Planar Conquest (2016-06-03)

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Planar Conquest (2016-06-03)

Post by STN »

Made by Shinkansen

Simple table for Planar Conquest, may or may not work. Game generates code at runtime so table has a high chance of not working / detecting the wrong code / crashing.

Usage info:
Scripts with "To Activate: XXX" can only be activated (put an "X" into the box) after doing action XXX.
Scripts with "To Update: XXX" will only update their effect after doing action XXX.
Addresses with "XXX?" will enable the script effect XXX when 1 is put into the Value.

In general:
A. Do action YYY.
B. Activate (put an X) the "Initialization (Activate This First)" script.
C. Activate (put an X) the "Base Address Scan (To Activate: YYY, To Update: ZZZ)" script.
D. Enable (put a 1) the desired effect. Example: "Set Health to Max?" address.
E. Do action ZZZ.

1. WorldSorcererLord.
"Cast Spell Set to 1 Turn??" sets Cast Spell to 1 turn.

2. WFCity.
"Population Set to Massive?" sets Population to massive.
"Build Set to 1 Turn?" sets Build to 1 turn.
Allows the following to be modfied.
- Many Cities stats.

1. Tested game version V1.3.0. May work on other versions.

2. MMLordCreatorManager.
"Points Set to 9999?" sets points to 9999 when making a custom Lord. If some selections are not selectable, exit and restart the creation process.

3. WorldSorcererLord.
"Stats Set to Massive?" sets Positive Event Chance, Base Power to massive.
"Research Set to 1 Turn?" sets Research to 1 turn.
"Crafting Set to 1 Turn?" sets Crafting to 1 turn.
"Resources Set to Massive?" sets Gold, Negative Energy, Mana to massive.
Allows the following to be modfied.
- Many Lord stats.

How to use this cheat table?
  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
Shinkansen Planar Conquest V1001.CT
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Re: Planar Conquest (2016-06-03)

Post by Csimbi »

Here's a table for 1.4.1a on Steam.
Script gives you:
- Pointers to resources; set and freeze them as you like. Leave the red entry alone.
- Quick train queue; trainings (unit build) complete the next turn.
- Quick build queue; city buildings complete the next turn.
- Quick forge queue; items in the forge complete the next turn.
- Quick cast; spell casting completes the next turn.
- No Unit Mana Upkeep; your units require no mana for upkeep
- No Unit Food Upkeep; your units require no food for upkeep
- No Unit Gold Upkeep; your units require no gold for upkeep

Was made using CE 7.0, which might not be available for a few more days.
Load a game and enable the script, it should work right away.
If it does not, wait a few secs and try enabling it a second time (the mono launch may be slow and cause script to fail).

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