get a lot of coins,Except for special characters.)

Game cheats:
X:level up(1level)
H:heal(Max HP)
Z:all weapons(and Items)
I:invulnerable(until next play)
T:next minute(1min)
O:game over(excluding revival)
E:max enemies(at the screen)
K:kill enemies(at the screen)
G:Treasure(Jack pot 5treasures,can't skip)
B:Candelabras that create items appear around you
F:Rapid Fire
P:Stop Enemies
N:Get Arcana
M:Speed Up/Down
V:Vacuum(exp only)

Space(not written):select command:LevelUp,MaxEnemies,NextMinute,KillAll,Invulnerable,RecoverHP,GameOver,TreasureLV1+2+3,Vacuum

I have written exactly what is shown on the screen,added the contents in parentheses.
Q1.How to enable debug mode?
Basically, rewrite here, just find the version number and set 2 lines to 0(above and bottom)

Code: Select all

                    const _0x5dfd96 = !0x1,
                    _0x24972b = !0x1,
                    _0x2d6fcd = !0x1,
                    _0x40af04 = 0x1c3e,
                    _0x459626 = 'v0.7.230',

Code: Select all

                    const _0x5dfd96 = !0x0,
                    _0x24972b = !0x1,
                    _0x2d6fcd = !0x1,
                    _0x40af04 = 0x1c3e,
                    _0x459626 = 'V0.7.230 DebugMode'
Q2.Can't I use Cheat Table properly?
The numbers and order in this game change from time to time, and even if the process is correct, it may not show up in a search.

For example, money is only double in the search option ALL.
But it can’t be changed in most cases, sometimes it can be changed suddenly, so I'm not sure.

It's more unusual for HP, Might, etc. to be lined up in regular order, which is why they aren't available.

Therefore much easier to modify the original file than to make use of Cheat tables.
Q3.How to change Weapons and Evolution limit?
Weapon and Items number Cap Unlock

Code: Select all

                            this[_0x34f00e(0x76f)] = 0x6,
                            this['maxPowerUpWeapons'] = 0x6,

Code: Select all

                            this[_0x34f00e(0x76f)] = 0x12,
                            this['maxPowerUpWeapons'] = 0x12,

Evolution Cap Unlock

Code: Select all

                            this['cols'] = 0x6,

Code: Select all

                            this['cols'] = 0x12,

Lift the 10minutes evolution limit

Code: Select all

                            _0x4a5b6d['Core'][_0x38028e(0xc82)] >= 0x258 && this[_0x38028e(0x82c)](_0x4c4f5b[_0x38028e(0x5a6)]),

Code: Select all

                            _0x4a5b6d['Core'][_0x38028e(0xc82)] >= 0x0 && this[_0x38028e(0x82c)](_0x4c4f5b[_0x38028e(0x5a6)]),
Q4.I don't see anything changing?
If the notation seen in the lower right corner hasn't changed in any way, it's a failure.

Basically, the file could have been restored to its original state after being requested to synchronize.

If you really can't help yourself, you must rewrite it manually, in which case, please refer to the changelog.
Q5.I need coins, what should I do?
Entering the Ukey in debug mode will release most of the functions and you will get a lot of coins along the way.
Q6.How can I defeat the Grim Reaper?
1. Start in debug mode.

2. Select Il Molice stage using Poe.

3. First you will be invincible with Ikey, hit Tkey repeatedly and let 15 minutes pass.

4. When you see that the Reaper has reached your hand, use ZKey to become the strongest.

5. Leave it for a while and you have won.

Or there are ways to weaken the reaper.

Code: Select all

                        [_0x2c2823['BOSS_XLSTALKER']]: [{
                                'level': 0x64,
                                'maxHp': 0xffff,
                                'speed': 0x12c,
                                'power': 0x32,
                                'skills': [_0x5db6c7[_0x2588c0(0xa56)]],
                                'res_Freeze': 0x2,
                                'res_Knockback': 0x1,
                                'res_Debuffs': 0x1,
                                'knockback': 0x0,
                                'maxKnockback': 0x0,
This is just an example, but it can be done like this.

Code: Select all

                        [_0x2c2823['BOSS_XLSTALKER']]: [{
                                'level': 0x1,
                                'maxHp': 0x1,
                                'speed': 0x1,
                                'power': 0x1,
                                'skills': [_0x5db6c7[_0x2588c0(0xa56)]],
                                'res_Freeze': 0x1,
                                'res_Knockback': 0x1,
                                'res_Debuffs': 0x1,
                                'knockback': 0x0,
                                'maxKnockback': 0x0,
Q7.How can I change the rate or multiplier of criticals?
Search for critChance or critMul and change it to any value.
The values will not be the same as in the example, as they are set for each weapon.

Code: Select all

                                'critChance': 0.2,
                                'critMul': 0x2
Fox Example

Code: Select all

                                'critChance': 0x1,
                                'critMul': 0x64
Q8.How do i change my saved data?
If the save file in the cloud data is valid, it won't be replaced.

Delete LevelDB and saves folder after backup, replace my LevelDB folder.

You may need to delete the folders several times.

Or use LevelDB viewer to edit saved data.

However, it's a little doubtful that this method is still effective.
How to use LevelDB
Q9.Will this work with the Game Pass version?
I don't know, this is only for Steam, but it could work.
Q10.Is there a tutorial on what is in the zip file?
No more information than QandA, just look at minimize the step and replace the file.
As for manually CT,See the description on that page.Here
My tech has improved a bit, but still this game seems to be tough.

The CT is useless, but i just put it there in case.

Files may not be applied due to frequent requests for cloud synchronization.

If the file is being replaced, there should be a notation that says Debug Mode.

Includes the following files: Debug mode only, Debug mode +, Normal mode +, Text for display
Back up each of them and replace it.

Code: Select all

Steam\steamapps\common\Vampire Survivors\resources\app\.webpack\renderer

Steam\steamapps\common\Vampire Survivors\resources\app\.webpack\renderer\assets\lang

C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\Vampire_Survivors\Local Storage\leveldb (XXX is your PC's name.)

This file contains the following Unedited file,Normal mode,Debug mode,powerUpLang.json,Change logs
All Password(PW) is vs

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
Vampire Survivors
(1.77 MiB) Downloaded 46464 times
Vampire Survivors
(1.66 MiB) Downloaded 3851 times
Vampire Survivors v0.5.209 Debug
(379.62 KiB) Downloaded 948 times
Vampire Survivors V0.5.207
(380.04 KiB) Downloaded 275 times
Vampire Survivors 0.5.205.rar
(1.21 MiB) Downloaded 1458 times
VampireSurvivors Manual.CT
(4.41 KiB) Downloaded 12463 times
Last edited by Loah26 on Sun Jun 12, 2022 4:57 am, edited 8 times in total.

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Re: Vampire Survivors

Post by GuillySoulStar »

Loah26 wrote:
Sun May 08, 2022 6:46 pm
Vampire Survivors (Steam)

Game Engine: Unknown
Game Version: 0.5.205 Early Access
Game Update: May 8
New Contents: 8 new achievements,New coffin in Gallo Tower,New Weapon,2 Weapon Evolutions,2 New Arcanas
Steam Website:
Other Info: I've been updating many of these files and CT in the request thread, but I'll now consolidate them here.

Q.What can do and edit with this?
Debug mode,Comfortable stats,Unlock Limit Caps,All powerups are 100 coins

To access the beta

Code: Select all

1: Go to your Steam game library.
2: Right click on "Vampire Survivors", then pick "Properties" - Select "Betas" - In the first dropdown box select "public-beta - Public Beta"
3: Click close and wait for the upload to finish downloading, or restart Steam to try forcing the update.
If you encounter file integrity problems

Code: Select all

You can use the following,Vampire Survivors - Properties - LOCAL FILES - Verify integrity of game files

You don't want the game to update?
Then set the steam to offline mode and set the automatic update setting to start only.
PowerUp Selection

Code: Select all

PowerUp,All powerups have been divided into 5 stages and...
damage+50% Armor+5 MaxHP+50% regen+1/sec Cooldown-100% Area+50% Attack Speed+50% Duration+50%
Amount+5 MoveSpeed+50% Magnet+500% Luck+500% Growth+100% Greed+1000% Revival+5times Curse+125%

EX Mode (sixth level)
damage+9999% Armor+9999 MaxHP+9999% regen+9999/sec Cooldown-100% Area+999% Attack Speed+999% Duration+999%
Amount+99 MoveSpeed+999% Magnet+9999% Luck+9999% Growth+999% Greed+9999% Revival+99times Curse+999%

Not intended for play beyond the sixth level.
Minimize the steps...

Code: Select all

1. Replace main.bundle.js in renderer folder.(Debug or Normal mode is a preference.)

2. Replace powerUpLang.json in the assets folder.(You may omit it if you wish.)

3. After that, launch the Vampire Survivors,Refund PowerUps at PowerUp Selection once, and start the game.

4. If there is a problem and you want to revert, take out the unedited files from the Unedited folder.
There is a bug that causes inconsistencies if powerups aren't returned temporarily.
Reason is powerups are different in main.bundle.js. Able to deal with it by doing Refund PowerUps in PowerUp Selection.

Debug mode contents (Specifications differ depending on the version.)

Code: Select all

Menu cheats:
C:add coins(Fluctuating)
R:reset data(Unknown)
U:unlock all(and get a lot of coins,Except for special characters.)

Game cheats:
X:level up(1level)
H:heal(Max HP)
Z:all weapons(and Items)
I:invulnerable(until next play)
T:next minute(1min)
O:game over(excluding revival)
E:max enemies(at the screen)
K:kill enemies(at the screen)
G:Treasure(Jack pot 5treasures,can't skip)
B:Candelabras that create items appear around you
F:Rapid Fire
P:Stop Enemies
N:Single Treasure
V:Vacuum(exp only)

Space(not written):select command:LevelUp,MaxEnemies,NextMinute,KillAll,Invulnerable,RecoverHP,GameOver,TreasureLV1+2+3,Vacuum

I have written exactly what is shown on the screen,added the contents in parentheses.
Q1.How to enable debug mode?
Basically, rewrite here, just find the version number and set 2 lines to 0(above and bottom)

Code: Select all

                    const _0x58698f = !0x1,
                    _0x273b5a = !0x1,
                    _0x99e0eb = !0x1,
                    _0x487ae3 = 0x13f1,
                    _0x1be92e = 'v0.5.105 - EA',

Code: Select all

                    const _0x58698f = !0x0,
                    _0x273b5a = !0x1,
                    _0x99e0eb = !0x1,
                    _0x487ae3 = 0x13f1,
                    _0x1be92e = 0x0,
Q2.Can't I use Cheat Table properly?
The numbers and order in this game change from time to time, and even if the process is correct, it may not show up in a search.

For example, money is only double in the search option ALL.
But it can’t be changed in most cases, sometimes it can be changed suddenly, so I'm not sure.

It's more unusual for HP, Might, etc. to be lined up in regular order, which is why they aren't available.

Therefore much easier to modify the original file than to make use of Cheat tables.
Q3.How to change Weapons and Evolution limit?
Weapon and Items number Cap Unlock

Code: Select all

                            this[_0x320d52(0x236)] = 0x6,
                            this[_0x320d52(0x786)] = 0x6,

Code: Select all

                            this[_0x320d52(0x236)] = 0x12,
                            this[_0x320d52(0x786)] = 0x12,

Evolution Cap Unlock

Code: Select all

                            this[_0xb63f53(0x534)] = 0x6,	

Code: Select all

                            this[_0xb63f53(0x534)] = 0x12,

Lift the 10minutes evolution limit

Code: Select all

                            _0x1ade69[_0x2f876b(0x47a)][_0x2f876b(0x9c3)] >= 0x258 && this['UnlockAchievement'](_0x2a9943[_0x2f876b(0x6c6)]),

Code: Select all

                            _0x1ade69[_0x2f876b(0x47a)][_0x2f876b(0x9c3)] >= 0x0 && this['UnlockAchievement'](_0x2a9943[_0x2f876b(0x6c6)]),
Q4.I don't see anything changing?
If the notation seen in the lower right corner hasn't changed in any way, it's a failure.

Basically, the file could have been restored to its original state after being requested to synchronize.

If you really can't help yourself, you must rewrite it manually, in which case, please refer to the changelog.
Q5.I need coins, what should I do?
Entering the Ukey in debug mode will release most of the functions and you will get a lot of coins along the way.
Q6.How can I defeat the Grim Reaper?
1. Start in debug mode.

2. Select Il Molice stage using Poe.

3. First you will be invincible with Ikey, hit Tkey repeatedly and let 15 minutes pass.

4. When you see that the Reaper has reached your hand, use ZKey to become the strongest.

5. Leave it for a while and you have won.

Or there are ways to weaken the reaper.

Code: Select all

                        [_0x2c2823['BOSS_XLSTALKER']]: [{
                                'level': 0x64,
                                'maxHp': 0xffff,
                                'speed': 0x12c,
                                'power': 0x32,
                                'skills': [_0x5db6c7[_0x2588c0(0xa56)]],
                                'res_Freeze': 0x2,
                                'res_Knockback': 0x1,
                                'res_Debuffs': 0x1,
                                'knockback': 0x0,
                                'maxKnockback': 0x0,
This is just an example, but it can be done like this.

Code: Select all

                        [_0x2c2823['BOSS_XLSTALKER']]: [{
                                'level': 0x1,
                                'maxHp': 0x1,
                                'speed': 0x1,
                                'power': 0x1,
                                'skills': [_0x5db6c7[_0x2588c0(0xa56)]],
                                'res_Freeze': 0x1,
                                'res_Knockback': 0x1,
                                'res_Debuffs': 0x1,
                                'knockback': 0x0,
                                'maxKnockback': 0x0,
Q7.How can I change the rate or multiplier of criticals?
Search for critChance or critMul and change it to any value.
The values will not be the same as in the example, as they are set for each weapon.

Code: Select all

                                'critChance': 0.2,
                                'critMul': 0x2
Fox Example

Code: Select all

                                'critChance': 0x1,
                                'critMul': 0x64
Q8.How do i change my saved data?
If the save file in the cloud data is valid, it won't be replaced.

Delete LevelDB and saves folder after backup, replace my LevelDB folder.

You may need to delete the folders several times.

Or use LevelDB viewer to edit saved data.

However, it's a little doubtful that this method is still effective.
How to use LevelDB
As for manually CT,See the description on that page.Here
My tech has improved a bit, but still this game seems to be tough.

The CT is useless, but i just put it there in case.

Files may not be applied due to frequent requests for cloud synchronization.
If the file is being replaced, there should be a notation that says Debug Mode.

Includes the following files: Debug mode only, Debug mode +, Normal mode +, Text for display
Back up each of them and replace it.

Code: Select all

Steam\steamapps\common\Vampire Survivors\resources\app\.webpack\renderer

Steam\steamapps\common\Vampire Survivors\resources\app\.webpack\renderer\assets\lang

C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\Vampire_Survivors\Local Storage\leveldb (XXX is your PC's name.)

This file contains the following Unedited file,Normal mode,Debug mode,powerUpLang.json,Change logs
All Password(PW) is vs
the current version is v0.5.209, and would like to see an easier cheat set up, like a trainer program or somethin

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Re: Vampire Survivors


this work for game preview game pass version?

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Re: Vampire Survivors

Post by epichotsauce »

I understand the CT doesn't work but what do I do with the stuff inside the zip files? Do I put the files somewhere and double click them? Are there any tutorial or instrusctions? Thank you.

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Re: Vampire Survivors

Post by Gimmesum »

With the new update, seems like most of the option for Debug Mode no longer works, the only one that works for me are next minute and freeze the enemies. Currently playing on v0.6.660

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Re: Vampire Survivors

Post by KusanagiRyuuichi »

Updated again, 0.7.2

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Re: Vampire Survivors

Post by bpx »

Add coins and Unlock all
in menu it does give an error

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Re: Vampire Survivors

Post by aeizzan »

Is there an update for the new patch? 0.8

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Re: Vampire Survivors

Post by thejynxed »

aeizzan wrote:
Fri Jul 08, 2022 11:12 am
Is there an update for the new patch? 0.8
The game author refactored almost the entire code of the game, it may take a bit, even the modders over on Nexus have commented on this.

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Re: Vampire Survivors

Post by starfuryzeta »

There is a pinned post on the VS discord outlining the changes needed in the main.bundle.js file to add debug keys back.


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Re: Vampire Survivors

Post by NotAdminKek »

There is an error with the files I guess... it shows this, any idea?

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Re: Vampire Survivors

Post by josh2tk89 »

I've got the same error

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Re: Vampire Survivors

Post by HiroHaro »

NotAdminKek wrote:
Fri Jul 29, 2022 3:57 am
There is an error with the files I guess... it shows this, any idea?
Hi, you need to refund the powerups

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Re: Vampire Survivors

Post by Izune »

Is this working for the last update? The actual it is 0.11.306. :D

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Re: Vampire Survivors

Post by Domar »

Will we get a new version of this now that Vampire Survivors 1.0 is out?

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