How it works:
Start the game and wait until the Main Menu is loaded, then Activate Enable and Activate Dev Mode then press F1 ingame to toggle the dev overlay.
note : the dev menu will set the Wave status to DISABLED, you can change that anytime! just keep that in mind if you start a new game that the Wave counter won't start until you enable it!
happy cheating in the dome
edit: uploaded a new table that allows to toggle the dev mode, because starting a new game with dev-mode enabled will auto. give you some resources.
this update allows you to activate and deactivate it anytime you want ( e.g starting a new game and then activate the dev-mode )
How to use this cheat table?
Install Cheat Engine
Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
Keep the list.
Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
Devs updated the Game-Engine (and Game Name) I made a quick fix for the process name and a new injection spot for Get_Tree().Get_Viewport()
The Dev Menu is even better than before
the updated table can be found at the main post.
note : enabling the debug flag will auto. disable the waves ( also happens if you start a new game with the debug flag enabled ) so just press F1 and toggle the wave disable button if you want to re-enable the timer
Mac user here, it says "<<Error while scanning for AOB's : aobGetScene Error: controller:No readable memory found>>
Lol. ALL tables here are made for Windows - the architecture between Windows and Mac is completly different - its impossible run a windows table for mac
Does not work with 41.3
Will there be an update for the table? Plz?)))
Huge thx in advance.
It does still work - I played with debug menu on 41.3.7 without problems.
If you want any help from anyone here try to be more specific *WHAT* is not working
I have problem with this i see in main screen "Dev mode" but cant open dev menu with "F1" having "pouse" in game. I have version 41.1. Ok its working i have but configuration keyboard logitech