Game Name: KeepUp Survival
Game Process: KeepUpSurvival-Win64-Shipping.exe
Game Version: 0.5.4b - 22
Game Engine: Unreal Engine 4.27.20
Game DLL: -
Anti-Cheat: -
Config Folder: C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\KeepUpSurvival\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor
Savegame: C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\KeepUpSurvival\Saved\SaveGames
Mod Folder: KeepUpSurvival\KeepUpSurvival\Content\Paks
Cheat Engine: 7.4 (Dark Mode)
Other Info: Game uses VCRUMTIME for pretty much everything....
-God Mode
-Ghost Mode
-Player Info (Pointer for Health, Stamina and other things)
-Teleport (Scripts for Teleporting)
-LocalPlayer (a lot Pointer)
The Table can also be found in our Discord Server: [Link] If you have any questions or need help feel free to ask there, we have tables for a lot other games as well. How to use the Table
1. Start the Game.
2. Start the Table.
3. If you get asked to execute a lua Script on Table start do it.
4. Activate the "Activation" script (this selects the Game Process and makes the Pointer work).
Sounds like a issue on your end, all scripts rely on unreal engine functions which do not change through any normal game updates.
So as long as the dev did not update the game engine to UE5 or modified the game engine everything should still work just fine.