Just an FYI, you don't need to zip up cheat tables. You can add them directly to the post to save people a step of unzipping them (and requiring a password).
Yes i know but my CT goes over the size limmit therfore i compressed it winrar
That's because you have data structures that you used and you didn't delete them before uploading the table. Delete your data structures and save it as a different table than the table you have with the data structures (unless you don't want a backup table containing the data structures, in which case you can just overwrite the table containing the data structures). If I delete the data structures from your table it cuts the file size down from 15,081 KB to 440 KB.
When you post a table to a request thread, make a new topic in tables section instead. If you feel your table doesn't meet the request requirements, either post it in existing table thread if one exists or make a new one anyway.
Write descriptive posts - At the very least, just list the cheats available in the table but ideally, spend some effort into it and give as much information about your table/cheats as you can.
This is the most important - PLEASE REMOVE dissect data structures and keep the cheat table sizes small.
We are on a very limited SSD space and there's no reason tables should be this big with useless structure data.
It's fine if your table is just big but if you can reduce the size, please do.
Do not post the actual tables xml/scripts into posts as code instead upload it as CT.
This just increases database size making it a mess to maintain it and many users don't know what to do with it also.
These aren't really rules but please follow them to keep the forum clean and sustainable.
new update today. many options no longer work. i hope you can find time to update your table. thank you!
Could you please add a ZOOM option for the camera? Local Coop is unplayable because the camera is too close to each person - the 3rd person camera needs to be way back.
I need to be able to advance my sidequest task by 1 checkpoint, or to restart/ go back by 1 checkpoint on a particular sidequest.
even being able to just 'complete' sidequest would help, i have a quest i can't finish due to a bug, and it's blocking 7 quests, 9 characters, and 2 kyber bricks from 100% completion. I'm stuck at 99.63% lmao
sadly, the one who posted the table hasn't posted a single thing since having it mentioned what they needed to do so it wouldn't be big enough to need an archive file. Nor has the archive password ever been posted so it could be unlocked even. So even if the table worked, it's unusable.
hello and thx for sharing ,
unfortunatly , i play xboxgp version , the exe is Paddington.win64-gdk.master.exe and no one table work . i can find normal bricks pointer , but i'm not good enough to find free upgrade or briker pointer . my english is too bad to learn how do good research with CE